Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2809: I know what kind of person you are

The situation is also obvious, Qian Dong obviously has a disadvantage.

The manager of the personnel department thought for a while, raised his head and whispered towards Qian Junfeng; "Dong Qian, since this is the decision of the board of directors, can you go home and wait for a while, or maybe there is something between you Contradiction, find some time to explain, maybe it will all pass, it will always be a relative, and things will never be too extreme..."

When Qian Junfeng heard this, his dazed eyes flashed slightly.

After a long time, it seemed to finally have a sense of consciousness. He turned to look at the personnel manager, frowned, and slowly moved his gaze to his desk to take a look. Finally, he walked over and packed his personal belongings one by one. Up.

Seeing this, the HR manager secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he is not so difficult to do.

If Dong Qian insists on disagreeing, he will be the real leader.

The reason why Qian Junfeng packed his things was also because of a sentence from the personnel manager who suddenly woke up.

There is always a way out.

Contradictions are used to resolve!

Instead of spending time here, it's better to really relax and think about how the strong kidney source can reduce Su Nuan's anger towards him.

There is nothing you can't live with, this sentence is right,

After packing up the things, the secretary had a vision to share some of Qian Junfeng's burden.

Follow Qian Junfeng to take the elevator downstairs together.

Under the strange gaze of some people in the company, he walked out of the company door with a cold face and bowed his head

After Huoyan handled the matter, he left the company one step ahead of Qian Junfeng. The matter was not completed. He needed to report to the young master.

Before getting into the car, I happened to see Qian Junfeng walking out with a ugly expression on his face.

He smiled, but he still has a little knowledge of current affairs.

Qian Junfeng noticed that a line of sight was looking at him, and looked up along the line of sight, just in time to see the flame that had been deflated by him just being with him.

His face was more ugly, but Huoyan was happier, he retracted his eyes, opened the door, and drove away.

Qian Junfeng pressed down his suffocation forcefully, took a deep breath, turned around, looked up at the company he had worked hard for, and after watching for a long time, he gritted his teeth cruelly, turned and left.

How could his company give up easily,

In any case, he still has shares in his hands.

That is all his possessions, no one will take everything in.

However, he didn't know that Xu Junyu wanted the result that he had nothing.


Back home, Qian Junfeng sat on the sofa tiredly, still unable to fully release the depression in his heart.

I always feel that my heart is always hanging.

After racking his brains to think about what Xu Junyu might have to deal with him, he was exhausted once he didn't think of a method.

Thinking about how Xu Junyu should do this, his brain hurts back and forth.

I was very upset and didn't even think about going to the hospital to see his precious son now. He leaned on the sofa and fell asleep without knowing it.

It didn't seem to be long before, the phone ringing suddenly sounded, and it was very ear-piercing in the vast empty living room.

Qian Junfeng was agitated, opened his eyes, and found that he was asleep without knowing it. After rubbing his face, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Seeing Wang Min’s caller ID, Qian Junfeng’s heart was shocked. .

Now I really don't want to see the call from Wang Min.

First, he was afraid that she was in the hospital and called him to tell him that Zhuang Zhuang's condition was getting worse. He didn't want to hear such news at all.

Second, after the incident with Huoyan, he is now a little bit resistant to Wang Min in his heart. If she hadn't suddenly appeared in front of him and seduce him, he wouldn't have so much trouble now.

Not only will the company not fall into the hands of others, it may be hundreds of times stronger than it is now.

Even if she could not toss for a while, he might have left Su Nuan by his side.

A Su Nuan, his current worth is far beyond his reach...

But now...


He sighed uncontrollably, and answered the call.

"Hey! Where are you now? I called your office. What did the secretary say you are not in the company?!"

Hearing Wang Min's full questioning and the tense and sharp voice, his eyebrows frowned.

"What's the matter?" Qian Junfeng wanted to put his words directly on the subject because he really didn't have the energy to breathe with her.

As a result, Wang Min was even more reluctant, "I asked where you are now?! Why are you not in the company during working hours?!"

Ears hurt by Wang Min's voice, Qian Junfeng stretched out his hand and pinched his eyebrows, impatiently:

"I'm at home! What's wrong?!"

Wang Min paused for a long time, seeming to be relieved, " home? Why don't you go home?!"

Qian Junfeng really didn't want to waste time with her on such meaningless things, and even more impatiently said: "What are you going to do with me?!"

Will call him in the office for no reason?

Wang Min hurriedly said, "Oh...oh, yes, Junfeng, the doctor said..." Before he finished speaking, Wang Min started crying, Qian Junfeng's heart suddenly choked, and his heart was vaguely faint. The appointment had a bad feeling.

Wang Min covered his mouth in sadness and sobbed, but his muffled voice murmured, "The doctor urges us to find the source of the kidney quickly, so we can't delay..."

Qian Junfeng closed his eyes in despair. Why did everything gather here?

Can't he let him go for a quarter of an hour?

"I've been looking for it, there is no news yet. Wait..."

"Wait? When will you wait? Jun Feng, the doctor said, the operation should be done as soon as possible. If you delay it, I am afraid that even if the kidney source is found, it will be useless!"

How could Qian Junfeng not know the truth!

The worst things are squeezed today, leaving her no chance to breathe.

Annoying, so annoying!

If you didn't want this son in the first place, all bad things can't happen now!

It's better now!

After working all his life, what can he get in the end?

"Junfeng? Qian Junfeng, are you listening? You don't want to care about your son?!"

Wang Min didn't get Qian Junfeng's immediate response, and the whole person was going crazy.

I'm afraid that Qian Junfeng's mind will really give up his son!

"I said, I'm looking for, I've been looking for! There is no news yet, don't you understand?!"

Qian Junfeng yelled at the phone impatiently, shocking Wang Min on the other end.

" Junfeng, if you don't want to control, you can say it clearly. It doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't know who you are. I don't want my own daughter. I don't expect you to not Abandon my son!!"

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