Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2695: I wait for you

Xu Junyu also laughed and said, "You should find the answer from you! Anyway, I only found your mouth..."

" have enough!"

"What is enough? Don't you insist on telling me this?"

"Where do I have it?! Is it your own thick-skinned?!"

"Why is it thick? I can't see it. I asked you to feed a few meals. It's so obviously unhappy? Su Xiaonuan, have you forgotten what you said and wrote before marrying me? I'm really worried. Do you think that after I get bored, run away from home to find another man!"

Su Nuan was almost to death by Xu Jun and anger, the more he spoke, the more biased, the more he spoke.

She vigorously ordered chopsticks on the table, quickly picked up a dumpling, and stuffed it into Xu Junyu’s mouth.

"Hey hey hey! Here you are, isn't it just to feed you? What's the big deal?!"

Xu Junyu was caught off guard by being stuffed with dumplings. Don't mention how hot the dumplings just came out of the pot.

Suddenly it was filled with a mouthful, hot Xu Jun and almost jumped up from the chair.

Fortunately, I noticed a little image at this time. I firmly grasped the edge of the table and swallowed dumplings into my stomach.

When he slowed down, tears almost came out of his eyes.

Su Nuan looked at him with a triumphant face, raised her eyebrows, and smiled: "How about it, what stuffing?"

This **** woman!

Xu Junyu frowned tightly, gritted his teeth and said: "Pork and green onions."

"Really? Is it delicious?"

Xu Junyu sat up straight, turned his head to the side, and said "It's delicious."

At this time, Xu Jiahui came over with a plate of dumplings, watching the servants laughing like a fishy cat, then looking at Su Nuan and Xu Junyu, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong, what happened? Is something wrong?"

Su Nuan stiffened slightly, turned to look at Xu Jiahui, and laughed awkwardly, "No, Xu Junyu said dumplings are delicious!"

"Really? It's really rare... Eat more if you taste it!"

"En. I will feed him well!"

Su Nuan nodded heavily.

"Okay, let's have dinner."

"it is good!"

I couldn’t wait to sit next to Xu Jun and Su Nuan. First, Su Nuan poured himself a little garlic juice, sandwiched two dumplings filled with sauerkraut, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Su Nuan nodded again and again, just like this! It's so right!

This garlic juice is absolutely blended!

"Su Xiao Nuan, I'm very hungry."

Seeing Su Nuan’s face of satisfaction, Xu Junyu couldn’t wait.

Moreover, the garlic juice has a very strong fragrance, and it smells quite drooling.

At this moment, Xu Jiahui had already taken a bite and couldn't help but nodded in praise.

"It's really delicious. I have never tried this way of eating..."

Mother’s food is quite picky,

After living for so many years, I haven't eaten the delicacies of mountains and seas. I don't feel much about some food. Now seeing her reaction so much, Xu Junyu is even more curious.

"Su Xiao Nuan..."

"I'm coming!"

Su Nuan picked up a dumpling with pork and green onions and handed it to Xu Junyu's mouth. Xu Junyu did not open his mouth, frowning and said, "I want to eat sauerkraut stuffing, remember to dip me in garlic juice!"

"...You want to eat too?"

Su Nuan was surprised, Xu Jun and eating garlic?

I really didn't think about it!

"How? No?"

"But this tastes great!"

"Leave me alone?"

Su Nuan grinned, changed dumplings filled with sauerkraut, dipped it in garlic juice, and handed it to Xu Junyu's mouth.

Xu Junyu smelled it first, and the smell of garlic juice was really strong, even pungent.

He really didn't want to open his mouth to eat for a while, but he also asked for it just now. In the end, he didn't do it and he opened his mouth and took the dumpling into his mouth.

I chewed hard, and then my frowning brows gradually eased.

Su Nuan also stared at him closely, and after seeing the change in his micro expression, she asked nervously, "How is it?"

Xu Junyu swallowed what was in his mouth, nodded faintly, and said: "You can... come again..."

Su Nuan was suddenly so proud,

Look, the food in her hometown has successfully conquered Xu Junyu's stomach!

So happy, Xu Junyu ordered her again, and she became receptive.

Two of you, I ate one bite at a time. I didn't dislike the smell of garlic anymore. I accidentally ate a lot.

After eating, Xu Junyu regretted it. The garlic smell was delicious at the time, but now suddenly I feel that it is just like that!

It still smells like garlic...


He glanced at Su Nuan, who was helping to clean up the table, with a smile in his eyes.

But it's all within his plan!

Ha ha……

Su Nuan, who was walking toward the kitchen with a plate, suddenly shuddered, and his back felt cold, always feeling that there was a line of sight staring at him.

He stopped and turned around and looked around, and found that there was no one behind him!

She tilted her head and frowned. So, thinking it might be her own illusion, she shook her head and went into the kitchen again.

After finishing everything, Su Nuan went upstairs, only to realize that Xu Junyu had already occupied the bathroom!

She packed her pajamas and sat on the bed waiting for Xu Jun to come out.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement inside!

Su Heating stood up and went to the door of the bathroom, patted the door, "Hey, Xu Junyu, how long will you have to wash? Has the skin been washed down to eight layers?! Hey, Xu Junyu! Talk, you won’t be flooded. Are you dead inside? Xu Junyu! What are you doing..."

"Brush your teeth."

Su Nuan yelled outside for a long time, but Xu Junyu said calmly inside.

Su Nuan was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"Swipe twice is enough! No amount of use...The taste seems to be in the stomach. When the food in the stomach is digested, the taste disappears..."


Su Nuan never waited for Xu Junyu's reply. Not long after, the bathroom door was suddenly opened with force, and Xu Junyu walked out of it with a black face.

Su Nuan watched him down, with only a bath towel around her body, Chi Guo's upper body was fine and firm, and the water droplets on it slipped down from a certain place from time to time, crystal clear seduce others!

Su Nuan quickly shifted his attention and said hurriedly:

"'re not cold! Wear so little?!"

"Why do you take it off after wearing it for a while?"

Take off... take off...

Su Nuan took a sip of water, this guy wouldn't have such a heavy taste, would he?

She ate a lot of garlic tonight!


"You don't have to brush your teeth too many times! Go in and rinse!"

As Xu Junyu said, his hand suddenly touched her shoulder, and he bent slightly closer to her ear and whispered:

"I am waiting for you in bed."

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