Wang Min immediately said, "Su Nuan is your biological daughter after all. She will definitely not agree to let Xu Junyu do to you. She is a bit extreme now, but what about it? You have the duty of filial piety. As her husband, Young Master Xu is naturally also. If she treats you, it is not legally justifiable..."

When Wang Min said this, Qian Junfeng suddenly paused, and looked down at Wang Min, with a dazed expression on his face.

Wang Min knew that he had listened, and he was happy, "Junfeng, where the family relationship is broken, even if the dead girl really can't make it through, that doesn't prove that you are not her father. The relationship between the two is protected by law. Her approach is that she is clever by herself. This can't blame you..."

Qian Junfeng's face looked a little better, but the eyes staring at Wang Min were empty, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long time, he slowly recovered his senses, pushed Wang Min away from his arms, and said, "You are right. I will go and see Su Nuan. At least she can survive this time... "

Wang Min frowned, "Why..."

Qian Junfeng pushed her into the ward, "You take good care of Zhuangzhuang, I will go see Su Nuan!"

Wang Min frowned, and his whole face was reluctant. After saying so much, he opened his mouth and was still worried about the life and death of Su Nuan, which was really hateful.

Qian Junfeng saw that Wang Min was in the wrong state and patted her shoulder, "She hasn't signed the consent for organ donation. If there is anything wrong with her, the two of us, and Zhuangzhuang, can we have a good life? "

At Qian Junfeng's reminder, Wang Min suddenly reacted.

Yes, that's right.

I was jealous just now, but I forgot about it for the first time.

The expression on his face improved, and Qian Junfeng left with peace of mind.

When I came to the operating room again, the operation was naturally over.

After asking for a while, I found out that Su Nuan's operation was successful, and he is now in the intensive care unit for observation.

Qian Junfeng exhaled immediately upon hearing this.

It’s fine, it’s fine now.

The heart that had been hanging just now was finally let go.

It's fine, then he still has a chance to make up.

The so-called compensation before was just to make Su Nuan promise to save Zhuangzhuang, but now it's different.

Zhuang Zhuang naturally must be saved, but he has to take his time.

In front of Su Nuan, be a qualified father.

Don't worry, don't worry, waiting for Su Nuan is equivalent to taking care of Xu Junyu.

As long as Xu Junyu is happy, Qian Junfeng's success has just begun.

There is still room for regret in everything. Su Nuan would rather break her relationship with him if she hurt herself. In another sense, it means that his biological father still has a certain weight in her heart.

If it's a person who doesn't hurt or itchy, who would be stupid enough to stabbing himself with a knife?

When Qian Junfeng found the intensive care unit, he saw Qian Junfeng and Su Man standing at the door. They didn't know what they were talking about, but they faced the isolation window with their backs to him.

Seeing Xu Junyu's back, Qian Junfeng sighed deeply, really... never expected to see it!

Su Nuan, how can you marry the Xu family?

That romantic and puny young master, what kind of woman does he want, why did he choose her?

The daughter is still useful. It seems that compared to the son, Su Nuan is here with him, which fully proves her value.

I have done a little bit before and never thought about the consequences, because there is no fear at all.

The Zhao family has a good reputation in their local area, but after so many years, his company's market value is quite large, if it is really compared, he may not necessarily suffer.

Besides, who is willing to take the company to head-on?

But I didn't guess when I wanted to break my head, Su Nuan had the ability to seduce Xu Jun and this big Buddha.

The tip of his tongue touched the corner of his lips, and the place where Xu Junyu had just hit was still tingling.

Thinking of Xu Junyu's expressions and the strength of hitting him, he still has a little bit of fear.

Now that I think about it, I still dare not step forward.

But now, since it's here...

After hesitating in place for a while, Qian Junfeng took a deep breath and walked towards the two people.

"...Suman, is Nuan Nuan all right?"

Su Man's body stiffened, turned around and saw Qian Junfeng, the expression on his face was ugly, and he shook involuntarily twice.

For Qian Junfeng's tireless stalker, really refreshed her three views.

So, what does he mean by coming here now?

"My daughter is very good, let you down."

Qian Junfeng's face was embarrassed for a while, watching Su Man twitched his lips and smiled, "Su Man, I am really worried about Su Nuan now. She is fine and I am happier than anyone else."

Su Man looked at him and laughed coldly, "Qian Junfeng, do you treat everyone as a fool? Are you sincere or fake, do you think others can't tell?"

"...Suman, you might... misunderstand me a little..."

Qian Junfeng was choked by Su Man's words for a while, and Xu Junyu who was on the side glanced at him.

"Yes, maybe you might really hope that Su Nuan is okay. The organ donation consent form in your hand hasn't been signed yet? Who do you want to sign if you die?"


Qian Junfeng pursed his lips, so the woman's mouth was really annoying.

He didn't have a word to refute Su Man, his face was full of vegetables, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Xu Junyu turning around, with a pair of long, narrow eyes looking at him coldly, without any expression, to a certain degree of indifference , Is to the extreme.

Qian Junfeng was clever all over, with cold sweat on his face, just such a painless look in his eyes completely scared people's brains blank, and he didn't know what to say at the moment.

Just looking up, looking at the person lying on the bed in the intensive care unit through the isolation window, he immediately said:

"It's me... it's all my fault... it made Su Nuan like this... it's me..."

Holding the window with his hands, Qian Junfeng looked regretful, looking at Su Nuan who was motionless on the hospital bed, Su Nuan flashed in front of her, staring at him resentfully, picking up the fruit knife and pointing towards him without hesitation. The picture of piercing his own heart.

This girl is really ruthless...

Is this to make the Zhao family and Xu family hate him?

It's almost killing him!

Facing Qian Junfeng's confession, Su Man clenched his teeth and watched him acting alone there with eloquent emotions. He was puzzled by his completely different attitude from just at the door of the operating room.

Where did that pair of people have a kidney for the sake of their own son, who is upright, and of course, shameless attitude?

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