Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2754: Child this question

She wants to bring back everything that belongs to her!

There is nothing worth making her sad.

With a long sigh, Su Nuan suddenly felt relaxed.

In this world, there is no one who is less likely to influence her emotions than Qian Junfeng.

I got up irritably, and just thought of not being affected by Qian Junfeng, he said that half an hour of rest was wasted on him.

At this time, a servant knocked on the door to urge her to eat, so she just got up and went out.

After such a long time, the topic of the kid just now has finally come to an end.

I really don't understand her mother's brain circuit, how could it jump?

After thinking about it, I didn't understand her mother, and didn't want to think about it anymore. The topic just passed anyway.

However, she knew that it was right to know that the topic passed, but how could she forget that the same topic can be mentioned repeatedly.

Su Nuan was completely relieved and prepared to eat a big meal to make up for the bad mood that was affected today, but she hadn't eaten two bites before Su Man's words rang again.

"Come with me to the hospital tomorrow to see if there is anything that needs to be prepared before pregnancy..."

The sauerkraut soup that Su Nuan just drank in her mouth just flowed out of the corner of her mouth unsuspectingly.

She looked at Su Man blankly, as if shocked and thoughtless,

Su Man glanced up at her and put a bowl of fish soup in front of her.

"Drink some fish soup. If you become pregnant in the future, you won't be able to eat seafood."

Su Nuan stared, "Why?!"

"Seafood is cold, how can you eat more during pregnancy? What do you want to do? Think you are your ancestor when you are pregnant?"

Su Man looked at her with a mocking look, and said: "Which woman is a ten-month pregnant queen? That is what other people see. You can suffer from pregnancy. The real ancestor is the child in the belly! Eat well, drink well... When the time comes, you can't eat anything you want after you get pregnant!"

Su Man said, adding another piece of prawns to Su Nuan!

Su Nuan stretched out her hand, gently blocked Su Man's hand holding the shrimp, and pushed it back.

"If this is the case, then I don't want to get pregnant."

The other women are all ten-month-old queens. Why do they become prisoners who can't do anything when they get to her?

This can’t be eaten, that can’t be made, why?

Xu Jun and Wen Yan tilted their heads slightly to face Su Nuan.

Su Man glanced at Xu Junyu, then stretched out her foot to kick her on Su Nuan's leg. Su Nuan suffered from pain and looked up, just watching Su Man staring at her.

She frowned and turned her head again under the guidance of Su Man's eyes, just in time to see Xu Jun and a face turned sideways.

Needless to say, she instantly understood what her mother meant and felt embarrassed.

"No, I think... we are still very young..."

Su Man leaned back, leaned on the chair, wiped the corners of his lips with a napkin, and said lightly;

"You are young, and I am not too old."

"Haha... not old, not old..." Su Nuan smiled and nodded. It's good to have this mentality, her mother really understands the truth.

Su Man glanced at her faintly and snorted: "So what? Are you going to have children when I am about to die?"

The smile on Su Nuan's face froze, staring at Su Man in a daze.

"When I can move, I can take care of my grandson personally. When I'm old enough, I can't even hug it. How filial is you? I can't even enjoy the real family pleasure?"

The dazed Su Nuan reacted at once, and shook her head quickly, "Where do I think this way? How can I think this way? Mom, you..."

"Okay. I know you didn't, or I would have kicked you out a long time ago. It's not that you have a problem with this kind of thinking, you have never thought about having children."

"Yeah, that's right."

"That's why I'm a mother, now I want to remind you and urge you. It's time to have children."


"Okay, eat quickly, go to bed early, get up early, I'll make an appointment for a doctor later."

"Mom..." Su Nuan wanted to say something, but Su Man didn't give her any extra eyes, and turned to Xu Jun and smiled:

"Tomorrow, do you want to go to the hospital with us?"

Xu Junyu nodded, "Naturally should go"

Su Man nodded in satisfaction, then bowed his head directly, eating the food in front of him casually.

Su Nuan opened her mouth, what else did she want to say? I didn’t say a word for a long time,

The urge to eat a big meal just now disappeared.

How many days did she just get married?

It's not a whole week, okay?

Didn't this just come back, why was it spawned?

Isn't this kind of thing that mother-in-law does most often?

Turning his head and glaring at Xu Junyu, the knife looked in his eyes, wishing to split Xu Junyu in half.

What is the fun?

Why are you everywhere? !

Xu Jun looked back faintly, motionless.

Su Nuan looked at him, gritted her teeth, picked up the chopsticks, inserted a white flower roll and handed it to Xu Junyu.

"Here, eat first."

Xu Junyu raised his hand, touched it, but didn't touch it.

Su Nuan grabbed his hand and stuffed Hanamaki into his hand.

Xu Jun and he obediently took it, put them in their mouths and took a bite, and the dried rolls. He ate several bites at a time without getting bored, which made Su Nuan feel guilty.

Forget it, anyway, I am not hungry now, so just take care of him.

Without her, he would starve to death.


I am also suffering, marrying such a man,

Su Nuan felt that she was the kindest in the world.

Otherwise, who would choose to marry a blind man, even though he is handsome, the family is also rich,

Xu Junyu didn't know what Su Nuan was thinking, and she was immersed in the joy that Su Nuan was angry at him but reluctant to leave him hungry.

As for what Su Nuan is sighing, forgive him for not paying attention now.

After eating, Suman didn't intend to sit in the living room for a while. She could see that she was not in good spirits, and she looked very tired.

Zhao Hongshan accompanied Su Man for an afternoon. She knew that after Su Nuan went out, her nerves had been tense. When he learned that Qian Junfeng wanted Su Nuan to donate a kidney to his son, Su Man took a whole picture. His face turned pale.

With trembling lips, I don't even have the strength to speak.

An afternoon of mental torture, it’s not easy enough to last until the end of dinner.

Just greeted Xu Jun and He Su Nuan, and after letting them rest, they took Su Man upstairs to rest.

Before going upstairs, Su Man resisted, unable to make Su Nuan see that she was too uncomfortable.

Seeing Su Manhao Zhao Hongshan went upstairs, Su Man sighed, and took Xu Junyu upstairs.

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