It will be too convenient for him to come.

Maybe it’s going to place something here,

For example, here, put some things that can be used conveniently in the future.

Industry is a priority for businessmen.

Moreover, this matter is currently very simple.

Because the carrier, isn't it already ready?

Su Nuan came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a bath towel,

Xu Junyu raised his eyebrows,

He found out when she just entered the bathroom.

Just grabbing the bathroom from him, not even the clothes.

Still, I am getting used to the fact that he is blind.

I used to cover up somehow before, but now I save these steps?

"I'm done, you go and wash it quickly."

Su Nuan walked directly to the cabinet, found a long casual T-shirt that just reached her knees, and put it on her body.

After that, he got into the bed and sighed comfortably.

Seeing Xu Junyu still standing there, he urged: "Hurry up, go take a bath? Wasn't it anxious just now?"

Xu Jun and the corners of his lips moved slightly, "Help me get my pajamas."

Su Nuan made a nuisance, reluctantly found out his pajamas and stuffed him,

Xu Junyu took the clothes and walked to the bathroom.

I'm still repeating a thought in my mind--

Su Nuan only wore a T-shirt, her inside was vacuum.

He took a shower swiftly, and when he came out, he saw that the person he had just thought of on the bed fell asleep.

I was a little disappointed, but the feeling was not too strong.

Come to think of it, her spirit today is not too good,

Go to the other side of the bed, lift the quilt and lie down gently,

She didn't seem to be asleep yet, when she saw him lying down, she slightly opened her eyes and looked at him dazedly.

"So fast……"

She whispered like a whisper.

Xu Junyu let out a soft "graciousness" and stretched out his hand to pull Su Nuan into his arms.

Su Nuan slept on his arm obediently, with one hand on his shoulder, and his soft voice rang lazily with a nasal sound:

"Can't continue to mess around, oh..."

Xu Junyu was a little displeased, and hugged her a little bit, then slightly angry:

"It seems I can do nothing but mess around."


Su Nuan's lazy laughter came from her chest,

Obviously, this is obviously the kind of "otherwise you think" sarcastic smile.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing you are right..."

Su Nuan drilled into Xu Junyu's arms, "...tired, sleeping..."

Xu Junyu was a little unwilling, and leaned over to find a deep and lingering kiss on her lips before willing to let her go.

"Since you think so, I am really sorry for not doing anything!"

Su Nuan was ruddy by Xu Junyu's face. Hearing Xu Junyu's words, she felt a little anxious. She raised her chin and nibble on Xu Junyu's chin, and said:

"Really tired..."

Xu Junyu knew that she had misunderstood what he meant, and the proactive kiss just now was actually to please him.

I had already planned to let her go.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he would have one more proactive kiss, which was not bad.

"Go to sleep."

Xu Junyu slid down, and put Su Nuan in his arms, pressing against her head.

Su Nuan lazily let out an "en", and didn't say anything again.

Tonight is a rare and stable night.


Early the next morning, Su Nuan was awakened by the sound of Su Man smashing the door.

I opened my eyes. Last night I clearly remembered that I was sleeping in a warm arms. Of course she knew who it was. How could the side be empty when I opened my eyes?

The slamming outside the door continued, "Su Nuan, you can get up quickly, don't grind me!"

Su Nuan covered the quilt and rolled around on the big bed. She was woken up early in the morning, and she was really not in a good mood.

"Why mom, after finally coming back, I can't let me sleep well..."

"You still want to sleep late?! ... Oh, Jun Yu, come in, and quickly pick her up for me. The whole family is waiting for her, is it fair?"

Maybe Xu Junyu appeared at the door, and Su Man turned to Xu Jun and released the task.

Su Nuan couldn't help but sat up from the bed, scratching his hair irritably,

"What are you doing? What are you waiting for me? You have breakfast first..."

"The beauty of thinking, thinking that we will wait for you to have breakfast?!" Su Man was not at all angry.

"What's the matter with that!"

Su Nuan grabbed the quilt, covered her face, and lay directly on the bed again.

You don't have to get up if you are okay!

"Smelly girl! You said it last night, you pig brain, go to the hospital! Go to the hospital to check on me!"

Su Nuan suddenly opened the quilt, staring wide, staring at the ceiling for a long time before suddenly sitting up from the bed.

To the hospital?

To check? !

"Come with me to the hospital tomorrow to see if there is anything that needs to be done before pregnancy..."

At dinner yesterday, the words her mother said abruptly fell into her head.

Why did she forget about it?

For a long time, Su Nuan rolled her eyes, looked up at the door, and said, "...Can I, not go?"

"No! Don't trim the moth to me, hurry up, get me up and go to the hospital!"


"Mother is useless!"


Isn't that a truth?

"Jun and you go in and supervise her!"

Xu Junyu did not speak, but the door opened first.

Su Nuan tensed her body instantly, staring at Xu Junyu who came in at the door.

"Are you up?"

"You don't really want to supervise me to get up, do you?"

"You may not have breakfast this morning?"

Su Nuan frowned, "I don't believe my mother can be so cruel that she won't leave me breakfast."

Xu Junyu smiled, walked to the bed, and said in her direction: "A breakfast is not enough to be ruthless without seeing it. Besides, you really need to go to the hospital for an examination on an empty stomach."


"Are you fooling around with my mother?!"

Xu Junyu raised his eyebrows, "Isn't what mom said is wrong? You have to make good preparations before you have a baby, and listen to the doctor's instructions. Don't worry, I will listen carefully."

"You're just fooling around! You can agree to whatever my mom says, it's too shit!"

"But Mom is right."


"Get up. Maybe she will come and arrest people in a while."

Su Nuan was speechless, but she could only lift the quilt to get up.

After all, compared with Xu Junyou now, let her mother come over and call her, her mother could not wait to push her directly into the sink to wash her face.

She doesn't want to have that kind of experience,

While walking towards the bathroom, Su Nuan pinched her hands on her belly, feeling a little complicated.


Once again, I deeply felt that I was really a woman.

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