Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2799: I don’t know if he is aware of it

Qian Junfeng was irritated by what Su Man said, but Su Man was not timid at all. Qian Junfeng had never seen that kind of strength.

He is fierce now, even if he is very angry now, he still dare not do anything to Suman.

"How to treat Su Nuan is my business. If she refuses to forgive me, don't forgive me. I just need to do what I should do."

Su Nuan just pulled her lips faintly, and raised a sarcastic smile.

Qian Junfeng didn't want to talk back to Su Man at all. After saying this, he turned and left.

Especially after seeing the disdainful smile on Su Man's face, it made him feel that he should leave here immediately, otherwise, if this continues, she might have to be taught a lesson by her, or even get angry.

Xu Junyu turned around a little bit, watching Qian Junfeng almost running away, showing no expression on his handsome face.

Su Man let out a long sigh, his whole body relaxed completely, and his body softened. There have never been such arrogant and domineering times in this life. Ever since I met Qian Junfeng again, I have used all my momentum in this life.

"Have you never seen such a brazen person?"

Su Man looked at Xu Junyu and said, with shame in his heart.

Letting Xu Junyu know that Su Nuan has such a father is the last thing she wants to face,

What she wanted to show to Xu Jun was that Su Nuan had a happy family, grew up happily, healthy and healthy, never experienced a little pain, and was spoiled and raised by her. This kind of growth experience, It also indirectly proved to the Xu family that her daughter is also the jewel in her palm and cannot bear any grievance. In this way, in the Xu family, her daughter cannot be looked down upon and cannot stand unnecessary grievances.

But now, in Xu Junyu's eyes, her daughter may not be too much suffering.

Although this idea is a bit selfish, she selfishly hopes that her daughter will be given preferential treatment and attention.

Xu Jun and his eyes turned slightly, and the uneasy expressions on Su Man's face were taken into their eyes.

Although he has been a lot of fun for so many years, he has seen all kinds of people, sometimes just a person's eyes or actions, he can detect their thoughts for the first time.

Although it is other people's matters and other people's ideas, he can always see through.

Therefore, Suman's words and expressions at the moment, now he is very clear.

I feel confident that I think nothing is wrong.

"I haven't seen this kind of people rarely, but it's the first time I have met someone who can do this."

"..." Su Man pursed her lips and didn't speak for a while.

Although she is not ashamed of Qian Junfeng, she still feels ashamed.

"However, he is him, and Su Nuan is Su Nuan. Since Su Nuan is now a member of my Xu family, she cannot tolerate others being bullied like this. After being bullied, she remains indifferent. I can't do it. I'm using it to round up and flatten it, but I still don't resist. Qian Junfeng, I won't spare him lightly..."

Su Man sighed suddenly. Xu Junyu had expressed his attitude to her many times before, but she was always hanging in her heart and refused to really relax.

I can't wait to look at Su Nuan eagerly every day, so I can feel at ease.

But she also knew that she had to let go of her hand, Su Nuan's own feelings, her own life, always need her own management, she can not stare at her forever.

"...No matter what you do, I just want my daughter to be well. I don't care about everything else, just do whatever you want."

"Yeah. You don't have to worry too much." Xu Junyu responded and raised his eyes to see Zhao Hongshan walking towards here.

When I saw Su Man, I breathed a sigh of relief, "I just walked with the doctor for a few minutes, and you ran here..."

"I'm worried about Nuan Nuan..." Su Man softened his voice.

"I know, I know. The doctor said that Nuan Nuan is okay, and it will be okay after tonight."

"Yeah." The nerves relaxed, leaning against Zhao Hongshan's arms, and his eyes were red again.

Xu Junyu looked at the two people who depended on each other, his eyes moved slightly, and said: "I am looking at Su Nuan here. Go and rest."

Su Man was a little worried, but Zhao Hongshan patted her shoulder, "It's okay, you hurry up to rest for a while, and eat something later, otherwise if Su Nuan wakes up and sees you like this, she should be sad again. She suffers. Once the trauma affects the mood, the wound will heal very slowly...we have to let Su Nuan get better soon, know?"

When Zhao Hongshan said this, Su Man was a little frightened and didn't insist anymore. He told Xu Jun and a few words and left with Zhao Hongshan.

Xu Junyu sighed, looking at Su Nuan, his handsome face moved slightly, and his eyebrows frowned.

"When you wake up, let's see how I clean up you!"

It’s gnashing your teeth, there is no adulteration at all,

But Su Nuan, who had been in a coma, had no idea.

When the doctor came, Xu Junyu said he wanted to go in. The doctor first went to see Su Nuan’s situation and asked the nurse to find an isolation gown for Xu Junyu to put on before allowing him to go in.

Looking at Su Nuan's pale face up close, Xu Junyu's heart was even more congested.

Obviously such a restless person, who just fell into a concussion yesterday, almost lost his life today, once or twice he threatened to protect her, but became a real display.

This woman really has a way to show off his high spirits.

Just standing by the bed for a while, watching Su Nuan not even move her eyelids, only the mist in the oxygen mask emerged and disappeared with her shallow breathing.

In the end, he sighed and stretched out his hand to gently touch her pale face. The slightest temperature passed from his fingers, which actually made him feel relieved.

This woman...


Having been in the intensive care unit waiting for Su Nuan to wake up, Su Man felt uneasy. After a short rest, he asked Zhao Hongshan to stare at something to eat before persuading Zhao Hongshan to come over, looking at Su Nuan through the isolation window, and Xu Junyu, who was sitting quietly next to her bed, gradually became relieved in his nervous eyes.

"I haven't always believed in the qualitative nature of children like Jun Yu. At least it seems that I think too much now."

Su Man said softly, staring inside.

Xu Junyu sat quietly next to Su Nuan, leaning on a chair, supporting his head with one hand, staring at Su Nuan almost motionless.

She didn't know how long he kept in this state, but since she came here for a few minutes, he hasn't changed his posture, nor has his sight moved.

I don't know what he was thinking about looking at Su Nuan, but the look in his eyes made Su Man too relieved.

I don’t know if he, as the person involved, noticed it?

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