"Nuan Nuan! Don't go! Dad please... please..."

Su Nuan avoided Qian Junfeng with a look of disgust, and turned to look at him with a frown.

"You are asking me again? What are you asking? Qian Junfeng, how about your backbone, how about your cruel heart, aren't they all stiff? You have true love now, your son is here, and you have everything you want. Is there anything I need to ask for? You just feel that your life is so good now, and you forgot that you still owe others the debt!"


"Qian Junfeng, let me tell you, the debt you owe will one day be repaid! You can't get fifty million, and I will let you not get five yuan!"

Qian Junfeng didn’t care about Su Nuan’s words at all. He collected debts from him and couldn’t even get five dollars in the end. These words, just listen to Su Nuan’s current clothes and behavior. Her manners, besides causing some misfortune and causing some unsightly things, what else can she do to make him regret?

At most, when he comes out to help deal with the follow-up, or tolerate her for a while, it’s no big deal.

But that's all for the future. I finally got her out today, and looking at the current situation, if he lets her go, it will be really harder for him to find her in the future.

Seeing the people outside the shop also looked towards them, their expressions were different, some were lively, puzzled, and even disgusted, ambiguous, and these kinds of sights made it difficult for Qian Junfeng to accept. ‘

He approached Su Nuan again, trying to reach out to pull her, but Su Nuan’s gaze stared back again.

He pulled the corners of his lips awkwardly, and put his hands on his sides a little cramped.

He stared at Su Nuan again, looking like he wanted to say nothing, causing Su Nuan to frown tightly again.

She was a little curious about what Qian Junfeng wanted to say to her, but after another thought, what was he thinking about, what was his relationship with her?

She glanced at Qian Junfeng coldly, she turned around and started to leave, but Qian Junfeng stopped her again.

"Nuan Nuan, Dad admits, the past, Dad is wrong, I really want to make up for you, it is true, absolutely true...."

"Enough of you, I don’t want to listen to your nonsense! It’s okay if you admit that you’re wrong, or yes, if the injury is caused, it’s really caused. There is no room for recovery! Don’t think that you really put out 50 million. I really forgive you and tell you, even if Su Nuan is begging in the future, I will never ask you to give a grain of rice! Without my forgiveness, wouldn't you have a good life?! Please forgive me now, what do you want? "

Are you here to find abusers?

"Nuan Nuan, Dad really has something to ask you for help..."

Hearing Su Nuan's last words, Qian Junfeng finally waited for an introduction that could tell the story.

Su Nuan frowned and stared at him!

Knowing that he must have other things, but not knowing what he was thinking, now finally said it.

"Nuannuan, I took your brother to the hospital for an examination two days ago..."

Su Nuan's eyebrows tightened again.

As a result, I saw Qian Junfeng’s heartache on his face, “I’ve already done the check several times, who knows... I only know that he urinates a few times more than other children and sleeps poorly, but who knows, the result of the check is actually kidney failure ..."

Su Nuan's eyes loosened, and then she narrowed again.


No one could find that when Su Nuan asked Qian Junfeng, her voice trembled slightly.

Suddenly Qian Junfeng stepped forward desperately and held Su Nuan's hand tightly, looking at her with a humble expression of begging, "Nuan Nuan, please, save your brother, okay? Ah? He is so young... "

"How to save?" Su Nuan asked coldly, staring at Qian Junfeng closely.

Seeing Su Nuan’s reaction so calm, Qian Junfeng was overjoyed and quickly said: "Nuan Nuan, can you go to the hospital to have a match? Dad really has no choice. You are Dad’s only hope, I can’t Watching him continue to suffer..."

"Enough!" Su Nuan looked at Qian Junfeng's distressed and about to cry, and interrupted him coldly. Qian Junfeng felt a little nervous.


Su Nuan raised her eyes, looked at Qian Junfeng for a long while, and suddenly laughed, "Reluctant to suffer your son?"


"Does your son have one kidney broken and two kidneys broken? What if the matching is successful? If you don't want your son to suffer, do you want me to cut off both kidneys and give him?"

"No, one kidney is enough. The doctor said one is enough... Nuannuan, please, save your brother..."

"He is not my brother! Why should I save a little Sansheng son, and it is because of him that made me and my mother homeless, you even almost beat me to death because of him! It was me who wanted me to save him? Are you crazy or are you mentally retarded?"

"I know, it's all my fault, it's all my fault... But he is just a child, he is innocent... Nuan Nuan, anyway, he is also your relative, your brother. , Dad, please, help us... That's a life, he is so young..."

Qian Junfeng said, two tears were squeezed from the corner of his eyes, and if he continued, Su Nuan could believe that he kneeled down to save his precious son.

Su Nuan's heart was completely desolate. He didn't have any expectations for this man, but he had the ability to make her feel more chilling towards him again and again.

"Ha ha……"

Su Nuan sneered, "I can't do it. I said, that kid is not my brother, and you... don't deserve to be my father. I can tell you very clearly that I hate you and wish you all to die. It’s impossible for me to save him in this life!"

After Su Nuan finished speaking, she shook off Qian Junfeng’s hand vigorously.

"NuanNuan...NuanNuan...Daddy please...NuanNuan..."

Qian Junfeng watched Su Nuan unfeelingly about to leave, how could he be willing to let her leave, and went forward to pester again.

"Don't touch me! Get out of me!"


How could Qian Junfeng give up so easily that it is the only life-saving straw for his son to survive.

Su Nuan's face was pale and frowning, her whole person was now full of anger. She wanted to quickly get rid of Qian Junfeng's shameless entanglement, but Qian Junfeng firmly grasped her and refused to accept it. Let her go,

She stroked her forehead and was watched by too many people at the entrance of the store. She was bored to the extreme.

At this moment, Qian Junfeng was holding her hand hard and was suddenly pulled away, and he was thrown away mercilessly. He was caught off guard and almost kneeled to the ground.

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