Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2798: Why are you so unfeeling

Where did that pair of people have a kidney for their own son, who is upright, and of course shameless attitude?

What does he want now? !

And Xu Junyu just glanced at him coldly, and didn't take him anymore.

"Of course it's your fault, but you still have to say it?"


Qian Junfeng choked again. He stood there awkwardly for a while before speaking:

"Um, Xu..."

Xu Junyu raised his eyelids lightly and glanced at him lightly. Qian Junfeng didn't know what to do for a moment.

Now this is not even a name?

Then how should he talk to him?

Seeing Qian Junfeng's appearance, Su Man on the side understood something instantly, with an expression that suddenly realized.

After that, only a cold smile remained.

She knew, how could this man really suddenly and sincerely repent, and suddenly become like this, there must be a reason.

Now it looks like...

Feeling the shame of this man again, Su Man now sneered besides sneer.

She was once married to such a man, and was kicked out by such a man. In the last few days, she has been repeatedly mad at this man for ten years.

Now think about it, is it worth it just for such a man?

Of course not worth it.

I did such an excessive thing before because I didn’t know Xu Junyu’s existence. Now that I know the Xu family’s family background, I’m thinking about regretting it again?

Then, nothing more than wanting to get more benefits from the Xu family, continue to expand his career, and then inherit it to his precious son!

He also wanted to use Su Nuan to gain greater benefits for him and Wang Min's mother and daughter.

In this world, a dog can't change eating **** after all!

Knowing that it was impossible to talk to Xu Junyu for a while, Qian Junfeng could only look at Su Man again, the embarrassment on his face had not subsided, and in a blink of an eye he saw the thick contempt and irony on Su Man's face.

The shame of being seen through made Qian Junfeng both ashamed and angry for a while.

"Nothing is fine for Nuan Nuan. Anyway, I am really worried about her. Su Nuan became so worried that I was a little impulsive because I was too worried about being strong.

Perceiving Su Man’s sudden cold eyesight, Qian Junfeng pursed his lips, and suddenly said: “As a mother, I think you understand my mood at that time to some extent. Back then, all my mistakes were my fault. , But Zhuang Zhuang is my own son. His disease is not a disease that can be delayed. Kidney failure. If the source of the kidney is not found, my son will definitely die... Su Man, just like now, you can watch. Is Nuan Nuan dead?"

"..." Su Man didn't speak, the expression on his face was not as blunt as before.

Born as a mother, she admitted that what Qian Junfeng said was not wrong. Leaving aside the past, he was her own son after all. Kidney failure is not a small problem. If one day is delayed, it will be nearly one day away from death. Such a small child, from childhood. When I grow up, my dearest relatives, how to say, facing this kind of situation, not feeling sad and at a loss, is fake.

However, the saddest thing is that Su Nuan is also his daughter. Although she disdains and Su Nuan disdains, it is undeniable that all his actions, under all conditions, are in the identity of a father. .

How can this be easily accepted?

No one can.

The same father, why are they treated like this? !

"For a time... Qian Junfeng, people can be confused for a time, but from the first meeting to the present, this time is really long..."

Qian Junfeng couldn't refute for a while, and felt that no matter how much he said, there was always reason not to forgive him in Su Man.

I couldn't get any benefits here for a while, and Qian Junfeng didn't refute it. He just said, "I'm leaving first, and I will come back when Nuan Nuan wakes up."

"You don't need to come over! Qian Junfeng, can you stop pestering us?! Su Nuan would rather die to sever relationship with you! For her, as long as you no longer appear in front of her, that is what she wants most. ."

Qian Junfeng frowned, "I owed her in the past, I will slowly make up for it..."

"No, she doesn't need any compensation from you now. Qian Junfeng, you need to lie to us, but we don't have to cooperate with you! What do you want to make up for us? Are you richer or better than us? Power? Or your things, which are rare for all of us? No, the only irreplaceable thing between you and Su Nuan, now is something she discarded like a mess, worthless! Don't come to us again to insult yourself ."

"Su Man, why do you become so unfeeling now? Do you think that Su Nuan can cut the relationship between her and me with this knife? Why don't you think about it, if it's not for me, I'm still a father in Su Nuan's heart With her identity, can she do such things that hurt herself? Although you are her mother, you are not her after all. What does she think in her heart, where do you position me, and how much do you really understand? I believe, As long as I make up for the debt owed to her for so many years, she will not necessarily forgive me!"

"I'm unfeeling now? You still want me to be like before, what you say is what you say, and finally let me leave. I leave without resisting. You almost killed Nuan Nuan at the beginning, and I was cowardly doing nothing. Are you happy if you and Wang Min have been at ease for the past few years? If so, I really regret not being more vicious in those days... As for wanting Su Nuan to forgive you... If she forgive you, well, I Don't stop..."

The expression on Qian Junfeng's face was a moment of joy, but Su Man immediately said:

"I and you and she can only choose one! If she forgives you, I will die for her to see! I will see if I am important in her heart, or your father is important in her heart!"


Qian Junfeng's face was immediately ugly, and another moment of anger.

This **** stinky woman!

Actually would think of coming here!

If she really did this, what energy would he waste? !

Seeing Qian Junfeng's angrily wishing to slap her twice, Su Man felt happy.

"Didn't I say that I am unfeeling? I will really show you the unfeeling!"

"If you push Su Nuan like this, you are not afraid of Su Nuan's depression and sadness! You are her mother, but you have to force a choice before your father and mother. Do you really love Su Nuan?!"

"Is whether I love her or not has anything to do with you? I just want to force her, as long as I put aside the relationship with you, I can do more excessive things! Moreover, you are too passionate, and now you are just entangled Fuck, just dying to struggle! Qian Junfeng, you never want to get what you want from Su Nuan. I won't let you succeed!"

"Monthly pass, darlings. 』

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