Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2732: Undiscovered love

Su Nuan, you are a pig brain!

"What are you thinking about?"

Xu Junyu's hand hooked a handful of water on her chest, and then stroked her.

Su Nuan opened her eyes and looked sideways at Xu Junyu.

The angry look in his little eyes is simply too cute.

Xu Jun hooked her lips, raised her hands and pinched her chin, pressing her lips was a long kiss.

Su Nuan was startled for a moment, and finally slowly closed his eyes, gently catering to Xu Junyu's kiss.

The kiss between the two people didn't have any reason for Guqian. Xu Junyu deliberately slowed down and sometimes teased Su Nuan like a prank, making Su Nuan advance and retreat. They also thought it was fun. The two had fun. Then, Su Nuan laughed occasionally.

It wasn't until the two of them had been playing for a long time, and then calmed down, Su Nuan realized that she was led by Xu Jun and his nose again!

The whole person is bad now!

Then no matter how much Xu Junyou teased, she was angry and didn't intend to ignore him!

"What's your anger? You didn't feel well when you served last night?"

Xu Junyu finally started to face this problem head-on, but the way of opening his mouth was still so sloppy!

Su Nuan snorted, "You are too treacherous! You said yesterday that you are not allowed to touch me!"

Xu Jun frowned, "I only remember that you promised me four times a night last night!"

Su Nuan stared, she felt angry at the thought of this.

I said that when I was crazy!

"But did you really only have four times last night?!"

Xu Junyu touched his chin and shook his head:

"No, it seems only twice..."

Su Heating held up a handful of water and rushed towards Xu Junyu's face!

"Your math was taught by a beggar, right?!"

Xu Junyu smiled and wiped the water on his face, "Really only twice, so you owe me twice! When will you make it up?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?! Yesterday was obviously super!"

"Where? There are really only twice before twelve o'clock."

"..." Su Nuan was silent, and the air was silent.

After a long time, Su Nuan slowly turned around and looked at her incredulously, " did you say?"

Xu Junyu nodded, "Yes, what we said yesterday was yesterday...night, after twelve o'clock, yesterday, but it was past. Then think about it, how many times did we do yesterday?"

"..." The expression on Xu Junyu's words was called Xiaobian!

Su Nuan gritted his teeth and asked him to say that. Can he still think about it?

You don't have to think about the result at all, right? !

Xu Jun put another one!

I'm so mad at her!

Plopping the water in the bathtub, desperately pushing towards Xu Junyu's body!

"Xu Junyu! You are a fox, you know how to count me! Is it fun to play me?!"

Xu Junyu turned his head to avoid the water droplets flying towards him, and reached out to hold her in his arms.

"OK OK!"

Su Nuan struggled, Xu Junyu hugged her tightly, leaned into her ear and said:

"It was so powerful last night, so tempting, and not uncomfortable, why are you so angry?"


Su Nuan choked in her throat, her face flushed with Xu Junyu's words, but her heart was still angry.

Does she mean this? Is she stressing that he is always playing tricks on her? !

She moved her mouth, trying to say something, and finally closed her mouth again.

I can't talk about him, I can't talk about him, OK! !

The last pair of angry eyes glared at Xu Junyu fiercely, grabbed the sides of the bathtub, and planned to leave the bathtub.

As a result, when she stood up, there was a burst of discomfort between her legs and her legs were almost soft. She knew what it felt like. She lowered her head and bit her lip, stabilized her body, and determined not to show a weak side in front of Xu Junyu.


Even before, I still have to build a bit of spine.

What I thought was pretty good, but when I lowered my head and saw the bathtub in front of me, Su Nuan stood still.

Xu Junyu didn't know what was wrong with Su Nuan at first, but when he followed Su Nuan's line of sight, he thought about it for two seconds before reacting.

A few playful smiles appeared in the narrow phoenix eyes. He raised one of his brows and supported the side of the bathtub with one hand, so he looked at her in time.

Su Nuan moved her legs, but just lifted it up, she took it back again.

A face of tangled.

This bathtub is not high, but if it is put on her now...

God knows how strong she felt when she lifted her leg.

last night……

They didn't until this morning...

Biting her lip tightly, after being with Xu Jun, she really found little by little that women are really vulnerable in front of men.

Xu Junyu is to blame for being able to become what she is now!

Angrily in his heart, he was suddenly beaten and hugged in his arms.

Xu Junyu seemed to have seen enough of her embarrassment, got up from the bathtub, hugged Su Nuan and walked out of the bathroom.

Fearing that she would fall, Su Nuan instinctively hugged Xu Junyu's shoulders.

Feeling her white lotus root arms tightly wrapped around her, Xu Junyu's lips curled up slightly.

This little fairy!

To say that she is stupid, she is usually shrewd like a monkey, with a pair of eyes that are smart, and every time she turns her eyes, she knows that she must not think of anything good, and she is smarter than a ghost.

She is said to be smart, but she has an impulsive temperament. If she doesn't believe this or that, she is more emotional than anyone else in the end, and it is most likely to be influenced by emotions.

Everyday, I don't know what she is thinking, but as long as he wants to know, it is the easiest to understand her.

It's not that she is stupid, or smart, it's really... I don't know how to describe her.

However, this kind of occasionally confused temper is fine. Some things, she didn’t notice, but good things...

Well, it couldn't be better.

The petite body was quietly and well-behaved nestled in his arms, and Su Nuan was happy but at ease with the belief that there is no advantage but not for nothing.

She didn't admit defeat anyway!

She still had face, and she didn't let Xu Jun hug her!

Xu Junyu walked straight to the double bed, gently holding her, putting her on top of her, gently and delicately drying the drops of water on her body.

Su Nuan didn't want to pay attention to him, but his gentleness made her feel excited!

Her heart was full and warm, and the anger in her heart was also squeezed out.

Wiping her body clean, pulling the quilt to cover her, a series of actions may be unimaginable for everyone, such an arrogant and dull man can be so gentle to a woman.

Seeing him like this, Su Nuan blushed, and quickly turned her face to the side, knowing that Xu Junyu might not be able to see it, but subconsciously didn't want to show his heartbeat expression in front of Xu Junyu.

Xu Jun and the pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes are also a favorite that he didn't even notice...

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