Just like Ellie, to be honest, she didn't know Su Nuan until today, but she had already experienced her quick temper.

She shivered abruptly.

Once again, he took a deep, deep look at Xu Junyu, and then quickly returned his gaze.

Isn't such a man really scary?

Once, she was like many women, hoping to have a man who understands and understands herself accompany her. That should be something that every woman feels lucky and happy.

But now, she suddenly didn't think so.

It seems a very dangerous thing for a man to understand a woman.

He can use his knowledge of you to control one thing with absolute certainty. It can even be said that the woman who stays next to him can become an object that he can use to achieve a certain purpose anytime and anywhere. In this, There is no risk, as an absolute factor in his plan.

Is this really good?

She couldn't help but sympathize with Su Nuan again, hopefully, she is nervous enough to never find that these things are good.

If you know that all this is a lie...

Su Nuan had no idea what Ellie was thinking at the moment, and now she was **** off by these directors.

In this world, is it really the world of brazen people?

The villain is in power!

Seeing what she said became more and more boundless, she looked at Xu Junyu back and forth several times, but saw that he was always facing her back, without refuting or moving.

She couldn't see his expression, and she didn't know what he was thinking, couldn't she refute their words?

How could he be willing to be suppressed by these people.

But he looked indifferent. Suddenly he saw Xu Jun and Ai Li standing opposite, but he happened to see Ai Li looking at herself helplessly.

She frowned, and her heart became more uncomfortable.

What does this expression mean? Does Xu Junyu really plan to refute these people?

He glanced at Xu Junyu again, his eyes were on the fingers he put on the table, and the movements remained the same, but in her eyes, it became a kind of forced composure.

The whispering in his ears became more and more presumptuous, Su Nuan's temples trembled twice, she suddenly slapped the table and got up from the chair.

"Enough of you guys! I never thought that the scene of the board meeting of the dignified Xu Group is no different from the vegetable market!"

Her words caused the whole chaotic conference room to fall into silence in an instant.

Doubt, exploration, anger, these are the eyes of most people present when they look at Su Nuan.

Then Ai Li was not surprised to see the obvious smile on Xu Junyu's face.

Sure enough, she was right.

After enduring it for so long, I just waited here.

Su Nuan's temper came up, no matter what other people's eyes are, she just said in a brainy tone:

"You rely on company shares to support your whole family, aren't others? Since they are all business people, then you have to earn and lose! You just think about how much profit the company can bring to you every year. You are more happy. Without your emotions, then there will be a loss? It looks like this, it’s not so good, it’s like this, it’s because of the company’s surname Xu, not someone else! If it’s someone else’s, you can’t afford to People who have been kicked out by the company 800 times!"

"The company wants you to coexist with wind and rain. You don't start kicking people when you have something. You have been following the Xu family for so many years. How can you say that you have a little affection? Even if there is no affection, there is a little hypocritical affection, right? It looks much better than you now!"

"If today's situation were to be seen by others, what would others think? Don't think that this is your company when it is profitable! The company's image needs you to support it, not lose it!"

"To put it nicely, the Xu family belongs to everyone. In detail, the company actually belongs to the Xu family, Chairman Xu's, and Mr. Xu! Without them, your family would not have such a comfortable life! Strictly speaking , Chairman Xu and Mr. Xu have the most shares, and they also have enough rights to let some of you go or stay! How can they allow certain directors to block the gate and force the chairman to let the shares! Now Think about it, don’t you think your actions are shameless and ridiculous?"

"This is the stinking problem that the company is accustomed to for some people! They live in other people's homes all the year round, and provide them with delicious and delicious food. In the end, it not only takes it for granted, but also has to make an inch!"

Su Nuan said too much in one breath. She is not a leader, and she has not been a leader for a few days. She just looks at everything in accordance with human nature.

Just coming to the company today, seeing such a shameless scene at the gate has already touched her bottom line. Now that she has heard so many unbelievable comments with her own eyes, she is really angry.

The high-level Xu family with beautiful appearance, ruthless, superficial and outrageous,

So why do these look down on people outside?

Where are these so-called rich, rich, and ordinary people?

Why are the heroines in the constant grievances of rich and powerful people who are suppressed by such selfish and inhumane people, all kinds of arrogantly dislike each other for their noble bloodlines, and burned in the previous life. Gao Xiangcai stepped into their "rich family"?

Today she has seen it again!

Where is the so-called Prince Charming, and what is out of reach? It's all **** nonsense!

Qian Junfeng became a rich man and abandoned his wife.

Later, Sheng Yuchen, who caused Chu Qing's life and death until now, is unknown.

She thought she was unlucky enough in her life and encountered two sufficiently special examples.

Now take a look, where is special?

Be similar!

I think that if you have money, you will always be superior to others.

She is really fed up with these people, why is there so much self-consciousness?

What Su Nuan said in the phone call was not exquisite at all, but the people in the suits and leather shoes on the other side were not necessarily exquisite!

Ai Li opened her mouth wide in surprise. Although she knew she might go crazy, she didn't expect that she would say so much, and she really didn't save any face for the directors present.

Glancing at the faces of the directors around her, she couldn't help but worry again.

These are all human beings. So many people squeezed their heads and wanted to get into the Xu family. There was a certain reason why they were sitting here.

"May I ask this lady, who are you? What qualifications do you have to stand here and say these things?"

In the quiet conference room, someone suddenly asked.

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