Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2772: In or out

The servant shook his head, "I don't know. Oh... but listen, it doesn't seem to be our accent."

As he said, he glanced at Xu Junyu with some uncertainty and wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth for fear of saying the wrong lips and didn't make a sound.


"En. It should be,"

People in the Northeast can definitely be heard with one ear. Listening to foreign accents is even more accurate.

Su Nuan was even more puzzled, "Who, outsiders, who knows that we are married, are we still at my house at this time?"

Su Man brought out the fruit platter from the kitchen. He was confused when he heard the words. He put the plate down and urged, "What is it? Since I rushed to you, most of it is a friend, please invite people in first..."

"My mother, your heart is so big, what if you are a bad guy?"

Su Man snorted and stuffed a washed big red winter jujube into Su Nuan's mouth, "Bad guy? Can't get in and out!"

Su Nuan puffed up her mouth and raised two thumbs at Su Man, "It's amazing my mother!"

Su Man raised his chin and motioned to the servant to open the door.

Not long after, the door of the living room was opened, and a familiar voice came immediately.

"Brother Xu, sister-in-law, I'm here to see you."

Xu Junyu's face turned black instantly.

Su Nuan got up and shouted in surprise: "Jing Rui! Why are you here?!"

Jing Rui was dressed in casual clothes. Hearing Su Nuan’s surprised voice, his eyes fell aggrieved, and he went up and gave Su Nuan a big hug.

"Sister-in-law, it's too cold on your side! I almost froze to death when I got off the plane!"

"Nonsense, where is it cold in the northeast? It's a miracle if you wear it like this."

Su Nuan grabbed a thin POLO shirt on Jingrui's body, and couldn't help but shiver.

"Are you stupid?!"

"Where do I know the temperature difference is so much?!"

"Can't you check it on your phone?"


Jing Rui was completely choked and said nothing wrong.

Turning his head awkwardly, Jing Rui quickly raised a smile when he saw Su Man and greeted Su Man crisply.

"Hello Auntie!"

Su Man nodded with a smile, "Why don't you say hello in advance when you come, you don't know who you are?"

"It's too rush..."

"Hurry? Are you busy?" Su Nuan asked.

"It's okay. Before you got married, I rarely saw you. I have been looking for you for several days. Shouldn't I return home the same day or the next day? I haven't seen you send it back for a long time. I'm bored, just..."

"Knowing to return to the door, will you follow me?!"

Xu Junyu interrupted Jing Rui's words suddenly in a deep voice, that voice was almost colder than the weather outside, Jing Rui couldn't help but shudder severely.

"Isn't it time to return? I heard that you are going to spend a few more days here, anyway, I'm bored..."

Su Man smiled, "Yeah, come and play if you have nothing to do, let Su Nuan take you to play well and stroll around."

As she said, she pulled Jing Rui to the side of the quilt and sat down, "Quickly, get warm first."

As soon as he got into the kotatsu, Jing Rui sighed comfortably, "It's so warm, this!"

Suman sat across from him and pushed the tea on the table to him.

"Be warm first. Su Nuan is thinking about going out for a while, so you should go with you."

Jing Rui took a sip of tea, and the whole person was almost frozen outside. At this moment, drinking a sip of hot water, he obviously felt the warm water flow from the throat to the stomach. He never felt that a cup of ordinary tea could actually make her Such a happy feeling again.

Jing Rui was so moved that he was about to cry,

Su Man looked at him pitifully, raised his hand and patted Jing Rui’s cheek, and said with pity: "Why are you hungry with such a pitiful appearance? Auntie's steamed buns just steamed at noon today, authentic Northeast University. Steamed buns, do you want to eat?"

"Eat! Eat! Eat!"

Jing Rui held the glass in his mouth with a pitiful expression, "Auntie, you are an angel."

Su Man laughed happily, "You kid, surely you have many young girlfriends?"

Jing Rui held the water cup and twisted around, "Where is it? Is it pure?"

Su Nuan stood aside and almost didn't vomit.

Jing Rui is pure?

Why does she not believe it?

Su Man stopped teasing with Jing Rui, got up and walked into the kitchen.

Su Nuan naturally wanted to move over, but Xu Junyu grabbed her arm.

"What are you doing?" Su Nuan looked at Xu Jun and asked in confusion.

"Where are you going?"

Su Nuan frowned, "How do you know where I am going?"

"Can you hear it?"

"Just such a big house, where can I go?"

Xu Junyu stopped talking, and pulled Su Nuan's wrist forcefully, "Sit here."

Su Nuan looked down at Xu Jun and his side, and refused.

"It's a bit cold here, let's get into the kotatsu."

"..." Xu Junyu pursed her lips. She didn't know that Su Nuan's words pleased him, but did not refuse. Su Nuan dragged him to the quilt and sat down.

Holding the teacup, Jing Rui glanced back and forth over Su Nuan and Xu Junyu's body several times, and suddenly Yin and Yang laughed strangely.

Su Nuan looked at him defensively, but saw Jing Rui approaching them and said with a grin:

"The newlyweds are very happy?"

"What is pleasant or unpleasant?"

Jing Rui's gaze stayed on Su Nuan's rosy lips for a while, blinked, pointed to her mouth and asked:

"Does your mouth become like that because it was too spicy for lunch?"

"Spicy? I didn't eat spicy food at noon..."

Su Nuan’s voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end she just pressed her mouth firmly, her cheeks flushed little by little.

"I forgot, I ate a bit and got burned!"

Su Nuan explained, her eyes fluttering left and right, and she did not dare to look directly at Jing Rui's eyes.

Jing Rui held his chin indifferently, noncommittal, smiling like Xu Jun and the same fox.

"What are you eating, the consequences are so serious,"

"I have eaten everything anyway!"

"I can ask Auntie to do it for me again!"

"Do you want to be shameless?" Su Nuan's eyes widened. This product is really cheeky enough to come uninvited and come to her house to order food? !

Jing Rui sighed, "Okay, okay, I just eat big buns!"

Su Nuan glared at him, and then, the buns don’t have yours!

But Jing Rui said again: "I want to ask, what stuffing is in the bun, is it spicy?"

Hearing the ridicule in his words, Su Nuan immediately threw an orange towards Jing Rui, "Don't eat it! There is no filling!"

"Hey, don't eat steamed buns and ask what stuffing is all right?!"

"No way!"

"Where can I be so domineering?"

"Okay, okay, don't make trouble, sauerkraut and pork stuffing, make sure you eat five at once!" Suman walked over with the plate and put it on the table.

Then I sat down and said, "I just remembered that this is when you started skiing. Would you like to go to the ski resort in the northern suburbs?"

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