Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2830: Broken jar

Instead of asking him to stand up and vent her anger when encountering things, it would be better to let her toss herself, what consequences, he would stand up for her to do something good.

His wife does not need peace.

It’s better now, she is not only a kind heart, but also an uncomfortable one.

Although he knew the reason, he had a headache now.

Kindness is not a good thing,

Su Man pursed his lips, thinking exactly the same as Xu Junyu, feeling a headache for Su Nuan's behavior.

"No matter how many reasons I have to forgive her, I just want her to be good! No matter how pitiful the child is, it is no better than my daughter. Su Nuan has experienced it back then, so why has it changed now compared to that child? Isn't it trivial? Su Nuan is just heartless! Nothing else!"

Having said that, I can hear that the attitude is not as tough as before.

"Yeah. Fortunately, it's not irretrievable now."

Su Man's face is also much better.

At the moment the elevator came up again, Suman walked into the elevator and left.

Xu Junyu stood there, watching the elevator doors slowly close, with a faint expression on his face, without joy, impatience or anger.

It's too early to say anything. What he wants to see is what kind of "love and hatred is clear" in Su Nuan.

Back in the ward, Su Nuan, who was sitting on the sofa, quickly stood up and walked towards him, grabbing the corner of his clothes anxiously, and asking him expectantly, "How about it, my mother?"

Xu Junyu rubbed the top of her head, "Don't worry, it's okay. I'm tired, and go home to rest."

Su Nuan didn't believe it, "Really?"


Xu Jun raised her eyebrows slightly, and the tone of the single word was raised, successfully showing Su Nuan the displeasure she felt when she did not trust him.

Su Nuan shook her eyes, "It's fine if it's okay."


In the evening, the door of Su Nuan's ward was suddenly pushed open from inside.

Su Nuan, who is boring and watching a movie in bed, will inevitably be surprised.

When she sat up on the bed and saw the person breaking into the room, Su Nuan's face immediately became cold.

"Su Nuan, are you really that cruel? Ah?! What do we owe you? If you hate you back then, but you want money, I will give it to you, what else do you want?! Strong is yours My brother! Do you really bear the heart to be so unhelpful?! What about your conscience? Your conscience has been eaten by dogs!"

As soon as Wang Min entered the door, he rushed to Su Nuan's hospital bed, grabbed Su Nuan by the collar, and stared at Su Nuan with red eyes, with a sullen expression wishing to smash her into pieces.

Su Nuan's temples jumped "suddenly", she was caught off guard by this sudden scream, and her heart really couldn't calm down for a while.

Xu Jun, who had been on the phone outside to deal with business affairs, heard the movement inside, put away the phone, and hurriedly walked into the ward, saw Su Nuan sitting on the bed in a daze and Wang Min was holding his collar, his eyes darkened, and he strode forward. Before the hospital bed, he grabbed Wang Min's hand and slammed her aside!

Su Nuan, who had been stunned, was immediately held in his arms by Xu Jun.

Looking at Wang Min who was thrown on the ground, Wang Min's scream just echoed in his buzzing ears.

Her eyes flashed suddenly, and then she gradually recovered.

He looked towards the door of the ward, and because of Wang Min's movements, many people had gathered there to watch the excitement.

"It turns out that child has a sister."

"Need money? Need money to save my own brother?"

"It seems so, it seems that after asking for the money, I regretted it!"

"Should not be born to a mother? I think that woman is quite young, she doesn't seem to have such a big daughter!"

"Hey, these days, you know what's going on when you move your toes! The wretched wife is out of court!"

"'s hard to say, if you want me, I have to consider whether to save that child!"

"Tsk, what does a life have to do with a child? It is still related by blood. The so-called adversity sees the truth, maybe she donated a kidney to that child at this time, and her father can still be grateful to take her home! Very good family, quite rich..."



Although it was a whisper, it still reached Su Nuan's ears clearly.

Her hands were held together in an instant, shaking tightly.

A small face was pale with anger.

Unexpectedly, Wang Min actually achieved such a broken jar, not only did not evade the fact that he was a junior, but also took her and her mother into the water.

My sister?

The wife of the chaff? !

Wang Min, you just have the ability to wipe out the little sympathy she has for her son.

What kind of social status is it now, laugh at the poor but not at the prostitution!

In this society where the primary third is overwhelming, the primary third can easily be accepted, even the primary third is fighting for true love, and the original partner is the wife of the chaotic. They are not capable of fighting the primary third, and they deserve to fall into the dust.

And now, she is still the one who reaches out for money!

She also slammed with a broken jar,

Why would Qian Junfeng take her home as long as she donated a kidney? !

Is she rare? !

Donate a kidney to get back to that "home", how useless she is!

Su Huan's body was trembling, his eyes gradually became dark.

"Wang Min, don't you slap me on my nose here. My conscience? My conscience was eaten by you ten years ago! Come and talk to me about conscience now? Spit it out of your mouth. !"

Wang Min's face turned pale, anyone who is not stupid knows that Su Nuan is calling her a dog!

But now, she couldn't get up.

When I came to the hospital in the afternoon, Zhuangzhuang, who was able to walk on the ground before, got worse again, this time he didn't even have the strength to get out of bed and walk.

The doctor once again told them helplessly that if they could no longer find the source of the kidney, they had to prepare them psychologically, and prepare whatever they should prepare.

They are not fools one by one, this is the death notice in disguise, let them prepare the funeral in advance!

How could this be?

How can she accept such bad news? !

Qian Junfeng hasn't let herself come to see Su Nuan. She has reached such a critical point. What is the overall situation for her? !

Her son is dying!

How can she not hate it!

Su Nuan is the only hope for Zhuangzhuang! I was excited for a while, but now I am a little sensible.

She got up from the ground crying and knelt on the ground and begged Su Nuan, "Su Nuan, just beg you as an aunt, and save Zhuang Zhuang! You know how difficult it is for your father to get a son, so you really bear the heart. Did you see him giving away a black-haired guy with a white-haired guy? You are still a strong sister, can you really watch your own younger brother waiting for death? We are a family..."

Hearing Wang Min's crying begging, Su Nuan suddenly laughed coldly.

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