Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 286: Are you a dummy

With a slight movement in her heart, the hand wrapped around her waist couldn't help tightening a little, lowered her head and suddenly caught her pale lips...

Sheng Yuchen was thinking of gentleness, but once he came into contact with Mu Chuqing's soft lips, all kinds of emotions exploded.

Mu Chuqing's stubbornness, his unwillingness to ask, his love and hate, made his kisses gradually become very hateful and rough.

He kissed her lips domineeringly and hard, with a strong smell of punishment that could not be extinguished.

And at that moment, Mu Chuqing's slightly retracted sanity was once again broken up by Sheng Yuchen's unpredictable kiss.

There was a momentary pause in her breathing, and the sudden kiss stunned her like a storm, her wet and flexible tongue rubbed between the tangled tongues, her mind went blank, but she closed her eyes obediently.

Her mind was blank, she didn't think about it, nor did she dare to think about it!

At this moment, she entrusted herself to her instinct!

She wanted to hug him, tighter, tighter!

With hands gradually clinging to his shoulders, Sheng Yuchen's body was fierce, the kiss paused for half a second, and his eyes were staring at Mu Chuqing's face.

At the moment when Mu Chuqing raised her eyes and wanted to look at him, she suddenly lowered her head and held her soft lips again.

More violent kisses swept over Mu Chuqing's reason, her head was held tightly by his big hands, her head was lifted, and he endured his kiss.

What's going on!

Until there was a fiery pain on the lips, a strong **** smell filled the two of them.

The pain evoked reason, Mu Chuqing's drunken eyes flashed and began to avoid.

She whimpered, and slammed Sheng Yuchen's hand tightly around her waist.


Sheng Yuchen frowned and snorted, Mu Chuqing barely used much strength, Sheng Yuchen let go of her.

Suddenly feeling strange, Mu Chuqing withdrew from Sheng Yuchen's arms, only to find that her hands were hot and humid.

He raised his hand and saw that his hand was bright red, and the floor was covered with blood.

Mu Chuqing's eyes widened suddenly, almost immediately, she looked towards Sheng Yuchen subconsciously.

Because Sheng Yuchen was wearing a black suit, he couldn't see any blood at first glance.

However, Mu Chuqing saw the blood flowing from his right arm, dripping to the ground, and she was frightened.

In Mu Chuqing's heart, a sudden turn of the river, panic and distress rushed to her heart, she hurriedly reached out and raised Sheng Yuchen's hand.

Reached out to solve the delicate cufflinks on Sheng Yuchen's suit, but his hands trembled uncontrollably, and the more he panicked, the more he lost his restraint.

Sheng Yuchen raised his left hand and held Mu Chuqing's hand, with a gentle comfort in his tone:

"It's okay, don't be afraid!"

Mu Chuqing raised her head to look at him, tears flickering in her clear eyes.

Are you a dummy?

Obviously I was injured, but I still have to comfort her in turn, don't be afraid!

Taking a long breath, Mu Chuqing lowered his head, put aside Sheng Yuchen's hand, and insisted on releasing Sheng Yuchen's cufflinks.

Closing his eyes, clenching his teeth and raising his sleeves, Mu Chuqing took a breath.

On this right arm, there was a wound that was more than ten centimeters long, and the blood was gurgling. She could even see the wound that almost turned out through the bright red blood.

That wound is too hideous and terrifying!

Mu Chuqing's head was dizzy, the sudden distress almost tore her whole body apart, and her strength was once again taken away from her body. Her body softened and she almost fell to the ground, but she was helped by Sheng Yuchen. A handful.


Mu Chuqing shook her head, she didn't know when the tears would fall.

The hideous wound and gurgling blood in front of her irritated her nerves everywhere. She stretched out her hands, eagerly hoping that the continuous blood would stop, but was afraid of hurting him again.

Shaking hands stayed around Sheng Yuchen's arms helplessly, "What to do? What to do?"

Mu Chuqing cried, her moist eyes staring at Sheng Yuchen's wound, stomping her feet anxiously.

Sheng Yuchen's black eyes were stained with a slight smile because of Mu Chuqing's small gesture.

Sheng Yuchen felt that he was really shameless!

He obviously didn't want to make her sad, but he would be happy to see her worrying about him, crying for him, and feeling helpless for him!

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