Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2790: negligible?

What kind of person, really!

Su Nuan pushed directly to the emergency room, and Zhao Hongshan followed. When the emergency light outside the emergency room was on, Qian Junfeng was sitting on the bench in the corridor, trembling looking at the blood on his hands.

This stupid boy is really too stupid!

Is it really worth it for such a person? ,

Looking at a child who is more realistic and shrewd than anyone else, why is he so confused about this kind of thing?


A weak voice came from not far away, Zhao Hongshan quickly stood up, watching Aunt Zhao helping Su Man walk towards here, he quickly walked over and took Su Man into his arms.

Su Man clutched his arm tightly, looked up at him, tears lingering.

Her lips trembled, her eyes trembled, and the meaning of begging for inquiry was obvious.

Zhao Hongshan naturally knew what Su Man meant, and put her arms around her, went to the bench and sat down.

"Don't be nervous, it's still in operation..."

Su Man tremblingly looked up at the light at the door of the emergency room, and then retracted it instantly in fear.

Obviously looking weak, the hand holding Zhao Hongshan's wrist hardly made Zhao Hongshan feel painful.

"Hongshan, tell me, Nuannuan will be fine, right? She will be fine, right?"

"..." Zhao Hongshan looked at his hands stained red by the blood donation, and he hesitated for a moment when he questioned Su Man uneasy.

But it was just a moment of hesitation that caused Suman, who was extremely sensitive at this moment, to collapse for a while.

"Why didn't you answer me? Hongshan, Nuannuan will be fine, right? Isn't it?"

"Yes! Yes! She already knew that she was wrong, and she would be able to hold on for you! She is your daughter, Suman, believe her! She will not leave us like this, please calm down... "

Su Man's breathing was a bit short, after hearing what Zhao Hongshan said, he just nodded, stroking his suffocating heart, trying to adjust his breathing.

"It will be fine, she is my daughter, she will be fine! It will be..."

Zhao Hongshan patted her shoulder, comforting her continuously.

Aunt Zhao has been pressing her lips tightly beside her without speaking, and she is also secretly nervous.

Because when she found the lady raised the knife, she rushed up immediately. She knew very well that even if she didn't stop the lady from dropping the knife, she changed the position more or less.

I don't know whether her move is a blessing or a curse.

A few people sat nervously at the door of the emergency room for a while, and Xu Jun and his side followed Huoyan strode towards this place.

Glancing at the three people sitting on the bench, Xu Junyu glanced at the red light at the door of the emergency room with a cold face, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists,

Turning around, he glanced at Su Man again, and finally put his gaze on Aunt Zhao who was aside.

Aunt Zhao nodded, stood up and followed Xu Junyu aside.

It is absolutely impossible for Xu Jun to be in a good mood with the present, and to have a pleasant look. Even when facing the irrelevant Aunt Zhao at this moment, his face and voice are still cold and scary.

"what happened?"

Aunt Zhao will inevitably not be frightened by Xu Junyu's aura, white face, but still continue to speak:

"After you left, the guy with the surname Qian said too many nasty things, accused the young lady of being unfilial to him, complained that the wife had problems with her education, and kept telling her about blood relationship, thinking that since he is the young lady's father, the young lady has to He has to listen to him. He is having difficulties now, and it is right for the lady to help him through the difficulties...too much...the lady is not used to the constant blood relationship he keeps on, and she is angry that she is going to take her The things belonging to the man named Qian were returned to him, which completely broke the relationship between him and her...So I picked up the fruit knife on the coffee table and pierced my heart..."

Xu Junyu's temple jumped, and his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, bursting out an extremely dangerous cold light.

Huo Yan was also frightened when he heard it, the young lady...

He actually stabbed in with a knife!

How much courage do you have to summon up before you can proceed? !

In order to sever ties with Qian Junfeng?

How can there be such a way to break ties?

Is that to give up your life?

The surrounding air was so cold that Huo Yan fought a cold war unexpectedly, and he did not dare to look up at Xu Junyu.

"Qian Junfeng..."

Xu Junyu bit out these three words coldly, without a trace, but full of deathly oppression,


It is like the sickle of the **** of death, whoever the point of the sword points at is the next short-lived ghost!

It seems that Qian Junfeng, in the eyes of the young master, can't tolerate it at all!

Such people. It should be a thousand cuts.

A father, regarded as this shameless virtue, he really does not deserve to be a father,

Not even worthy of being a person,

What's more, he forced the young lady to be like this, how could the young master let him go so easily!

Based on Huo Yan's understanding of Xu Junyu, people like Qian Junfeng couldn't tolerate every minute and every second. At the very least, he wanted to destroy what he cared about all his life.

his son?

certainly not!

Maybe he and his son really have feelings, but he wants his son only to find someone who can inherit his company and shine the lintel of his Qian family.

After all, the company he supported with one hand and the money he had in his hands were his favorites.

Of course, his personal feelings are not ruled out. Perhaps compared with the company, his son may be the most important.


Either way, now is not the time for him to do nothing.

Huoyan solicited Xu Junyu’s opinion, but Xu Junyu raised his hand to stop him.

"No hurry, just stay."

"..." Huo Yan was a little surprised. The young lady was forced by Qian Junfeng to be rescued in the emergency room. The life and death were unknown. Why is the young master in a hurry?

If it was before...

Last time at the charity meeting, because he knew that Chang Chu had framed Miss Mu, it didn't take long for him to arrest Chang Chu, wishing to kill her.

Miss Mu at that time was very good!

However, now that the young lady is in the rescue room, it is unclear whether he is calmly saying "not in a hurry"?

Not urgent?

Is it because Miss Mu is too important in his heart, or is it because the young lady is too important to him?

Or maybe it means that compared with Miss Mu, the young lady is insignificant at all?

Master, don’t be confused, grandma is now the person you should care more about!

Huo Yan looked at Xu Junyu's eyes and couldn't help complaining and questioning, even a little dissatisfied.

He frowned, glanced at him coldly, walked to the emergency room, looked up at the red light at the door, and stood straight.

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