Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2755: Just let me in

Seeing Su Manhao Zhao Hongshan went upstairs, Su Man sighed, and took Xu Junyu upstairs.

Going upstairs, Su Nuan stood at the top of the stairs and didn't move for a long time.

Xu Jun wondered, "What's wrong?"

Su Nuan did not answer him, turned around and pulled Xu Junyu downstairs again!

"What are you going to do?" Xu Junyu asked again.

"Don't do anything." Su Nuan replied.

Two people walked downstairs, but Su Nuan took Xu Jun and walked upstairs again.

"..." Xu Junyu pulled his lips together.

Su Nuan pulled Xu Junyu on the stairs, going up, down, down and up five or six times, and the servants looked at them curiously.

This husband and wife have fun, really weird,

Is it a very romantic thing for a couple to climb the stairs?

Unable to understand, even more unable to understand,

After finally tangling with the stairs for eight times, Su Nuan lay on the stair railing, panting for breath.

"Oh my god, I've been so sloppy lately, just this amount of exercise is almost exhausting me."

Xu Junyu's face was also covered with a thin layer of sweat. It was not how tired he was. After all, the villa was equipped with air-conditioning, the heating was sufficient, and the amount of exercise was enough to sweat.

But this woman really suddenly remembered what is it?

"Sports doesn't have to be this way..."

"It's too cold outside, so I don't want to go out..." Su Nuan thought he was talking about exercising outside.

Xu Junyu smiled, "You don't need to go out, just let me in."

"... Go in? Where do you go?"

Su Nuan did not react for a while, turned her head, looked at him and asked,

Xu Jun smiled with hooked lips,

Just after Su Nuan said the question, she reacted with hindsight.

Seeing Xu Jun and the wicked and playful smile on her face further confirmed her thoughts.

His face suddenly turned red, stood up, raised his foot and kicked Xu Junyu's leg, "Enter your sister!"


Almost hit his way.

Angrily turned around and left, Xu Junyu smiled, followed behind her,

When I first opened my leg, my leg turned a bit,

This woman is really cruel.


Because both of them were sweating from the exercise just now, so after entering the room, both of them took off their clothes at the same place.

Knowing that Xu Junyou couldn't see it, Su Nuan didn't shy away, and took off herself smoothly and cleanly in one breath.

Xu Junyu just unbuttoned the shirt on his body and withdrew his clothes on his arms. As soon as he looked up, he saw the white woman who had stripped herself.

The small figure is really not good, the waist is slender, the skin is soft, the Tun petals are round and straight, there is no excess fat on the legs, the lines are tight and beautiful, the calf lines are also beautiful, and the ankles are white and delicate. The shoulder blades are exquisite and standard, just a figure from the back, it feels like a stunner.

Xu Junyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he slowly took off half of his shirt, and threw it on the bed.

Su Nuan turned around at this time and might have to go to the cabinet to get clothes, but when she saw Xu Junyu, who was naked on her upper body, she took a breath of cold air and was obviously shocked.

"You...what are you doing undressing?!"

Xu Junyu was dumbfounded by her.

"Of course it was a shower. What are you doing so nervously? Even if we do something else now, there is nothing wrong with it, right?"

"Do something else! You wait a while, I'll take a shower tonight!"

Xu Junyu's eyes were printed with Su Nuan facing his calm body.

Two groups.


The shape of is almost perfect, the arc is beautiful, there is no slack, and it is quite--

Up again,

Skin is firm and smooth, small-

The abdomen is flat, the hip bones are small and delicate, the figure of this woman, front and back, is really desirable.

Withdrawing the eyes from the bottom of his eyes, Xu Junyu raised his hands and put them on the belts of his pants, while moving, he said indifferently:

"I'm very hot today, I can't bear it, I need to take a shower first."

Su Nuan gritted her teeth, "I usually let you. What's wrong with me first time this time? Can't it?!"

"It's okay, but I'm also uncomfortable.... Otherwise, it's fine, and we don't have to fight anymore. Let's wash it together today. I will help you rub your back."

Su Nuan curled up one side of her lips anger and looked at him defensively.

"I don't want to wash with you. Rogue!"

"Why do I become a gangster when we take a bath together?"

"Because you are uneasy and kind!"

Xu Jun and grievances, "How could I be upset and kind? I want to serve you well!"

In that tone, Su Nuan directly fought a cold war.

"Wait for me first. At most ten minutes, I will come out immediately."

"I think it's better for us to wash together to save water, electricity, and time."

"..." Su Nuan turned around and ran to the bathroom, closing the bathroom door with a "boom".

Xu Junyu looked at her running wildly in Chiguo, and smiled, but did not continue to entangle her, but walked to the bed, bent over to find her mobile phone, Chiguo walked to the window with her upper body. Called Huo Yan directly.

The call was quickly connected, and Xu Junyu directly asked:,

"How did you prepare?"

"Almost, not quite well."

It’s not a big thing, and it’s not a small thing. No matter what degree it is, you must be fully prepared before the war. It’s only a few days. How can it be done if it’s completely done? Arrived?

Xu Jun and Wen Yan frowned.

The silence for a while made Huo Yan very nervous.

Although he thought he did almost the same, he still did not meet the needs of the young master.

"Sorry, master."

"It's not in a hurry. Leave things to others, you come to me first."

"..." Huo Yan paused, and asked tentatively: "...You mean, young lady's family?"

"...What do you mean? Is it possible that I can't be in your mother's house now?"

"...No no. Okay, okay, I'll be over tomorrow!"

Huo Yan quickly responded, he, her family?

This is too weird, right?

Is he not a woman? !

If the young master said that, wouldn't the one who married him become him?

Two men?

Huoyan shivered immediately.

Resolutely not,

He still wants to marry a wife.

"En. You can take care of what you bring when you come, don't come when I need it..."

"Okay, I understand, Master, don't worry."

"En. So be it."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Junyu turned around and threw the phone aside.

From today when he used the Zhao’s car, he felt awkward.

The driver is not his own, the car is not his own, and the whole person feels restrained.

It will be too convenient for him to come.

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