Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2696: I seem to forget

"I am waiting for you in bed."

"..." Nima!

Su Nuan was standing at the door of the bathroom like a crash. Xu Junyu patted her on the shoulder with a smile and walked away from her.

Su Nuan gritted her teeth and suddenly didn't want to take a bath!

He was so dirty, he didn't brush his teeth, and his mouth was full of garlic. She saw how he could get his mouth down!

She turned sideways slightly, and wanted to go back, really planning not to wash it!

But as soon as she turned around, feeling the strong smell of garlic in her mouth, she really hesitated!

Although the trick she thought of tonight is indeed a bit detrimental, she can't stand the smell herself!

too big!

It's almost enough, even if she brushes her teeth twice, Xu Junyou should not be able to make her mouth...

Su Nuan walked quickly to the bed, picked up the prepared clothes, gave Xu Jun a fierce look when he put on the quilt, turned around and quickly got into the bathroom.

Xu Junyu lay in the quilt, looking at Su Nuan's back, suddenly laughed in a low voice.

For the sample, if you want to use this loss to recruit him, it also makes him think too simple.

She said she brushed her toothbrush twice, but Su Nuan couldn't help but brush it four or five times, until the smell in her mouth was much less, she was willing to take care of herself all over!

There was a lot of ink in the time. When Xu Junyu came out, he was still lying on the bed, leaning on his side, looking at the bathroom door leisurely.

It really seems to be looking at her!

Su Nuan looked down at her nightdress uncomfortably, tugged, regretting that she had forgotten to prepare a few sets of pajamas, preferably a complete set of long-sleeved and trousers pajamas, covering herself tightly. Yes, look at how he harassed her!

Pulling his pajamas hard again, Su Nuan slowly moved towards the bed!

"finished Wash?"

Su Nuan stiffened, he was already cautious enough, but he didn't expect that he really found it!

"...Ah... it's finished... you... you haven't slept yet?"

Xu Junyu suddenly turned over and faced her again, with beautiful eyebrows and a treacherous smile!

He rubbed against the bed, stretched out his hand and suddenly grasped Su Nuan's wrist!

Su Nuan took a breath of air-conditioning. As expected, Xu Junyu suddenly pulled it onto the bed.

Then he immediately felt a heavy weight on her body, and Su Nuan was crushed by Xu Junyu!

She was so nervous that she didn't even dare to breathe, her eyes closed tightly, she didn't dare to look at him.

"I haven't done the most important things, how can I go to bed so early?"

"..." Su Nuan clasped her hands, put her tightly on her chest, clutching her nervously pounding heart, her small face wrinkled together!

"If you really don't think my taste is heavy, then you can continue to do it!"

It's a state of not giving up your life!

But for a long time, Su Nuan didn't have any action from the Korean drama to get Xu Junyu. When she was puzzled, Xu Junyu suddenly reached out and touched the hair on her temples, and then pulled her out of the bed!

Su Nuan opened his eyes and looked at him suspiciously, but Xu Junyu reached out and grabbed his hair, and then said:

"Go get the hair dryer."

Su Nuan subconsciously looked up at his still wet hair, and instantly understood.

His face turned black instantly!

Really, this person makes people angry all the time!

"What? You still can't wait..."

Before Xu Junyu could finish speaking, Su Nuan quickly jumped out of bed, ran to the dressing table on the side, opened the drawer, and found the hair dryer.

He turned on the electricity obediently, then looked at Xu Junyu and said:

"Ready! Come here."

"Come here!"

Xu Junyu leaned on the bed, an uncle's posture!

Su Nuan gritted her teeth, unplugged the wire, came to the bed, and angrily plugged it in again!

Then he drove the gale directly and handed the hair dryer to Xu Junyu!

After that, he turned to leave by himself, but was held by Xu Junyu, and then sat firmly in his arms by him!

This pose...

Well, Su Nuan didn't really make a fuss!

After being forced to the ground several times by Xu Jun, I am completely used to it!

But he just asked subconsciously, "What are you doing?"

Xu Junyu didn't speak, but Su Nuan felt a big hand picking up her hair, and then the warm wind from the hair dryer blew between her hair!

"..." Su Nuan suddenly stopped talking. Xu Junyu just pressed her back from behind, with slender fingers running between her hair, gentle, focused, and persistent.

Never thought that she would be treated so tenderly by a man in her life!

Never thought that Xu Junyu could really do such heart-wrenching things!

There was silence in the room, only the sound of the fan.

Her hair went from wet and heavy to light and soft after drying. She had never been patient with this kind of thing, and she felt that time passed quickly!

I even thought, if I can, I really hope to continue like this!

But how is this possible?

The sound of the hair dryer suddenly stopped. After hearing the sound of the hair dryer falling on the bedside table, Su Nuan's heart also choked!

Behind Xu Jun and the strand of hair that provoked Su Nuan, they put it on the tip of their nose and smelled it lightly. The soft smell made Su Nuan's head lower, his body stiff, and he dared not move!

"Why is it so quiet?"

Xu Junyu said, holding Su Nuan's hair fluttering on her back with her hands, and placing it on one of her shoulders, revealing her white neck, which was still damp due to being pressed by her hair for a long time. , The scent of shampoo and shower gel are mixed together, coupled with her own body fragrance, it is a unique fragrance that no one will have.

Xu Jun got closer to her and asked Su Nuan carelessly.

"……have nothing to say……"

Su Nuan actually hates herself now, and at this time she becomes a bully.

"Well, there is nothing to say, then let's just do business!"

"...Can you not always do this?"

"What's going on? Don't keep talking about things you think I might understand. There is almost a high probability that I will not understand what you say!"

Su Nuan rolled her eyes, but she felt that she thought he was very gentle and very good just now!

It really can't stand the test!

"Forget it if you don't understand!"

Su Nuan uttered angrily, and the whole person wanted to stand up from Xu Junyu's arms, only to find that he didn't know when she tightly encircled her waist!

Not only did one forcefully fail to stand up, but he fell back into Xu Junyu's arms even harder!

"Huh? Is this a declaration of sovereignty? Well, I forgot, I said today that I will let you go to mine..."

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