Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2796: obligation

Qian Junfeng paused, his face even more tangled...

While clinging to the lifeblood of his company, he is his precious son. What should he do?

After struggling for a long time, Qian Junfeng could not make any decision!

Wang Min looked at Qian Junfeng's appearance, really frightened, and had never seen Qian Junfeng irritated like this.

What exactly is going on?

His position before was very clear!

Back then, for his son, he ignored the eyes of others and resolutely brought their mother and son into the house, without considering the feelings of Su Man and the dead girl.

The son is too important to him, and she also knows that she can successfully enter the money plus, part of the reason is that mothers rely on their children to be expensive, and she succeeded in becoming a leader.

Even now, not long ago, he didn't worry about Su Nuan's life or death, and even hoped that she would die. If he died, his son would have it, right?

In front of Su Man, his eyes could not blink. How long did it take to become like this? !

Wang Min thought about the scene just now. Su Man just got out of control and didn't say anything that made people feel different.

To say that Wang Min felt abnormal, it was when Qian Junfeng met that man.

That little white face.

Su Nuan's little white-faced husband.

Although he is good-looking enough, his temperament is quite impressive, and his skills in beating people are also quite agile, but when he breaks the sky, he is just a young and energetic boy!

Why is he so afraid of that person? !

Wang Min was puzzled. A man who had lived for most of his life was trembling with fright when he saw a young white face, and he felt ashamed to think about it!

But Qian Junfeng is not a fool. The reason why he saw that person's trembling appearance was not just because he was punched, but there were other reasons?

"Junfeng, are you really afraid that the little white face will hit you again? Big...the big deal, let's get two bodyguards..."

In fact, Wang Min was inexplicably lacking in confidence when he said these words.

The subconscious mind told her that the truth does not seem to be that simple!

Qian Junfeng took a deep breath, the expression on his face was solemn, it seems that he is really regretful this time!

"Little white face?...Heh, if he is really a normal little white face, I won't have to be so entangled! Do you know who he is?"

Wang Min frowned and her face was a little ugly. It seemed that she was right what she had just thought. Qian Junfeng was afraid of the man for a reason.

Moreover, it is also one of the reasons she is most worried.

She swallowed involuntarily, and asked cautiously: "Who is it?"

"Where did you first meet Su Nuan?"


Qian Junfeng closed his eyes deeply, as expected...

"Still blind?"


Qian Junfeng sighed, "Fucheng, blind man, just married, who is the first thing you think of?"

"I listened to you not long ago. Didn't the son of the Xu family in Fucheng have an accident and have eye problems? And it's just married..."

Wang Min's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and he grabbed Qian Junfeng's hand and suddenly tightened, "You mean, that little white face is the son of the Xu family in Fucheng?! Su Nuan married into the Xu family?!!!"


Qian Junfeng nodded silently, and once again stretched out his palms to cover his face.

"The punch just now, I don't know if he can put out the fire." Qian Junfeng murmured.

Wang Min was also taken aback. She never thought that the little white face she had met before was actually the young master of the Xu family in Fucheng!

Su Nuan, who wants to have no appearance, a figure without a figure, and a dead girl with no temperament, actually married such a rich man like this?

In the domestic business circle, at least 20% of the outstanding people are in Fucheng, and the Xu family is not far behind, one of the best companies, one of the best!

Su Nuan?

That **** girl?

Why is she? !

Wang Min felt angrily in his heart. How could that dead girl be so fateful? !

And Suman!

Actually married Zhao Hongshan, although the Zhao family is far from the Xu family's status, but compared with her Qian family, it is two blocks away from the Qian family!

Why is Su Man? !

What kind of woman does Zhao Hongshan want?

Why did he just fall in love with Suman, divorced, and still carry an oil bottle?

He is still holding it in his palm now!

Why? !

Su Man, Su Nuan, why are they so good? !

She squeezed their mother and daughter out of Qian's family, and they have the ability to find a better destination!

Why does Suman always have to crush her? !

Now, now...

"Then what to do? Jun Feng... we can't afford to provoke, but we can't hide, son, think about our son... and waiting for Su Nuan's kidney to help!"

"I know I know!!"

Qian Junfeng is so annoying now!

Su Nuan herself is unwilling to save Zhuangzhuang, and Su Man would not agree, and Xu Junyu, how could it be...

Now that Su Nuan's life and death is unknown, he still has a responsibility in it. Later, in front of Xu Junyu, he intends to force Su Nuan to sign a consent form for organ donation.

These little things accumulate, how easy is it to save his son?

One Zhao Hongshan, one Xu Junyu, he can't afford either?

Seeing Qian Junfeng so irritable, Wang Min didn't feel strange anymore!

She is also worried now. Not only is she worried about what Qian Junfeng is worried about, she also has another concern about her baby son!

If Qian Junfeng backed down because he was afraid of Xu Junyu, then her son would have no hope of survival.


Qian Junfeng is her god!

She can't just let him abandon their mother and son.

She clung to Qian Junfeng's arm tightly, watched Qian Junfeng indifferently, and finally got into his arms weakly, hugging his waist, her voice aggrieved and uneasy.

"Junfeng, Zhuangzhuang is your own son. You have worked hard for so many years, isn't it just to win honor to your ancestors? You see, now that you have a career and a son, the rest is just letting your son inherit yours. The career he has worked hard for will continue from generation to generation! The son has a long way to go. He must have the ability to push your career to the top. Zhuang Zhuang is your son. If you are so good, he must follow you. Same right?"

"..." Qian Junfeng's frowning eyebrows loosened little by little, his eyes moved.

Wang Min immediately said, "Su Nuan is your biological daughter after all. She will definitely not agree to let Xu Junyu do to you. She is a bit extreme now, but what about it? You have a duty of filial piety. As her husband, Young Master Xu is naturally also. If she treats you, it is not legally justifiable..."

[Thank you dears for the monthly pass, keep working hard! muah! 】

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