Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2682: impossible things

She clenched her fists hard and suppressed the tension in her heart. The expression on her face was neither humble nor overbearing.

She came today but came to help Xu Junyu. She couldn't lose her momentum if she lost anything. Moreover, she gave those people a chance to take advantage of it, and then held on to her. By the way, Xu Jun and a few words... …

She came to help Xu Jun, not to pull him back.


She turned her head and glanced at Xu Jun, who was beside her, her tight lips loosened slightly.

He just said that he was there.

Well, watching him sitting next to her so reliably, she is really not nervous.

Xu Junyu still had an extremely indifferent expression on his face. They sat upright on the chair and suddenly raised their heads. Hearing that those beautiful eyes were blind, they flashed extremely sharp eyes and scanned the huge conference table. Circle,

When the eyes of several people were retracted from Su Nuan, they all happened to see Xu Junyu’s eyes at this moment, and they suddenly pierced in their hearts. They closed their breaths one by one, watching Xu Junyu nervously, their expressions full of doubt and shock. ,

Is this blind man really blind?

This look is really different!

Even Xu Jiahui, who is sitting opposite, is absolutely no less surprised than others.

She stared at Xu Junyu's eyes tightly, her whole body stiffened on the seat, one hand under the table, tightly clasped together, her face still had that cold and inhuman expression, but God knows her How nervous is in my heart at this moment, the hands under the table are shaking so hard.

No one knows her mood at the moment. As a mother, she expects that the only one-ten-thousandth possibility will come true.

Her son is actually fine, without any shortcomings, and his eyes have no problems at all.

She knows this kind of thing, maybe she really thinks too much, it is almost impossible, but who can explain his current situation?

Those eyes are clearly ok.

Obviously it can be the same as before, just a look in the eyes can silence everyone.

Su Nuan sat next to Xu Junyu. Because she was sitting parallel, Su Nuan couldn't see the expression on Xu Junyu's face. She could only see his profile.

So at this moment, Xu Junyu's eyes, she didn't know at all, she just looked at the expressions of some directors who were sitting on the spot, and when they first came in, they seemed to converge too much.

She didn't know why, but she thought, after seeing Xu Junyu, she had a measure in her heart.

After all, even if his eyes can't see, he still has the aura.

Human, sometimes it's just a superficial momentum that determines his unshakable status.

So she didn't know at all, what made these people really worried.

She pursed her lips, but seeing their attitude, she suddenly felt that it was impossible for people like them without her. It could even be said that she did not dare to do anything bad to him, right?

While she was thinking this way, Xu Jun and a hand were already lying horizontally on the edge of the table in front of him. The slender fingers with distinct joints stood on the table. The index finger lifted up and suddenly fell down again, giving a slight slight sound,

Although the sound is very small, it appears very clear in the huge conference room, and there is a sense of oppressive pressure that impacts the nerves of everyone present for no reason.

"Come, raise your hand, who is dissatisfied that I sit in the position of General Manager Xu?"

Xu Junyu leaned on his side, intentionally or unconsciously carrying Su Nuan on his side. A pair of slender legs drew an elegant arc in mid-air, superimposed on each other, lazy and luxurious.

The directors in one room were a little stunned when they heard what Xu Junyu said suddenly. After that, they looked at each other, whispering and wondering what they were talking about.

Xu Jun and his subordinates kept moving. They still watched tapping on the table unhurriedly. They squinted around and knocked on the table suddenly. The sound was much louder than before, but it was only louder. A little bit.

"Why don't I ask..."

Xu Junyu paused, raised his eyebrows, turned his back completely, facing Su Nuan, facing the window of the conference room, looking at the autumnal blue sky outside, his eyes blinked slightly, occasionally glancing At a glance at a different scenery, the mood is quite easy to change,

The eyes are also a lot easier, but the outside light is too strong, which makes his eyes, which he often pretends, a little uncomfortable.

He narrowed his eyes slightly until the slight discomfort in his eyes was relieved, and then slowly spoke.

"Who is worried about me sitting in this position, raise my hand. Then, the shares remain and people leave."



As soon as his words came out, Xu Jiahui’s dissatisfaction immediately aroused,

However, she just frowned tightly, glanced at Xu Junyu, and said nothing.

One hundred percent gave Xu Jun and absolute rights.

All directors are even more dissatisfied after observing Xu Jiahui’s attitude.

"Ms. Xu’s words are serious, right? We are all members of the company. The shares in this company support our whole family. We are all counting on this pot of rice. Your current situation is obvious to all. If it can't bring benefits to the company, and even affect our livelihoods, shouldn't we not worry about it? Why do we have to hand over the shares if we are not at ease? It's too arbitrary!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's not plausible at all, the leader of such a large company is actually a..."

"I have never seen it before, we are all businessmen, and no one wants to take risks... not at all. Can't afford it!"



There was a chattering noise in the conference room for a while.

Xu Junyu just pressed her lips and did not speak. Ai Li, who was standing in front of him, also had a big head. Her eyes stayed on Xu Junyu’s face for a few seconds. She wrinkled slightly when she saw the casual smile on his face. She frowned and looked at Xu Junyu for a long time before she suddenly reacted. She slowly raised her head to look at Su Nuan who was sitting next to him. Su Nuan had already frowned fiercely, and a face appeared easily. With deep anger.

Ai Li's gaze secretly returned to Xu Junyu's face again. Seeing that he was still calm and calm, she looked at Su Nuan, who was clearly on the verge of an outbreak, opened her mouth and closed it slowly.

In her mind, she seemed to know something.

Su Nuan’s temper is easy to see through,

Anyone who has touched her a little bit can tell,

Just like Ellie, to be honest, she didn't know Su Nuan until today, but she had already experienced her quick temper.

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