Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2658: Debt collection



The servant's room is in a small villa on the side of the villa's backyard. There are not many servants, and the room is naturally very tidy. Because it is the afternoon when it is busy, there is no one in the room.

The wounds on both arms have been treated. At this moment, Su Nuan was lying on the bed and pulled off her top. The servant saw a bruise on her back and almost knocked over the potion in her hand.

"Miss grandma, are you... something got here, right?"

"...Well. I hit the corner of the table."


"Thank you for helping me rub it with safflower oil, otherwise I will feel uncomfortable."

"……it is good."

The servant nodded, found safflower oil, rubbed her hands to heat it, and said: "Mother, bear with me, it may hurt."

"it is good."

As soon as Su Nuan's voice fell, the servant's warm hands rubbed up behind him, and Su Nuan snorted in pain.

The servant was taken aback, stopped, and asked worriedly: "It's okay, grandma..."

"Don't stop, go on, I'm fine!"

Su Nuan gritted her teeth, and the sound almost came out of her teeth.


Su Nuan buried her head in the pillow, gritted her teeth tightly, covering the paleness of her face.


Xu Jun and Shang went upstairs to change clothes, but couldn't wait for Su Nuan to enter the room.

Standing by the bed, his brows frowned tightly.

Speaking of the Cold War, he may be inferior to Su Nuan by comparison.

For her, this seems to be her specialty,

She has been independent for so many years, except for her mother, it is estimated that all people are dispensable to her,

She doesn't feel too much with her by your side. She doesn't seem to be affected by you if you are not by her side, or if you leave from her side.

This is her,

Also, her most ruthless trick to avenge people is to be as cold as a stranger!

It's just the Cold War now, isn't it her specialty?

Xu Jun and his heart aroused another anger. Today, from beginning to end, she never thought of asking herself for help.

She clearly knew that she was in that store, and she had never even thought about telling her that she was Mrs. Xu even in other people's inquiries.

For the first time I felt that an independent woman was so annoying,

Does she really consider herself a dead person?

Can't wait for Su Nuan to come up and ask him to confess the matter, so he can only go downstairs with anger.

Don't say anything, he didn't bother to take care of her stubborn woman!

The purpose of going downstairs was not to find Su Nuan, but he was naturally uncomfortable without seeing Su Nuan downstairs.

"Master." The servant downstairs greeted him, and Huo Yan stood in the living room.

After the servant left, Xu Junyu looked at Huo Yan and said coldly, "Where is she?"

Huoyan is a little unclear, so, "Young grandma?"

"..." Xu Junyu gave him a fierce look.

Huo Yan tensed her body, "I just saw my young lady enter the villa."

Xu Junyu frowned.

After scanning the entire living room, Su Nuan was still not found.


Su Nuan continued to lie on the servant's bed, her back still hurting fiercely, but it didn't hurt as much as it did at the beginning, and her pale face gradually recovered blood.

Looking at the evening sky outside the window, Su Nuan closed his eyes, then opened them again.

When I closed my eyes, some things that had been in the dust for many years suddenly popped out. After opening my eyes, I thought it would be better, but in fact, the things in the past made her unable to completely let go. It has been so long now Thanks to her contribution, she was able to clean up her world.

Too much time, but she didn’t want to put time on serious things,

If the memories are good, it’s okay, but if you think about the past, you just have to think about it, it’s just that you can’t get through with yourself, and you’ll find abuse for yourself.

Once a person is rational online, he can always control everything.

But the premise is not to touch certain people and things.

For so many years, she has never thought that facing the past again, she still does not care about people and things.

As early as nine years ago, she knew that in this life, she would never meet certain people again.

And what I have been doing is never living alone without any of them.

No one can influence her. She believed that she was a free and easy person.

But now, today, when she meets people from the past again, she knows that she is still too far away from free and easy,

Because she has never been willing, she hates it!

I hate Wang-Min and Qian Junfeng, to the point where I feel vicious.

The things she didn't want to remember most of those scenes and scenes were like movies, which were presented in her mind frame by frame, lingering no matter what, forcibly imprinted in her mind.

Resentment, heartache, unwillingness, all kinds of negative emotions are like weeds, growing wildly in her body,

She even regretted why she had listened to her mother's words and decided to suffer such a frustration.

Why is it so simple to transfer the family the mother has worked so hard to manage to others?

And at that time, why didn't she kill the woman Wang Min?

And the ungrateful Qian Junfeng who abandons his wife and children, why does he want anything? She and her mother must fulfill him?

The more she thinks, the more unwilling, the more resentful, crazy and vicious thoughts flashed through her heart, and then she freezes

She took out her mobile phone and looked at the transfer record in her mobile phone text message. She pressed her lips tightly.

Ten million?

Wang-Min, want to spend 10 million to buy food and clothing for the rest of your life, and the future of your son?

Sorry, I hate you so much, how can I make you wish?

Who is she?

Su Nuan,

A narrow-minded woman with grudges must be reported.

Since you appeared in front of me today and provoked me again, is it a sign that I want to attack you?

Holding the phone tightly, Su Nuan's eyes flashed with determination.

Qian Junfeng, I have to make you pay the price for betraying my mother's choice back then!

The clouds covering the sun suddenly moved away, and the light suddenly came in through the window, stinging Su Nuan's eyes.

She suddenly regained consciousness, and withdrew her eyes,

Qian Junfeng...

Is this necessary to meet him?

Blinking gently, Su Nuan sat up from the bed, stood by the window, looked at the beautifully planned park outside, looked down at the mobile phone in her hand, and her eyes flashed with complexity.

After hesitating again and again, Su Nuan opened the call log and dialed the call...

After the servant kneaded Su Nuan, he went out to work.

When I walked to the living room in the front yard, I just ran into Xu Jun and looking for a young lady. The point was that everyone still didn't know.

Xu Junyu was sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face, the air pressure in the whole living room was a little low.

"Master, grandma..."

She walked over tremblingly, and as soon as she spoke, she saw Xu Junyu suddenly lift her eyes, and stabbed toward him in a gloomy and sharp realization.

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