"Forget it! It's not a big deal, it's just a failed love! Which woman doesn't meet a few scumbags in this life? We really are not enemies! Without you, I would not necessarily marry Xu Junyu and become The future hostess of such a big company."

Fan Yiwen looked at Su Nuan like this, frowning and tightening, "Do you really think so?"

Su Nuan's eyebrows sank, and she turned her head to one side, "That's the truth, I didn't say anything."

"I don't believe you are such a person." Fan Yiwen said vowedly, "How can you become another me if you hate me so much?"


"But since you have become the hostess of this store, you must be prepared to face everything. I believe you also know that the directors of the company are taking advantage of the problem of Xu Zong's eye disease. Not only the people within the company, but also Even the hands of people outside have already stretched in, and it is not so easy to survive the internal troubles."

Su Nuan squeezed her water cup's hand firmly, turned her head slowly, frowning tightly.

Fan Yiwen smiled bitterly, "This is the only thing, you can let you look at me more."

Su Nuan pursed her lips, looked at Fan Yiwen, and said, "What does it mean that people outside also put their hands in? Do you know who it is?"

Fan Yiwen shook his head, "I just heard, to be honest, if I had known it a long time ago, I would have gone to Chairman Xu to ask for credit. Can I wait until now?"

Su Nuan looked at him for a while, and suddenly laughed, "You don't even want to pretend to pretend now."

"It's not necessary. Even you and I have given up. Is there anything I can't do?"

Su Nuan's face paused, and she didn't want to say a word to him, but she continued to say: "Where do you come from? If you check, can you find it?"

Fan Yiwen shrugged, "Of course I can find it, but I think, when I find it, Mr. Xu must have known it already, right?"


Su Nuan pursed her lips and rolled her eyes involuntarily.

Indeed it is.

No matter how blind Xu Jun and his eyes are, there are more than his wrists.

Fan Yiwen looked at Su Nuan without speaking, got up and got up from the chair, "If you don’t dislike it, I can let you know if I get the news. After all... the company’s affairs, Mr. Xu is unlikely to tell you. Right?"

The expression on Su Nuan's face solidified again.

Fan Yiwen turned around and threw another sentence that made Su Nuan's mood drop to the bottom.

"In Mr. Xu's eyes, his woman is the best if she doesn't work. For him, a secretary to Ali is enough."

It's Ellie again!

I had already forgotten about the two of them, but this dead man, he really didn't open the pot or lift the pot!

Su Nuan turned her back to Fan Yiwen, her face was hard to see, and Fan Yiwen couldn’t see it either, but after finishing speaking, she reached out and patted Su Nuan’s shoulder, turned and left, leaving Su Nuan alone, holding her hand After drinking half a cup of water, I asked for another cup!


In the office,

Huo Yan handed Xu Junyu the documents he had investigated.

There was no one in the office at the moment, and Xu Jun and Nature were too lazy to pretend, so they opened the file and looked at it.

Huoyan stood there before leaving, glanced over the office sofa, and saw the dried fruit snacks that barely moved, he was a little surprised.

Isn’t it more complete here than upstairs?

Why does the young lady go upstairs when she is thirsty?

"What are you looking at?"

Xu Junyu looked up after reading the document, but saw Huoyan standing in front of him. Although he was facing him, his head had already turned to the back. This strange posture inevitably made Xu Jun frown.

Why are there so many stinky problems now?

Huo Yan was taken aback, and suddenly turned to look at Xu Junyu. But Xu Junyu leaned back lazily on the chair behind him, with a vague smile on his face, staring at him surly, "You Haven't you seen my office or something?" Xu Junyu looked at a few plates of dried fruits and snacks on the coffee table, and said, "Want to eat?"

"..." Huo Yan had a black line.

Resolutely shook his head.


Where does he have time to eat those things?

"Then what were you just looking at?"

Xu Junyu didn't plan to catch fire, after all, after so many years by his side, there are so many things that can be cared about.

While talking, he straightened up from the chair, picked up the documents on the table again, and looked at it. What he said just now was purely a question.

"It's nothing. I just saw the young lady while having breakfast on the top floor. She said she was thirsty and wanted to drink water, but it seems that there is no shortage of water here."

Hearing Huo Yan mentioning Su Nuan, Xu Jun and this paused, and once again glanced up at the sofa where Su Nuan had been sitting on, his eyes narrowed slightly.

But then raised her eyebrows again, "I was busy just now. She was bored and said she was out for shopping."

As he said, Xu Junyu smiled suddenly, picked up the pen on the table, and planned to sign, "She can find it, and she can find it in places like the top floor."

Huo Yan twitched the corners of her lips, "Miss grandma don't know, right? When I met her, I saw that she appeared with Manager Fan in the purchasing department. I think he should have brought her young grandma."

Xu Jun paused with the pen for signing, and slowly raised his head. At this moment, his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, raising the brow on this side, and asked: "What did you say? Who is she with?"

Huo Yan sighed in his heart and cried out that it was bad.

Sure enough, in front of the young master, you can't relax yourself.

He might have brought unnecessary trouble to the young lady.

"Maybe... maybe they just met by chance?"

Huoyan wants to try his best to make it back, at least not to directly harm young grandma,

Xu Junyu sneered, "It's only a few days now? Do you know how to protect a woman?"

Huo Yan immediately broke into a cold sweat, "That's because she is a young grandmother."

Why is the young master so sensitive to such things every time?

As long as a man approaches the young grandmother, or is slightly biased, he will be listed on the list of rivals?

Isn't it?

Xu Junyu glanced at him coldly, and his subordinates had already picked up the internal phone.

"Hello, the front desk of the purchasing department, who are you looking for?"

"I am Xu Junyu."

"...Hello, Mr. Xu."

"Has anyone been to your floor today?"


The front desk hesitated, the company has so many people coming here every day, the company's internal personnel, and foreign business partners, how do they know who Xu is looking for?

Xu Jun and his violent temper had a faint tendency to come up. He only heard him suppress his anger and added impatiently: "Woman!"

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