Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2749: You will feel guilty

"..." Su Nuan's nervous heart heard Xu Junyu's words, and couldn't help being touched again.

"I won't." She was not a fool.

Xu Junyu raised his hand and followed her hair, still in such a serious tone, "So you are giving me a promise, right?"

Su Nuan nodded lightly, "Why are you worried about this, I won't..."


Xu Junyu asked her back with almost no gaps. Su Nuan was stunned by the certain tone of knowing her abnormally. For a while, she couldn't give Xu Jun a response.

Xu Junyu frowned, touched the corner of Su Nuan's eyes with a very soft voice, "You know, you are mine now." As he said, his fingers gradually moved in her heart, and slowly said: "The heart, liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, up and down, inside and out, and even the tears you just saw are mine. You don't have the right to make your own decisions, you know?"

Xu Junyu’s hands have been roaming her body for a while, and Su Nuan’s heart suddenly beats wildly with Xu Junyu’s words.

Although his words were a bit domineering, no, they were extremely domineering, but she was still unconvinced.

"You... mine... are all yours, it's mine..." Su Nuan blushed, sophistry.

"Mine, it's all mine."

Xu Junyu said more undoubtedly that Su Nuan didn't even know how to refute it.

"If Qian Junfeng finds you again in the future, you can ask him to find me directly!"

"I can solve it myself..."

"Huh?" Xu Junyu raised his eyebrows, "Of course I am solely responsible for my person. I don't care who he is. If you move a piece of your hair, I will naturally make him unable to eat."

Su Nuan's heart burst, "So, what do you want to do?"

Xu Junyu’s eyes were hidden in the darkness, like a dormant fox. In the next second, he suddenly rushed to tear the prey he was staring at.

There was silence for two seconds. When Su Nuan became more nervous, Xu Junyu leaned over, kissed her profile lightly, and then leaned over her ear and said softly:

"Will you feel soft and love him?"

"What? Who?" Su Nuan couldn't help grasping Xu Junyu's sleeve tightly.

"The people who hurt you, including your father..."

"..." Su Nuan paused when he heard this, and hesitated unexpectedly in his heart.

Xu Junyu suddenly stretched out his hand to embrace her waist, drew her close, pressed her against his body, grabbed her cold hand, and kissed her lips. The heat passed through, Su Nuan's fingertips trembled slightly. .

"He owes you and your mother what should belong to you. Don't you want to come back? Let me help you, eh?"

Su Nuan bit her lip tightly, how did she answer this, nodding in agreement?

Let him help her take back what should belong to her from her scumbag father?

How should she respond to this kind of thing?

Yes, she hates Qian Jun, and wants Qian Junfeng to pay for his partiality, for his ruthlessness, and for his selfishness. She had such thoughts before, and today it has inspired her to retaliate. , Qian Junfeng has also been warned.

Think about it, how capable she is to think like this, if she hadn't married Xu Junyu, how could she have such a strong idea,

In the end, she was just a woman surrounded by vanity.

"You are now my Xu Junyu's wife. If you don't use such good resources as me, you are a real fool."

Xu Junyu squeezed her face, "Is the thing you are struggling with now redundant?"

Su Nuan raised her head and looked at him, and she suddenly felt awakened by a mallet in her mind, who didn’t know what she was struggling with.

Yeah, what is she struggling with?

She was originally a super realistic woman, but at this time she started to be reserved and considered a hairy?

She married a fully capable man, why can't she use such convenient resources?

However, is it right or wrong to deal with someone who is also his own father?

"Forget it, this question, don't answer me."


Su Nuan wanted to say something, but Xu Junyu interrupted him again, "Just keep silent. If you think I was doing too much at that time, you can blame me and attack me."

Su Nuan was a little anxious. What did she do against him? He could think of these things. She didn't have time to thank him. How could she blame him?

He protected her so obviously, for her good.

"I mean...well..."

Su Nuan wanted to explain more, but Xu Junyu turned his face and blocked the lips that still had to talk.

Rourun pressed her tightly with warmth, tossing around,

Su Nuan was startled by his unexpected behavior, but in the end he still didn't push him away.

Gradually got used to Xu Junyu’s kisses. Regarding his now intimate kiss, Su Nuan felt that the whole person would be moved by it, especially the hot flashes, the feeling of being filled in his heart,

The soft side that this kind of woman should have, she thought she could not have in her life, was discovered little by little by this man.

She repelled, but she couldn't refuse the feeling he brought her.

Yes, it is too easy to fall into.

So she knew from beginning to end that Xu Junyu was a dangerous man.

After a long while, Xu Junyu let go of her and said to the tip of her nose, "He is your father, and you have a blood relationship that cannot be cut off, but it is not to me. Everything is my idea, I think What you do or how you do it has nothing to do with you. Don’t talk about it again, eh? Once you say it, it’s you... guilt will entangle you to death."

Su Nuan was surprised and moved again. She didn't expect that the man in front of her, who seemed to care about everything, would actually think so much.

I'm afraid that after she speaks it out, she will eventually feel guilty because Qian Junfeng is her father.

But will she?

At least for now, she won't, she should...

"How can I feel guilty to him? Isn't it enough that he hurt me and my mother? The premise of guilt is that I feel soft towards him, how could I..."

"You are not him."

Xu Junyu rubbed her hair vigorously, "You are not him! Naturally, you can't be a hundred percent hatred and cruel."

Su Nuan didn't continue speaking, looking at Xu Jun and the smiling face, her heart loosened, and there was a burst of pantothenic acid on her nose, and she was almost moved by tears.

She turned, raised her arm and wiped the corner of her eye.

"Go home!"

She took a deep breath and suddenly said loudly.

She did not go on, but her attitude is what Xu Jun and this moment want,

This matter, he should say hello to Su Nuan,

In this way, he can clean up those who should have been cleaned up long ago.

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