Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2771: Guest is coming

Su Nuan has successfully pushed the apple in his mouth into Xu Junyu’s mouth.

Around the tip of Xu Junyu’s tongue, he noticed that the apple was overflowing with juice in his mouth, so Su Nuan put down his toes and slowly left Xu Junyu,


"...Hmm." Xu Junyu took a step forward and put his arms on Su Nuan's back waist. There was a kind of defense that obviously didn't want her to leave easily.

"... still... eat it?"

Su Nuan blushed and asked him softly, Xu Jun and his narrow eyes narrowed slightly and nodded, "Yes."

Su Nuan raised her hand to give him the apple in her hand, but Xu Junyu said again, "Continue to feed me like just now."

Su Nuan paused, took a bite, looked up at Xu Junyu, blushed and stared at Xu Junyu’s thin lips. Finally, he lifted his toe and pressed his lips against Xu Junyu. On the lips,

Still like just now, Su Nuan touched Xu Junyu’s lips and gave him the apple in his mouth again.

But this time after Xu Junyu caught her, she didn't let Su Nuan leave when she was about to leave. Instead, she suddenly wrapped her waist tightly, leaned down and kissed her hard.


Su Nuan was a little bit out of breath, and her tiptoes couldn't hold her back. Xu Junyu's body was bent a little further, and the apple juice spread over the two people's tongues. Being swallowed in his stomach, Xu Junyu still did not let Su Nuan go, but pressed harder step by step, pressing Su Nuan step by step, Su Nuan stepped back, until his back pressed against the French window behind him. , She stopped irresistibly,

I don't know when his hands have climbed on Xu Junyu's shoulders, raising his head to cater to Xu Jun's fierce and domineering kiss.

The breathing between the two people rose, and the warmth between each other's nose seemed to make the whole room hot. When Xu Jun and Su Nuan let go, Su Nuan's lips were already flushed and thin. His lips were slightly red and swollen, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were slightly drowsy. Xu Jun looked at him and his mind was rippling,

"Go on, eh?"

Xu Junyu rubbed Su Nuan's waist and said in a low voice, with a bit of scorching heat in his breath.

Su Nuan's face was reddening quietly again. She likes to hear Xu Junyu's voice. The low-pitched voice sounded extraordinarily sexy. With the warm temperature, it smeared her face and baked her even more. Atrium.

More importantly, she knew that he became like this because of herself...

The entrance of the apple, once again sent himself to Xu Junyu, another entanglement, until the end, an apple, I don’t know who ate more,

Xu Junyu hugged Su Nuan, put her on the bed, leaned on her side, lowered her head and approached her, gently rubbing her hair with her hands.

"Why are you so behaved all of a sudden?"

Su Nuan turned to look at him, gaze swaying from side to side on his jade-like Jun face, turned sideways, raised his hand to Xu Junyu's eyes, and gently rubbed it, "Xu Junyu, before me Did you tell me that I will take care of you forever."

Xu Junyu paused, feeling the warm and tender hand on his eyes, the corners of her lips were slightly pursed, and she reached out and took her hand down and held it in the palm of her hand.

"Said it."

Su Nuan nodded, "It's true."

She will work hard to be able to stay by his side, no longer flinch, no longer escape, and face herself and him calmly.

Xu Junyu hooked her lips, slid her hand over her chin, came to her collarbone and rubbed it lightly, saying:

"Of course it is true, it can only be true, where would you think of not staying by my side for a lifetime?"

"You can't say for sure, there are always places you can't find, or...well..."

If Su Nuan hadn't finished speaking, she was abruptly blocked back in the next second.

The last kiss was when Xu Jun and took a bite **** Su Nuan's lips. Although they didn't have much strength, they felt painful for the lips that had just been ravaged.

Su Nuan let out a painful cry, and Xu Junyu let go of her with satisfaction.

"Warning, let me hear similar words again, it's not just such a little punishment."

As he said, he lowered his head and licked Su Nuan's red lips that had just been bitten by him.

Su Nuan stretched out her hand to cover her lips and stared at Xu Jun for a long time.

"Xu Jun and..."


"Are we right together?"

Xu Junyu frowned, but Su Nuan shook his head again, "Even if it is wrong, there is no way to look back. Xu Junyu, let's have a baby, I'm serious."

"Is there any fake giving birth?"

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows, rolled over and pressed Su Nuan under him, and started to unbutton Su Nuan's clothes.

Su Nuan grabbed Xu Junyu's hand, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you talking about giving birth?"

Su Nuan twitched her lips, "Who said it must be now?!"

"Don't do it now, when will you stay?"

Xu Jun and the movements in his hands continued again.

"Can you stop making trouble, stop making trouble! I'll have dinner soon."

Su Nuan gathered her clothes, turned over from the bed, straddled Xu Junyu’s body, bowed his head and fastened the button that Xu Junyu had just opened.

At this time, someone outside the door shouted for dinner,


Su Nuan raised her head with an expression of "I guess nothing wrong", jumped off Xu Junyu's body and urged him by his arm.

"You're up, aren't you hungry? Go down to eat."

"I prefer you to feed me apples."

Xu Jun and Su Nuan pulled up from the bed and secretly sighed for Su Nuan's strength.



After lunch, Su Nuan felt that it was necessary to go out and have fun. After so many years, the changes here are quite big. Besides, Xu Jun and finally came here once, and it was too boring to stay at home.

After a short rest, Su Nuan was holding his mobile phone to search for nearby interesting places on the Internet. It was either too naive, or too boring, or else the level of danger was a bit high. Considering that Xu Junyu’s eyes were inconvenient, Su Nuan scratched his head anxiously, and the more he watched, the more he wanted to go out.

But at this moment, a servant came over and said with some doubts:

"Miss, someone outside said to look for you? And uncle?"

Su Nuan raised her head with a puzzled look, and pointed to her nose with a daunted look than the servant and asked:

"Who are you looking for? Looking for me?"

The servant nodded innocently, "Yes, there is also my uncle!"

Xu Junyu frowned. He didn't know anyone here and found him directly?

Could it be that Qian Junfeng followed?

"Do you know who it is?"

Su Nuan also thought of this, and her expression became a little serious.

The servant shook his head, "I don't know. Oh... but listen, it doesn't seem to be our accent."

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