Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2664: chance encounter

Fan Yiwen stared at her closely, and suddenly said, "Nuan Nuan, you won't really fall in love with Xu Junyu, right?"

Su Nuan’s pupils shrank tightly, and his face was unnatural,

Fan Yiwen looked at her like this, looked at her incredulously, and suddenly smiled, "Nuan Nuan, are you kidding me? You only met him for a few days?! You don't know what his behavior is. Who in Fucheng wouldn’t know him? If it wasn’t for his eyes, would you think he would marry you? Su Nuan, I always thought you were very smart and would never give affection casually. But what's the matter with you? It's amazing enough to marry him suddenly, you are about to fall in love with him now?! Su Nuan, aren't you the best at protecting yourself?"

Su Nuan held her palm tightly, her knuckles turned white.

"What's wrong with him? What kind of behavior is he? Any kind of behavior can't get married. What's wrong with someone I fall in love with? Isn't it that I deserve to be dumped by you, and I will live and die for you forever?"

Su Nuan frowned, wondering if it was really angry because of Fan Yiwen's words, or because some of his words happened to hit a point that she cared about most in her heart.

In short, Su Nuan's current mood is extremely bad, and her mood today is already bad, terrible.

God knows why she promised Xu Jun to come to the company with him? !

Is it just to add congestion?

Yes, if that were the case, she would be blocked to death today.

Fan Yiwen looked at her, took a deep breath, then sighed heavily.

"Sorry, I shouldn’t be so loud. But Nuannuan, I know we can’t go back to the past, but after all we have been together for more than half a year, I know you are a good girl, so I don’t want you to do something Irreversible things."

Su Nuan no longer looked at him, and looked up at the elevator in front of him, her voice still irritating, "You don't need to apologize to me! We are not in this relationship for you to say sorry, I say sorry. I am. I have a sense of the matter of my own! Don’t worry, even if I go to the streets to beg and be poor, I won’t beg in front of you!"

Fan Yiwen grew his mouth in surprise, frowning and looking at her, "Nuan Nuan, what are you talking about?! What happened to you today? I was so angry after taking gunpowder. I am not your vengeance... "

Su Nuan was taken aback and looked up and saw Fan Yiwen's surprised face through the mirror on the elevator.

After a long while, she closed her eyes with a tired face, sighed, and bowed her head in silence for a while, then raised her head weakly and said: "If you are my murderer's enemy, maybe I have to thank you very much! "

"what did you say?"

Fan Yiwen actually heard it, but couldn't believe that Su Nuan would say such a thing. He was afraid that he had heard it wrong, so he asked uncertainly.

"It's nothing."

At this moment the elevator reached the top floor, the elevator door opened accordingly, Su Nuan took the lead to go out,

Fan Yiwen walked out, following Su Nuan, and asked anxiously, "Nuan Nuan, what did you mean by just now? What happened to your father and you?"

Su Nuan flashed impatience on her face, walked a few steps quickly, but almost hit someone.

He suddenly raised his head, only to realize that it was Huo Yan. His gaze slid across Fan Yiwen's face and returned to Su Nuan's body, shouting "Young Grandma" in surprise.

Su Nuan's expression gradually turned from a slight surprise to her normal expression, "Huo Yan... why are you here?"

Huo Yan smiled and said, "I'll come up for some breakfast."

Su Nuan nodded suddenly, "Oh, I...I heard there is water here, I want to drink something."

"Does the young lady need me to lead the way?"

"No need. I'll know by myself when I stroll around. You can do your job quickly."

Su Nuan didn't dare to delay others at all, so he waved his hand and refused.

In this company, except for myself, everyone else is busy.

Now even Huoyan, she is embarrassed to delay people's time every minute.

Huo Yan glanced at Fan Yiwen once again, nodded, "Then, grandma, please play with me, I will go down first."

"Okay, you go to work quickly."

The smile on Su Nuan's face was as stiff as it was.

Huo Yan didn't say anything, passing by the two people.

Su Nuan sighed deeply, and instantly put away the smile on her face.

"Do you live this kind of life?"

"..." Su Nuan didn't speak, turned her head and stared at Fan Yiwen who suddenly spoke behind her, as if you were talking about something, just glanced at it, then turned her head and walked in impatiently.

It's quite rich inside, just like a gourmet mall. There are many specialties from all over the country. Each store is independent, as well as dessert shops and water bars.

Obviously, all dessert shops or bakeries are at the corners and edges.

At a glance, you know how much Xu Junyu hates desserts.

Su Nuan couldn’t help but smile, sometimes it’s really easy to understand,

Just enter the water, Su Nuan went directly to the high chair, first ordered a large glass of mineral water, and drank half of it in one breath.

"Stop following me. Thank you for bringing me here."

Looking at Fan Yiwen who sat down next to him, Su Nuan was impatient in both her expression and the tone of speech.

Fan Yiwen narrowed his eyebrows and asked her, "You go to the purchasing department to find me, is there really nothing else?"

Su Nuan frowned slightly, turned to stare at him for a while, and then suddenly chuckled.

"Don't worry. I won't go to your department to make trouble. You are afraid of embarrassment, and I am even more afraid! I am now half the hostess of the Xu family. From now on, this may be mine..."

As she said, she nodded her face and said sarcastically: "My face is now worth more than you. I naturally won't lose my worth, it's so ugly..."

"..." Fan Yiwen didn't say a word, just a gloomy face, looking at Su Nuan without moving.

Su Nuan smiled sarcastically, and said: "Are you feeling very angry and unwilling now? You have worked hard for so long, and no matter how high you are, you can only climb a small construction company that is not well-known outside. On the contrary, you are me. The woman who kicked her, climbed high and climbed up to your top boss? Not reconciled, she has to please me, let alone take me! Tell me, are you suffocated?"

"I haven't thought about it that way. For you, I really feel guilty..."

"...He." Su Nuan stared at Fan Yiwen for a while, then smiled suddenly, sighed, and waved her hand:

"Forget it! It's not a big deal, it's just a failed love! Which woman doesn't meet a few scumbags in this life? We really are not enemies! Without you, I would not necessarily marry Xu Junyu and become The future hostess of such a big company."

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