Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2789: Silly boy

"... But, has something happened in the company? Why don't you come here for such an important thing?"

"It's a bit troublesome, you have to go there, you can go to the hospital!"


"But don't have anything to do with your company. If your son has a successful operation, he will need money for medical expenses and rest afterwards."

"I know, that's all right! It's hanging up!"

Wang Min’s words made Qian Junfeng feel even more irritable. After speaking impatiently, he hung up the phone.

"Drive faster!"

Qian Junfeng said to the driver in a deep voice,


The driver responded and speeded up.

Qian Junfeng's face was solemn.

There is no sign at all, how can someone directly open the board of directors?

What happened?


In Qian Junfeng’s company meeting room, Xu Junyu looked at his watch again and again, his expression on his face getting more and more gloomy. How long can it take to get here from Zhao’s house?

Most of the other shareholders in the company let Huoyan find him as quickly as possible. Looking at Xu Junyu at this moment, they dare not come out.

Within a few minutes, Xu Jun Yuzhu couldn't help it anymore, raised his eyes and glanced at them lightly, and said:

"Since the transfer procedures have been completed, let's go back if there is nothing for you here."

"Okay, okay." Several directors, no, a few former directors stood up one after another and left the meeting room one after another.

For a time, only Xu Junyu and Huoyan were left in the entire conference room.

The secretary of Qian Junfeng outside the door had no idea what these directors said in the meeting room. He stood at the door and listened for a long time, but did not hear a representative sentence.

Qian Dong hasn't arrived yet, and the people who have come out one after another are ready to leave. He doesn't know what the board of directors is. If Qian Dong comes to question, how should she answer?

Some eagerly followed up with one of the directors and wanted to ask something, but in the end they didn't ask anything.

In the conference room, Xu Junyu, who had been waiting for Qian Junfeng’s arrival with a sullen face, did not wait for Qian Junfeng’s arrival, but waited for Su Man’s call.

As soon as the call was connected, Suman's eager and trembling voice came, "Where are you now?"

Xu Junyu couldn't help squeezing the phone tightly, "Mom, what's the matter?"

Hearing Xu Junyu's question, Su Man suddenly cried, "There is something wrong with Nuannuan, you hurry to the hospital..."

Xu Junyu suddenly stood up from his chair, "I'll go right away!"

Without time to ask what happened, he hung up the phone.

Huo Yan immediately noticed that something was wrong, and asked quickly: "What's the matter, Master?"

Xu Junyu put away the phone with a cold face, and they walked outside the meeting room, "Go to the hospital! Right now!"

Huoyan still doesn't know why, but seeing Xu Junyu's anxious look, can't help speeding up.

Not long after Xu Jun left the company, Qian Junfeng's car also stopped at the company's door, and the secretary was already waiting for him at the door.

Seeing Qian Junfeng getting off the car, the secretary trot to greet him immediately, "Dong Qian,"

"what happened?"

Qian Junfeng did not stay a bit, and walked directly into the building. The secretary followed and said timidly beside him:

"Sorry Qian Dong, I am not very clear about what happened..."

When Qian Junfeng heard the words, he stopped and stared at her. The secretary was taken aback, and even more timid, "Other directors disagree with me to go in, and I can't help it myself."

Qian Junfeng frowned even more.

A secretary, a group of directors, this gap is really great,

He just paused, and then continued to move forward, "In the big conference room?"

"The directors have already left."

After entering the elevator, Qian Junfeng rubbed his eyebrows, "Going? After they opened the board of directors without a sound, without my participation, they left after driving?! What did they take me for? !"

"..." The secretary didn't speak, how could she know this kind of thing.

Qian Junfeng sighed and asked again, "After that, what did they finally discuss?"

"I don't know. The directors refused to say anything to me. The only thing I knew was that an outsider was present on the board."

"Outsider? The board of directors inside the company, they don't let you participate, but let an outsider participate?!"

"This is the truth, Qian Dong."

"What kind of style! Let the general manager come to my office! Hire him with an annual salary of ten million yuan, and see what he has done for me in the company!"

"Good Dong Qian, I'm going now!"

The secretary took the order and hurried away. Everyone knew that Qian Junfeng had a bad temper now!

Especially, if the directors of the company suddenly made such a noise, something must happen in it!

For example, it is not impossible to jointly impeach Qian Dong.

She only does what she is supposed to do, and she doesn’t care about other things.

In case it is true that Qian Dong is impeached collectively, it is not impossible. Qian Dong's current shares are not more than half...

But the difficult thing is that with so many directors, it is impossible to gather together 100% to impeach Qian Dong...

It is also extremely difficult to bring several directors together.

Shaking his head and speeding up his pace to complete his task, I can't help but worry about my job in the future.


Before Zhao Hongshan went to the hospital, he had already contacted the emergency team of the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, there were medical staff guarding at the entrance of the hospital.

When Su Nuan was put down, Su Nuan was still sensible, holding onto Zhao Hongshan's hand tightly and asking him to take good care of her mother.

Zhao Hongshan kept nodding, but still said: "Be stronger, you silly boy, you know, no matter how much I do, it can't replace your daughter's position in your mother's heart... How much she loves you, Su Nuan... You really gave me a big problem..."

Two lines of tears were left in Su Nuan's eyes. The cold weather made her breathe only white mist. Zhao Hongshan sighed and nodded to the medical staff nearby.

Su Nuan was pushed into the hospital immediately.

Wang Min hid in the entrance of the hospital lobby and watched the lively crowd. He clearly saw Su Nuan being pushed inside, covered in blood.

Listening to the surprises from the surrounding population, she also covered her mouth in disbelief.

That's really scary. How much hatred Qian Junfeng is to make her make such a decision?

Actually had the courage to pick up the knife and pierce it towards his heart.

What a hatred, not just for a kidney, nor for her life.

Is it true that she would rather die than save her son's life, and have the best of both worlds?

What kind of person, really!

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