Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2808: Who looked at your company

"But I still have a son!"

Qian Junfeng stared, his son was the first time.

A dark light flashed in Huo Yan's eyes, hiding the vague emotions in his heart.

Without a kidney source, how long can his precious son live?

But Qian Junfeng is Qian Junfeng, and his son is his son.

Even if the facts are correct, but thinking about it in his heart, he himself feels too much,

But not everyone is Qian Junfeng.

"Besides, she's just a daughter, she should belong to everything? Your young master already gave her so many shares?"

"My young master is my young master, and you are you! My young master did not give it to you..."

The flames paused, watching Qian Junfeng still unwilling to make concessions, and he said: "If you don't give it, you won't give it. If my young master wants it, he will definitely get it. I will ask you again. One last time, this document, do you sign or not?!"

Qian Junfeng actually had no bottom in his heart. Yes, he had no bottom from the beginning.

Now this flame is obviously more threatening. He has an extremely bad premonition. He really doesn't know what Xu Junyu can do to get the shares in his hands!

However, only if he doesn't let go, holding these shares that belong to him tightly in his hands, what can they do?

"I won't sign it!" He only has so few shares, and he really has nothing to sell!

Even if he doesn't get a further relationship with Xu Junyu, he will keep his company to the death.

"Very good. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. I kindly reminded you twice! Also, don't think that my grandmother is very rare for your small company. Even if you have ten such companies, you will not In the eyes of young grandmother. As the director of our Xu Group with 13% equity, she will not worry about your small company every day. At most, she will only express grievances for herself. Don't take yourself too seriously! "

Qian Junfeng suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, staring at the flames, and his entire face was pale.

"Su Nuan... owns 13% of the shares in the Xu family?"

Seeing Qian Junfeng like this, Huo Yan curled his lips and sneered.

"The young master is still too small, maybe someday the young grandma will please the young master and it is possible to give the entire company to the young grandma! What is this share?"

Qian Junfeng's hands hanging on both sides were a little uncomfortable. He stretched out in front of him trembling, clasped them tightly, the joints were white, and he still couldn't control the obvious shaking.

Obviously, he naturally understood that Xu, who was already well-known in the world, could no longer be calculated by conventional numbers.

13% of the shares...

On its own, this holding of shares is a considerable number in any company, not to mention Xu, who is not eligible to enter if he has money.

Let’s talk about the 13% of the shares. Under Xu’s worth, 13% is multiplied by a huge base. It is impossible to imagine how high Su Nuan’s worth is now?

And there are endless possibilities. If Su Nuan is happy, Xu Junyu might give her the entire company?



Back then, back then...

The daughter he abandoned regardless of his feelings, how outrageous is he?

Not to mention that she will own the entire Xu family in the future, but the 13% of the shares in the Xu family that she now holds is something he will never get in his life.

If he treated her better back then, maybe he was far more successful than he is now.

After all, the son he wanted desperately, but what can his son give him?

On the contrary, this daughter has now reached a height that he will never reach.

in case……

But there is no regret medicine in this world.

Qian Junfeng regretted it all, while thinking about what if, while admiring what Su Nuan was holding, while trying to save this daughter as much as possible...

Now he and Su Nuan can't do the most normal father-daughter relationship.

His expression was undoubtedly revealed in his heart, Huo Yan couldn't help but glanced at him contemptuously.

"Today I mainly talked to you about the equity transfer. Since you don't agree to sign, I won't keep it any more. do it yourself."

There are still some words that can completely make Qian Junfeng collapse, but he feels that instead of letting him say, it is better for the young lady to tell him one day, and it will be more refreshing.

This time, Huo Yan didn't stay anymore, and completely left Qian Junfeng's office.

Before that, neither the secretary nor the manager of the personnel department shy away.

Therefore, the appearance of Huo Yan and the confrontation between him and Qian Junfeng clearly caused Huo Yan to have the upper hand.

And Qian Junfeng was really shocked by the threat of his few words,

At first they wondered, and even now they are a little puzzled, what is the sacred man who can threaten Qian Dong and make Qian Dong look so flustered.

Also, from the conversation between the two of them just now, the Xu family mentioned...

Could it be the Xu Group in Fucheng?

What master, grandma?

This is not ancient!

Speaking of which, only the rich and powerful people who have servant assistants would call their masters like that?

What else is Qian Dong's daughter...

Isn't Qian Dong's wife Wang Min from the Finance Department?

The two of them only have one son. Where did the daughter come from?

Is it possible that Qian Dong had a wife before?

The most low-key gossip passed down by the company before turned out to be true. Looking at Wang Min from the finance department, he looks much younger than Qian Dongke. He is dressed up all day long, walking and swaying, twisting waist and hips. tight.

It's like the legendary Humei Xiaosan, who specializes in destroying other people's families,

I thought it was a guess before. One was Qian Junfeng’s assistant, so naturally he didn’t dare to pay much attention to his gossip. The other was the manager of the personnel department. As the leader of a department, it is even more impossible to get into the gossip pile or advocate himself His subordinates talked about gossip without any barriers.

Although... these gossips have all been heard before.

It now seems that this year, he may have really abandoned his original partner and daughter for the sake of Xiaosan, and now people come to collect debts.

And it's menacing!

It's not that they didn't know that Young Master Xu in Fucheng happened to be married a few days ago. Now that counts as time, it should be the time when the woman returns home.

Involving everything just now, and linking it together, that is, the daughter who was abandoned by Qian Dong married into the Xu family, and now with the stiff rod supported by her husband, she came to collect debts.

The situation is also obvious, Qian Dong obviously has a disadvantage.

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