Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2740: Differential treatment!

With his hands in his pockets, he turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the window through the transparent glass, his face was full of mockery.

Two hundred thousand?

This year, two hundred thousand?

Ha ha?

I don't know if the money is enough for Xu Jun to play with Jing Rui and Lu Zetian all night.

Two hundred thousand?

On the secondary card Xu Junyu gave her, one million or more were credited every month, and now the balance on the card alone is tens of millions.

Is she marrying Xu Junyu, and after marrying into a wealthy family, she doesn't treat money as money?

Even if she had no skills in Su Nuan, she had more than 200,000 deposits since she graduated and worked.

Now, Qian Junfeng actually only used 200,000 yuan to prevaricate her, what did she take her for?


Or, in his eyes, she was really such an idiot, as if she had never seen money, 200,000 wanted her to be grateful, turned and kneeled to lick him?

"This is the price you prove to love me?"

A touch of impatience slipped through Qian Junfeng's eyes, and it was just a flash.

He looked up again, still looking helpless, "Nuan Nuan, Dad loves you not just how much money you can prove..."

"But what should I do? In my case, only fifty million can prove that you love me! Two hundred thousand? Hehe, compared with fifty million, the gap is really not so big..."


"Stop it. In this case, I don't think we need to continue talking."

Su Nuan landed on her heels and was about to get up from her seat, but Qian Junfeng stretched out her arm to grab her.

"Don't touch me!" Su Nuan reacted greatly, and almost instantly threw Qian Junfeng's hand aside.

Because of his excitement, when Qian Junfeng's hand was thrown out, he touched the teacup on the edge of the table. The teacup was knocked over, turned around on the table and rolled to the ground.

The sound of the teacup breaking, once again attracted all the customers and staff in the shop.

"Can't you just look at the occasion? Su Nuan, don't you feel ashamed?"

Su Nuan raised her eyelids to look at him, her eyes full of irony, "Why? Feel ashamed? Am I getting in the way? Is the tea cup overturned because of me? It's really **** close to Zhu, and black to ink. After staying with your **** for a long time, he has become a cheap bone! Go home and ask your little San'er true love and your baby son, what did they do in Fucheng? You can't get out of your family even if you are confident!"

Qian Junfeng frowned and looked at Su Nuan with a puzzled look, "What are you talking about?"

Su Nuan sneered, "You don't know what I'm talking about?" She glanced down at the bank card that was dipped in tea on the table, moved her fingertips, and easily pinched the card in her hand.

She looked at Qian Junfeng, and the corner of her right lip curled up with a ridiculous arc, "Two hundred thousand? Who do you look down on? Qian Junfeng, you are a big man, you are really stingy, not as good as your little wife. generous!"

Qian Junfeng stared at the bank card in Su Nuan's hand, frowned tightly and said, "What do you mean?"

"What? Didn't that **** tell you? Your precious son got into trouble in Fucheng, and the evil destiny of the gods killed me. He compensated me for all the losses, and gave me a thousand in total. Ten thousand!"

Qian Junfeng's eyes instantly stared to the fullest, and he looked at Su Nuan in shock, "What did you say?!"

"What did I say? Do you want me to repeat it again? Okay, no effort, I said, your son has offended me, and your wife has paid me ten million! Did you hear that? Your wife You paid me 10 million! You are now withholding 200,000 yuan to prevaricate me, who do you look down on? Huh?"

Su Nuan watched Qian Junfeng from an unbelievable look to an angry look. There was nothing but irony and ridicule on his face.

"Why? The third wife didn't tell you? Look, it's still a different treatment. You said you want to make up for the injury ten years ago, plus the gap in the ten years, just fifty million to prove that you love me , You want to send me 200,000 yuan. Your son got into trouble, the third wife gave me 10 million, without blinking his eyes. They went out to play, you are so generous, you brought them at least a few thousand Ten thousand yuan in travel expenses? If you just give me tens of millions for fun, you will pay tens of millions. If you don’t have ten millions, you will give me 200,000 yuan? Qian Junfeng, you treat me as a fool What?"

"I... I didn't know she spent 10 million, and I didn't give her that much money..."

"..." Su Nuan lowered her head, stared at him quietly for a long time, and sneered lightly, "Don't pretend to be in front of me... just to make me more convinced that she is your true love in this life. I knew it before and I don’t care now. It doesn’t matter."

"No! I really didn't know that she spent so much money!"

"I don't know? Ten million is not a small sum. You didn't give her that much money. Where did her money come from? Is it possible that she is not raised by other men outside?"

"...She is not that kind of person." Qian Junfeng's face was gloomy, even though he is still so determined now.

Su Nuan sneered, "You are really infatuated. You have not been raised by anyone, and you have not given her so much money. Where did her money come from? Qian Junfeng, your true love has been done behind your back. What is it?"

Qian Junfeng’s face is now ugly to the extreme, his brows are frowned, and he seems to be racking his brains to think about this issue.

Su Nuan didn't have the patience to wait for him to fully understand, and slapped the bank card in his hand in front of Qian Junfeng with a "slap", "Return it to you! Two hundred thousand, I am not rare now. You hold it. Coax your wife and son! It seems that I came out this time for nothing. It proves once again that I am not in your heart. However, it is precisely because of this that I am more determined. The decision. Now you can’t give me fifty million, then in the future, I will get back all the things that belong to me, all that are not lost!"

Su Nuan glanced at Qian Junfeng extremely coldly, turned around, and walked towards the entrance of the store without stopping.

"Nuannuan! Nuannuan..."

Qian Junfeng hadn't completely digested what Su Nuan had just said. Seeing Su Nuan was about to leave, he became anxious again and quickly got up and chased after him.

Su Nuan walked fast, she really didn't want to face Qian Junfeng's disgusting face for a moment, he was really disappointing again and again!

Do not!

Not disappointed! She didn't hold any hope for him from beginning to end. Where was the disappointment?

But it's even more disgusting and disgusting!

As soon as Su Nuan walked out of the store, Qian Junfeng ran after him in stride, blocking Su Nuan!

"Nuan Nuan! Don't go! Dad please... please..."

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