Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2748: Promise me a condition

She wanted to speed up her pace and rush into the park and hide herself to calm her mood, but she fell into a warm and familiar embrace.


"Don't worry, I can't see it."

Xu Junyu hugged her and said lightly, "But I hope that when you are sad, I will be by your side."

Su Nuan bit her lip tightly, and when Xu Junyu said that he hoped to be with her when she was sad, the city wall surrounded by stubbornness finally collapsed at that moment.

Tears fell instantly like a spring. She took Xu Junyu's hand tightly and walked towards the park.

The park is very large, and when you enter the gate, even though it is the peak time of get off work, people just want to go home or run to their nightlife, but there are not a few people in the park.

Fortunately, it was dark early in the late autumn, Su Nuan was full of tears, walking, crying, and pulling a handsome man beside him,

Someone who knew them up close, seeing Su Nuan like this, looked at Xu Junyu beside him for the first time, thinking that it was his boyfriend who upset his girlfriend, but watched Su Nuan tightly pulling the man. The look of the hand does not look like a man annoys his girlfriend.

It's just that this woman is quite funny. She is walking and crying, and she is holding a handsome man who is angry with her. Just looking at the man next to her, there is no reason to cry anymore, okay?

Su Nuan lowered his head and walked all the way to the artificial lake in the park. There is a designed observation deck next to it. In autumn, because of the cold weather, there are very few people here. Su Nuan took Xu Junyu to stand on the observation deck and turned around. , Buried himself in Xu Junyu's arms.

Xu Junyu was caught off guard, and some of them couldn’t react. Su Nuan stretched out her hand and tightly bound Xu Junyu’s waist

Xu Jun and the next second reacted, reaching out to hug Su Nuan tightly in his arms,

He didn’t speak, he just hugged her quietly, giving her enough time to vent her emotions,

But feeling the damp warmth in front of his chest, Xu Jun and the cold dark glow in his narrow eyes became more and more dangerous.

Xu Junyu's silence made Su Nuan completely relax. After a long time, she actually cried. The cry was still suppressed, and her shoulders were crying faintly trembling.

Xu Junyu frowned slightly, put a hand on her shoulder, and patted gently,

I lowered my head on the top of her hair and I kissed gently,

Feeling Xu Junyu's gentleness, Su Nuan drilled into Xu Junyu's arms more closely.

Xu Junyu naturally hugged her tighter.

Su Nuan cried in Xu Junyu’s arms alone for a long time. Although the lake was really cold, Su Nuan, who had been held tightly by Xu Jun and his arms, did not feel cold at all.

She was well wrapped by Xu Jun,

After crying for a long time, Su Nuan’s mood gradually calmed down.

Leaning against Xu Junyu's arms and looking at the roadside lights reflected on the dark lake, Su Nuan took a deep breath.

"Clearly know that that man is totally unworthy, but I am still so unpromising, always influenced by him, and never have any hope for him..."


Xu Jun responded indifferently, actually happy.

It is also a privilege to let her take the initiative to pour out her heart to him.

She has always been a woman who would never tell anyone about things, and he has discovered something, and her mother said the same.

Now her initiative, how could it not make him happy.

However, he has to be careful to be a complete listener, let her pour out all the words she wants from her heart completely.

Su Nuan took a breath again, "He contacted me, I thought he really regretted what he did to me and my mother back then, and his apology to me may be sincere. After all, there are so many Everyone says that the older the person, the more they value family affection. Anyway, there is still a continuous blood relationship between us. I thought he was really repenting, I thought he was sincere...want to restore What...but..."

Su Nuan’s nose was a little sour again, "I really didn’t have any hope for him, but in the end... he knew that I couldn’t forgive him and Wang Min, and he knew the chances of finding me to make a match for that child. How insignificant it is, but he still came, he could actually whisper to me to that extent for his precious son..."

"He can fight hard for his son, or he can come over and beg me in a low voice for his son... He asked me to forgive him, apologize to me over and over again, and confess over and over again, all just for the sake of Let me cut off a kidney for his son..."

Su Nuan's heart was very sour, and the emotions that had just calmed down began to approach the edge of collapse again.

On the bridge of the artificial lake, a family of three passed by. My father held the bulging female doll in his arms tightly, fearing that her baby girl would be bullied by the cold air, and from time to time he smiled and said something to the female doll. The girl doll happily put her arms around the man’s neck, her soft face pressed against the man’s side face, the man rubbed her little cheek, smiled contentedly, and the young mother held a thermos cup and followed behind her. Smiling happily, looking at the two people in front,

There are so many in the park. Su Nuan bit her lip and watched them pass by her field of vision. Her heart became more uncomfortable.

No one knows how painful it is to hate your biological father.

Su Nuan gradually became silent, but Xu Junyu put her in her arms again with both hands, "Su Xiaonuan, sad and sad to be for the person you think is worthy, he is your father, but only once today. That's enough."

"...Hmm." Su Nuan buries her face in Xu Junyu's arms and hugs his waist tightly. She seems to approve Xu Junyu's words in particular, and she can't help being in his arms. I nodded, and once again made a heavy "um",

Xu Junyu kissed the top of her head and said, "For unnecessary trouble in the future, you must promise me one thing now."

"What?" Su Nuan wiped her tears and lifted her head from Xu Junyu's arms.

Listen, Xu Jun seems to be serious about what he wants to say.

Xu Junyu lowered his head, facing Su Nuan's face, those beautiful eyes were unusually serious.

"No matter how your father begs you, I hope that, in any case, you will not have such a momentary softness and really promise to give him a kidney.

"..." Su Nuan's nervous heart heard Xu Junyu's words, and couldn't help being touched again.

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