Doudou stretched out her hand to wipe her tears, and her big red and swollen eyes looked at Li Yufeng's distressed eyes, and she thought about the gentleness of her daddy just now.

However, thinking that her daddy was a complete badass, feeling wronged, a pair of small hands clung to Li Yufeng's neck, wow, crying loudly.

"Doudou, Doudou, what's wrong?"

Seeing his dearest niece crying so pitifully, or even crying so sad for the first time when she grew up, Li Yufeng felt anxious and pained.

Seeing Doudou just crying with her arms around him, without speaking, Li Yufeng could only go to see Wang Xue who was just taking care of Doudou.

"What's up with her?!"

Li Yufeng frowned, his expression unhappy, and his expression when facing Doudou was a 180-degree change.

Wang Xue was frightened by Li Yufeng's sudden questioning, and her eyes were dodgy and afraid to look at Li Yufeng.

When Li Yufeng saw Wang Xue's red and swollen eyes, his face sank.

"Wang Xue, don't tell me, you bullied her!"

Wang Xue shook his head and waved his hands again and again.

"No, I didn't bully her!"

"That is how the matter?"


Wang Xue was frightened by the anger on Li Yufeng's face and shrank again, lowering his head, wishing to shrink out of the car.


Li Yufeng gritted his teeth, eager to take Wang Xue, who had shrunk into a ball of shrimp, directly into his abdomen.

Wang Xue shrank, wiping her tears and closing her eyes, in a pretentious posture, and said loudly:

"I didn't mean it, Doudou wanted to drink water, I went to buy her water, she promised me to sit on a chair, who knew she lied to me, she disappeared when I came back... "

Suddenly there was silence in the car, only Doudou's unstoppable cry was particularly harsh!

The agent and several assistants did not even dare to lift their heads at the moment, silently mourning for the rookie assistant in their hearts.

"what did you say?!"

Sure enough, as expected!

Li Yufeng's gloomy voice sounded every word, even if they didn't look up, they could easily guess how terrifying the expression on Li Yufeng's face was at this moment.

Wang Xue stared at Li Yufeng's clouded face blankly, seeming to be frightened. She stared at Li Yufeng and blinked blankly. Two tears fell from her eyes.

"I... I didn't mean it!"

Knowing that he was also responsible in it, Wang Xue's momentum just disappeared suddenly, and she lowered her head and dared not speak any more. The whole process was like that sudden deflated balloon.


Li Yufeng Qingjun stared at Wang Xue fiercely for a long while, then suddenly shouted heavily.

The driver who was driving was shocked by the sudden order, and the entire car shook greatly.

"Mr. Li, on the overpass now!"

You can't park on the overpass!


Li Yufeng ironed his heart and said gloomily again.

The driver grinned, and glanced at the agent on the co-pilot with a look for help, but saw that the agent looked forward indifferently, and did not intend to pay any attention to him.

The driver had no choice but to slow down a little bit and stopped the car.

"Get down!"

Li Yufeng's hand gently soothed Doudou in his arms, but his voice was as cold as ice.

The hair on Wang Xue's whole body stood up because of Li Yufeng's words, and her eyes stared at Li Yufeng vigilantly, without moving!

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