While walking and crying, while waiting for the elevator, he was stopped by Xu Jun and who came up.

"Mom... wait a minute."

Su Man turned to look at him, raised his hand and wiped the tears from his face, "I am very angry now, if you are here to say something for Su Nuan, then don't say anything, I can't listen to it any more!"

Xu Junyu shook his head and said indifferently:

"Aren't you curious? In my eyes, Su Nuan has never been a person who can be easily affected by emotions. She has always been a person who prioritizes herself, and she has been out alone for so many years, and has always been the same. She loves and hates clearly, and it is Su Nuan who is right and unforgiving. We all know her attitude towards Qian Junfeng, and her previous attitude is also very obvious. What made her suddenly change her mind... I'm curious, don't you want to know?"

"..." Su Man was silent for a long while, listening to Su Nuan's impression of Xu Jun and his mouth being not very good, although a little uncomfortable, but did not say anything, she hopes that Su Nuan is really that kind of person, and Since Xu Junyu can say this to her frankly, he can also think that he does not care that Su Nuan is such a person, or, like her, I hope she is like this.

At the same time, the angry heart of Su Heating started to calm down, because Xu Junyu's words successfully diverted her attention.

Curious, how could she not be curious, what made Su Nuan suddenly change her attention? !

When Xu Junyu saw Su Man began to waver, he was not as strong as he was just now, so he said again: "I don't believe that she suddenly changed her mind because of what Qian Junfeng or Wang Min said to her, or did something? She just said Before, Qian Junfeng and that child are two different things. If I guess right, the problem must be with that child. So now, do you want to find the answer with me?"

Hearing that, Su Man looked up at him, Xu Junyu looked at her indifferently, with no expression, but even more serious.

After all, it’s her own daughter. No matter how decisive Su Man said, she still can’t say she sever the relationship between two people.

Her daughter is a good one, and she shouldn't just blame her blindly when something happened. The most correct way is to understand what happened.

Nodding her head, she agreed to go with Xu Junyu to find the answer.

Xu Jun smiled with the hooked lips, turned around, and walked towards the corridor on the right side of the elevator.

Su Man hesitated in place for a while, but still followed Xu Junyu.

Xu Junyu seemed to be no stranger to the child’s ward. Standing at the door of the ward, Xu Jun greeted the nurse who had passed by and asked her to help bring the child out of the ward. They only had to take a look. Just fine,

The nurse saw that Xu Junyu's temperament was extraordinary, and there was a lady with graceful temperament standing beside her. She knew that she was not the one to provoke. If she just took a look, it was not something to do.

As long as there is no irreversible accident, and the whole floor of the hospital will know that there is a boy with kidney failure in this ward. If someone who is willing to donate the kidney is waiting, it may not be a good thing. What's the quality of the family? After all, it is a child and a life.

Before long, the nurse called the child out.

Zhuangzhuang stood at the door, concealing the two people who looked at the door defensively.

Su Man was shocked when he saw the child at the first glance. He involuntarily stepped back two steps, and touched his chest unconsciously.

This kid...

The thin body, pale face, pale lips, dull eyes, sunken eye sockets, and the obvious dark circles around the eye sockets, it was obviously an innocent age, but it became what it is now.

Where is a child?

It’s just like the walking dead in the movie,

But he was clearly still alive, living in pain, struggling on the edge of life and death.

When Xu Junyu saw Zhuang Zhuang, he was also surprised.

He had seen this child once in Fucheng. His character was not likable. He saw at a glance that he was a child spoiled by Qian Junfeng and Wang Min. At that time, he was white and fat, still making trouble. Now , Unexpectedly became like this, after only about half a month, he became skinny and lifeless.

I have never noticed the disease of kidney failure, which spreads faster than cancer.

"It's a crime!"

Su Man stepped back a few more steps, pressed his back against the wall, and slowly raised his unconsciously trembling hand, covering his mouth in disbelief.

It is Qian Junfeng's beast that should be cut all the time, why is the retribution made by a child?

Having been a mother for more than 20 years, looking at the child who had just reached her waist in front of her, she had already become like this, and she was still uncontrollable in her heart...

Suman blinked, not wanting to admit it.

The corner of Xu Junyu's eyes glanced at the expression on Su Man’s face, her lips were pursed, and his gaze passed over the boy’s face again, Zhuang Zhuang touched his eyes, and stepped back in fear.

Xu Jun hooked the corners of his lips, glanced at him lightly, turned around and walked to Su Man, and whispered, "Are you okay?"

Su Man raised his eyes and glanced at him, his face was a little pale, but he nodded slightly, and couldn't help but glanced at the child, his eyes flashed with unbearableness, and finally he gritted his teeth and turned around and left.

Xu Junyu raised his eyebrows and raised his heels behind Su Man.

Su Man still intends to leave. The elevator had just left, and she was standing in the waiting hall waiting for the elevator.

Put your hand on your mouth, my face is a little anxious,

"I knew it might be the child, but I didn't expect it to be so serious."

Su Man's hand on his lips trembled a little, "I...even if it is, I can't forgive Su Nuan for making his own claim.

"Well, me too." Xu Junyu nodded, agreeing with Su Man's words.

This is indeed an infuriating thing.

"However, Su Nuan said that she wanted to make her feel better and not feel too guilty. If it were before, I might still not be able to accept this argument, but now, I seem to understand her a little. Kind."

Xu Junyu said this, but he was not relieved that his wife was a kind woman.

His wife is not kind.

Otherwise, he is really tired.

Instead of asking him to stand up and vent her anger when encountering things, it would be better to let her toss herself, what consequences, he would stand up for her to do something good.

His wife does not need peace.

[Continue for a while. 】

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