Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 285: What do you want? !

Someone under the window has been paying attention to the movement here because of the act of just smashing the glass, and when a figure suddenly fell from the window, the crowd down the third floor exclaimed.

In the crowd, a pair of fierce eyes stared at Mu Chuqing!


drop down!

Let her die!

As long as she is dead! Everyone is better off! !

However, that man seems impossible to let go!

The hatred in the eyes is getting stronger...

Mu Chuqing's entire body was suspended in the air, at the height of a three-story building, he would have to break his arm and leg if he fell down.

Her whole person was a bit bleary at the moment, her gaze looked downstairs, her whole body was weakened, and her head was blank.

Fear is instinct!

Desire to be redeemed is also instinct!

Mu Chuqing looked up at Sheng Yuchen who was the only one who could save him. She no longer had the mind to pretend, her small face was pale, her lips trembled uncontrollably, and her eyes could no longer conceal fear.

Sheng Yuchen gritted his teeth, frowning tightly, clenching his teeth, and violently pulled Mu Chuqing back.

Both feet returned to the ground, Mu Chuqing didn't have the slightest strength, and her weakness and fear completely panicked her hands and feet and confused her mind.

She held Sheng Yuchen's neck tightly and buried her head in his arms, shaking her body.

Sheng Yuchen hugged Mu Chuqing tightly. God knows how scared he was just now!

Watching her fall downstairs in front of her, if he hadn't held her hand in the first place, she now—

What will happen?

He couldn't even think about it!

The thought of her putting herself in such a dangerous situation in order to threaten him, Sheng Yuchen's anger followed.

He stretched out his hand to pull Mu Chuqing out of his arms, his deep and pitch-black eyes were bloodshot.

"Mu Chuqing, when are you going to toss?! How can you be reconciled?! You—"

Damn woman!

Sheng Yuchen roared at Mu Chuqing, thunderous.

Mu Chuqing looked up at her. Her pale face just because of shock was aggrieved and pitiful. Faced with Sheng Yuchen's accusing roar, she couldn't help but shrink her shoulders.

"I...I didn't, and I didn't expect..."

As Mu Chuqing said, tears flickered in her eyes.

Sheng Yuchen's expression was slightly stunned. At this moment, she seemed to be the one he was familiar with three years ago.

She was too self-willed before.

He spoils her, and most of the time he will acquiesce in her willfulness, and even sometimes, he will help her to add to the flames.

However, he spoiled her a little bit of lawlessness, and the occasional waywardness would go too far.

He always gets angry because of her over-willfulness, but is not willing to get angry with her, so he can only hide in the study alone, using time and thinking to get rid of his anger.

And she always opened the door of the study quietly, walked to him, and took the initiative to get into his arms like a kitten, her small face was full of the gesture of a good girl, and she was aggrieved to please his lips. A kiss fell on the ground.

"Achen, I was wrong, can't I be wrong when I am wrong? Don't be angry!"

The soft voice was aggrieved, and when he said an apology, there was a hint of vibrato in the end.

Where can he stand it?

Reached out and took her into his arms, helplessly telling her that it was the last time!

However, he has compromised more than once!

She was sure that he wouldn't really do anything to her. Making mistakes would always be the appearance of this little woman, and she was so pitiful that he would never be able to resist it.

At this moment, she in front of him was a gesture that he was so familiar with and made him helpless.

With a slight movement in her heart, the hand wrapped around her waist couldn't help tightening a little, lowered her head and suddenly caught her pale lips...

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