In Xu Jun and the pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, he did not even notice that he loved them.

If at this moment, there is a mirror in front of him that can make him look up, he will definitely be shocked by the strong emotion in his eyes.

Obviously, in the bottom of his heart, at this time, he has firmly settled in a woman, the kind of woman who occupy his whole body and mind, and can no longer tolerate others!

It's a pity that Xu Junyu now didn't notice it!

This rare feeling was completely ignored by him unconsciously!

Rao is how high his IQ is and how much he has experienced, but there are some things that cannot always be thought through in the first place.

In the eyes of outsiders, things that can't be more obvious, he can see it himself, but he can't see clearly and can't think through...

Seeing her cute reaction, Xu Junyu reached out and stroked her hair.

"Are you still sleeping?"

Su Nuan wrapped the quilt and rolled to the other side of the bed, "I don't sleep anymore. I want to get up..."

"Then you, do you want to go somewhere today?"

Xu Junyu sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the person who had wrapped himself into a bulge, and curled his lips slightly.

Su Nuan sat up from the bed, stared at Xu Junyu for a while, and then shook her head.

"There is no fun place, it's too cold. It's better to stay at home..." she said, paused, and looked up at Xu Junyu, "Will you be bored? Or I will take you out to play Fun too."

Xu Junyu shook his head, "Anyway, wherever I go, it's the same. You're right, it's cold outside, so it's better to stay at home."

"But won't you be bored?"

Xu Junyu stretched out her hand to tear her quilt apart, "With you, it won't be boring anywhere!"

Su Nuan looked at Xu Junyu, her eyes stiff.

Xu Junyu was also a little unclear by her gaze, so,

"Why don't you speak?" He finally couldn't bear it, and asked first.

Su Nuan blinked and murmured: "Xu Jun and..."


Su Nuan opened the quilt and moved a few minutes towards him. She wanted to confirm, does he really love her?

If he says yes, whether it is true or not, she is willing to believe him,

I don’t want to think about it any more, I don’t know the result at all,

She kind of understands why women are so weak or even useless. This is her previous evaluation of women who are trapped by love.

I didn't expect her, it was the same result in the end.

Feelings are really beyond the control of reason.

But just as she approached Xu Junyu, the phone on the bedside rang.

Her expression suddenly stopped, and the expression looking at Xu Junyu also returned.

"I...nothing...I answer the phone..."

Xu Jun and the unknown, then put on the clothes that Su Nuan threw over, "Then you hurry up, I'll go downstairs to see what I prepare for lunch."

"Okay. Then you be careful."


Xu Jun and faintly agreed and walked out.

At the door, you can still hear Su Nuan's phone call.

"Hello, who are you?"

Xu Jun and his eyebrows moved slightly, I don't know whose call it was?

In this era, don’t you know that there are many harassing calls?

Where is such a time and leisure time to deal with them one by one?

It seems that her energy has recovered a lot!

Xu Junyu hooked her lips. Forget it, after tossing her all night, it's time for her to make up.

Xu Jun and went downstairs without stopping,

So I didn't notice that Su Nuan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly turned gloomy not long after she finished speaking.

Holding her phone tightly, she sat up from the bed with a cold face. The air conditioner was turned on in the room, but she was barefoot on the ground, and her feet were still cold.


But she still didn't wear shoes. She stepped barefoot on the floor where she and Xu Jun and slept last night, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window that was also impressive last night.

Every corner of the room seemed to have memories that made her blush and heartbeat, but now, she has no fascinating thoughts.

All my feelings were destroyed by the sound of the phone call.

"Nuan Nuan... are you still there?"

Qian Junfeng's begging voice sounded, and it was particularly harsh in Su Nuan's ears.

Who do you show this tone?

"How did you know my phone number?"

Su Nuan didn’t feel any softness because of Qian Junfeng’s pleasing tone.

Don’t say it’s her father, she’s a junior, don’t criticize her for not knowing what respect is,

He is her father, something she doesn’t want to admit in her entire life and is helpless,

He is her father, the father who abandoned her since childhood,

I want to kill her father.

If she is not her father, she cannot hate him to such an extent as she is now,

An unfamiliar stranger treats her like this, she can understand that he is nervous, can think that he is cruel, can be said that he is abnormal, but is he?

His blood is flowing on her body, he is her biological father, but with this identity, it is impossible to forgive him for what he did to death.

He is now in such a flattering tone, even if he regrets what he did back then, why must she forgive him?


The injury was too deep, and he had completely cut off her ties with him, not a blood relationship would wipe everything out!

It's like the hands and feet in the body. Once cut off, it will never grow out again.

The so-called father and daughter are naturally the same.

Facing Su Nuan's indifference, Qian Junfeng paused, and said:

"Sorry Nuannuan, I asked someone to investigate it a bit, I only want your contact information, nothing else!"

Fearing that Su Nuan was misunderstanding, Qian Junfeng hurriedly followed to explain.

Su Nuan tightened her lips, and a few seconds later, she suddenly laughed coldly.

"Slightly... investigated it?"

"Well, it's true, Nuannuan, I just want to contact you..."

"Qian Junfeng..."

Su Nuan suddenly interrupted Qian Junfeng's words, "Nuan Nuan..."

Qian Junfeng's tone was a little helpless, and it might be unacceptable for his daughter to call himself by name.

Su Nuan didn't care about this, and said coldly: "How long has it been since you drove me and my mother out last time?"

Qian Junfeng paused for a long time, "Nuannuan, Dad knows that I was wrong, I really know that I was wrong, tell me what compensation you want, as long as you speak, Dad will satisfy you, okay?"

"How long?"

What can he satisfy her?

make up?

In this world, what can compensate for the pain he once caused her?

During this period, what did she lose, how could he make it up as soon as he said it could.

Can the lost things come back?

Even if it does, what's the point?

When she was a child, she wanted beautiful dolls and princess dresses. Does she need those now?

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