Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2639: Make him feel bad?

She walked over tremblingly, and as soon as she spoke, she saw Xu Junyu suddenly lift her eyes, sullenly and sharply stabbed straight towards her.

She paused suddenly, and immediately chuckled.

She is scared.

In the past, there was very little time to see the young master. There were a few times when the young master went home and treated them well. After all, I heard that he was a well-known Lianxiangxiyu, so not only her, but some employees of the same age in the family are looking forward to the young master. Every time I go home,

Although the frequency is very small.

Most of the young masters look good at talking, but now, especially recently, since she rarely stays in this house, she realizes that in fact, the young master’s temper is still very bad.

When he glared like this, her first reaction was to be afraid. Wherever she wanted to, this look shouldn't have appeared on Xu Junyu.

After swallowing her saliva with difficulty, she said, "I...I meant to say that the young lady is in the backyard..."

Xu Junyu frowned immediately, and said the servant's words.

"Then... I'll go ahead."

Almost without waiting for Xu Jun to speak, the servant had to retreat and leave soon,

"What is she doing in the backyard?"

Xu Junyu knew that the reaction just now was not quite right, and was silent for a while, then closed his eyes and asked. ,

The servant stopped and heard the obvious change in Xu Junyu's tone, only slightly relieved.

"Young grandma is injured, I just gave her medicine. Now she is still resting in the room."


Xu Junyu's eyebrows darkened instantly, was she really injured?

When she came out of the bathroom, Su Nuan was confronting the woman. As for the process of her injury, he didn't even know if she was really hurt. ,

He thought that she just pulled out a reason to make it difficult for them.

Unexpectedly, it is true.

Xu Jun was lying on the sofa with the whole person, frowning, and did not speak for a long while.


The servant yelled, not knowing whether to leave or stay now.

Xu Jun and "Hmm" did not raise their heads, but directly raised and waved.

When the servant saw this, he nodded and ran away immediately.

Xu Junyu is still lying on the sofa, frowning and tightening,

"You wait a minute!"

The servant who was about to leave the sea of ​​bitterness immediately stopped.

"...Master, do you have any more orders?"

Xu Jun moved slightly with his posture, pretending to be calm and said: "She...wounded...have given her the medicine?"

The servant sighed, "It's done." After she answered, she could see the awkwardness hidden in the young master's words just now. After thinking about it, she said again: "Young grandmother hit her waist, and her back left waist was bruised. It's a big piece."

Xu Junyu changed his posture irritably.

The servant was surprised and immediately said, "But I just rubbed her with safflower potion, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Got it!"

Xu Jun said calmly, obviously full of impatience and irritability.

This time the servant got directly into the kitchen.

Xu Jun sat on the sofa alone with himself, head down, frowning, sitting there with a low pressure.

Wounded, she ran into the servant's room, preferring to let a stranger take care of her, but refused to tell him a word about her being really injured.

cold war?

Think about it carefully, every time the two of them are direct, it seems that he compromises first.

Although almost every time, he is the tough one.

Despite this, how often did she take the initiative to convince him?

This time, again?

Was hurt and made him feel bad?

What about it again?

How can there be such a cheap thing? !

He had been sitting on the sofa for a long while and had already drunk two glasses of water. When he irritably picked up the glass to drink again, he realized that there was no water in the glass.

Putting the cup heavily on the coffee table, the servant who had been waiting by the side immediately shuddered.

Hurriedly went forward to fill Xu Jun and the empty quilt on the coffee table with water,

Xu Junyu stood up from the sofa at this time.

It happened to hit the kettle in the servant's hand.

With a "bang", the kettle suddenly hit the coffee table, bounced and fell to the ground, directly hitting Xu Junyu's feet, and the hot water inside splashed everywhere.

The servant was so scared that he almost knelt on the ground, "Master... are you okay?"

All the servants heard the sound, and when they saw the mess in front of them, they all took a breath.

The steward immediately strode up, came to Xu Junyu and asked anxiously: "Master, are you okay?"

Xu Junyu frowned and looked down at the mess on the ground, as well as his soaked trouser legs and shoes. He did not speak for a while.

This scared the housekeeper, "Master, have you been scalded?"

It is not enough to get burned. He has never had the habit of drinking boiled water. The servants in the family know this, so they usually drink it immediately, which is too hot, but he has just drunk two glasses of water, and the time in between is enough. Let the hot water cool a few more degrees.

It's very hot.

He looked at his embarrassment with a deep eyebrow, and after a long while, he uttered a word.


The servant who got into trouble turned paler, stood tremblingly, apologizing,

The housekeeper gave her a bite, scolded her to stay away, and then said: "Don't you hurry up and ask the doctor?!"

The servant who was scolded had tears on his pale face, and when he heard the housekeeper’s words, he ran out hurriedly,


It didn't take long for Su Nuan's call to be answered, "Hey, Mom, it's me."

Su Man was a little confused, "What's the matter?"

Su Nuan hesitated and said, "I want to see if you are home."

Su Man was skeptical, sitting on his sofa and looking at the wall clock on the wall, frowning, "It's already here! Think about it, should it be? It's already dinner..."

Su Nuan knows that this is a bit euphemistic. In fact, another meaning is that she is stupid. With such a simple question of time and distance, she should deliberately ask?

Su Nuan curled her lips, "Since you are all home, why didn't you call me to inform you, don't you know that I am so worried?"


Su Man knew that he was at a loss, and was a little speechless for a while, "I was too tired to go home. I slept for an afternoon and I forgot when I woke up."

"Excuse." Su Nuan smiled. Only by being with Su Man can she fully become a real her.

Hearing that Su Nuan was acting like a baby with her, Su Man was naturally a little happy.

"Okay! Don't talk to you too much. On the first day of marriage, you have to chat with someone else, don't talk to me! Besides, you are just married, how do you feel that you are now unhappy and what happened?

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