Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 279: Sudden anger

What do you think?

The familiarity has nothing to do with him, right?

He hurriedly raised his foot to chase Sheng Yuchen, and when the left wing chased him out, Sheng Yuchen stood at the gate of the airport, looking far ahead to the right.

As the left wing looked in the direction, he happened to see the figure of a woman, who seemed to be holding a child in her arms, and got into a nanny car.

Because the child's head was buried in the woman's arms, only a small piece of pink-blue princess skirt was exposed.


Suddenly, the left wing muttered in a low voice in doubt!

That color, like the skirt he just bought for that little girl?

But at this moment, there was a sudden burst of noise behind him, screaming and endless inquiries.

Sheng Yuchen frowned and turned around, only to find that the man surrounded by people was also looking at him.

The pace at Li Yufeng's feet slowed for a few seconds, and the handsome smile on his face became stiff, and finally recovered his speed and walked towards Sheng Yuchen.

Seeing Li Yufeng getting closer, Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes suddenly shrank, his eyes were cold and gloomy, and his tall figure exuded a murderous air!

Li Yufeng stood in front of Sheng Yuchen last, and looked at Sheng Yuchen through dark sunglasses!

The surroundings fell silent for a while, and the atmosphere that had just been elevated gradually settled down.

"Isn't that the CEO of Shengshi Group?"

"what happened?"

Several reporters immersed themselves in speculating that the genes for natural gossip caused them to quickly press the camera shutter at the confronting two.

But without Sheng Yuchen's permission, who would dare to spread the photos easily?

The fans seemed to be shocked by the aura exuding from Sheng Yuchen, and they yearned and feared this man who was a little more handsome than the male **** in their minds.

Actually forgot their instinctive screams.

Seeing Sheng Yuchen's sudden gloomy look, Li Yufeng gently curled his lips, and the corners of his mouth provoked a somewhat triumphant and provocative smile, and then saw him stretch out his white and slender fingers to gently hold the frame of the sunglasses, and move towards Sheng Yuchen nodded, and walked past Sheng Yuchen towards the outside of the airport.

Sheng Yuchen stood there and did not move.

The handsome and cold face twitched slightly, and the veins on his forehead were already violent. I'm afraid there will be a thundering fire in the next second.

And his hand hanging by his side was squeezing the joints and rattling.

The left wing was also extremely shocked by the side. Obviously, he still did not keep up with the boss' thinking at the moment.

That person seems to be a star, and the boss seems to have never met that person. Why is the atmosphere between the two people so strange just now!

Turned around and looked at the mighty group of people, who huddled the man away, and the left wing was messy again!

Isn’t the car they got in the same car they saw just now?

Does the big star have an illegitimate child?

Well, this is not the point, the point is the child that the woman just held in her arms!

But why is the boss so angry at this time?

The left is puzzled.

Damn it!

This world is too fantasy!


When Li Yufeng got into the nanny car, in order to prevent being photographed by reporters, Wang Xue hugged Doudou and turned his back to the car door.

After closing the door, she breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and touched her red eyes, and handed Li Yufeng, who was also crying in her arms, with the rainy pear blossoms.

Li Yufeng took Doudou and found Doudou's big crying eyes!

"what happened?"

Li Yufeng asked distressedly, holding Doudou's face in both hands.

Doudou stretched out his hand to wipe the tears, looking at Li Yufeng's distressed eyes with a pair of big red and swollen eyes, and he thought about the gentleness of his father just now.

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