Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2839: People rely on clothing

It was Xu Junyu who wanted to face him, but he didn't expect it to be this little bitch.

However, instead of facing that strong and cold Xu Junyu, talking with this little **** would not be so nervous.

After all, it is Qian Junfeng's biological daughter. Only this one can make the people present to drown her!


Qian Junfeng's words stuck in his voice, and Wang Min was secretly proud.

The people in a conference room didn't expect that it was a woman who had waited for a long time, not Xu Junyu, who they were a little expectant, who couldn't react for a while and was a little disappointed.

After all, they still want to see with their own eyes the true face of the famous Xu successor.

Although I have seen a lot of scandals about him in some gossip magazines before, they all said that he was not doing business properly, was suave, and wentssip and gossip continued. It seems that he has never been in business, but it is undeniable that the Xu family is still good in recent years. Not only did they not have a little bit of decadence as they expected, but they are still developing a little bit, which is surprisingly stable.

What surprised them most was that he, who was blind in an accident not long ago, got married again. Not only did the company not waver at all, he took the opportunity to take a lot of shares from other directors' mobile phones!

This made them even more admired and curious. What kind of dude did this son of Xu look like, and what kind of tough style, can he go to this day?

But why, after waiting all morning, just waiting for such an irrelevant woman.

Did you go to the wrong place?

"Who are you?" Thinking about this, the unidentified person looked at Su Nuan and said, "This is not where you should be, or who are you looking for?"

Su Nuan didn't stop, but walked directly in. The door of the meeting room she pushed open closed automatically, making a "bang" sound, not small, like a muffled thunder in the entire quiet meeting room. .

Then I saw her walking straight to the front of the meeting room and standing still.

Su Nuan reached out and put her handbag aside, looking blankly at Qian Junfeng, who also looked at her.

"Qian Dong, I think this position should not belong to you at the moment."


"Trouble Qian Dong to take the initiative, he embarrassed himself from the beginning."

Su Nuan coldly interrupted Qian Junfeng, she really didn't have any feelings.

Qian Junfeng pressed his lips vigorously, his face was full of vegetables, he took a deep look at Su Nuan again, and finally found that Su Nuan didn't give him a look afterwards.

Originally thinking that even a trace of intolerance and movement would be seen in her eyes, he would have a better chance of winning, but now, he can only take one step and count one step.

In his heart, he was not as optimistic as Wang Min was. This time, I was really afraid that the only things left in Su Nuan's heart would have been polished...

He lowered his head, picked up his own documents and pens in front of him, dazzled Su Nuan's document bag, passed his eyes in contemplation, silently walked to the side and sat down.

Seeing his action, everyone in the conference room was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Qian Dong would really give way to this young woman.

That said, this woman is not on the wrong path, is her purpose here?

But why?

Didn't Qian Dong say to wait for Young Master Xu to come?

Su Nuan walked to the position given by Qian Junfeng to stand. She put the paper bag in her hand on the table, her white and slender fingers pressed on it, and her movements were random, with a kind of randomness. Suddenly, there was no tension at the beginning.

But Su Nuan didn't sit down, and his indifferent gaze flicked over the people sitting in the meeting room. In just a few seconds, everyone tightened again.

They all lowered their heads, not going to Ying Su Nuan's scrutiny eyes.

However, Su Nuan gave a cold smile, and the quiet voice seemed particularly harsh in the quiet conference room.

"I don't remember I invited so many people."

As he said, he looked at Qian Junfeng who was aside, obviously knowing that this was what he meant.

Qian Junfeng had a kind of embarrassment of being seen through, aside from his sight, he did not look at the mocking look on Su Nuan's face.

After Su Nuan approached, Wang Min saw her wearing her body at close range. Only then did she discover that she was wearing an international brand. The simple jewelry she wore was really cut diamonds, and her face was light and pretty. Sandwiched with indifference, it gives people a strong feeling unconsciously.

Sure enough, the Buddha relied on gold outfits, and people depended on clothing. They just changed their outfits, and the aura was completely different.

The attitude of the people watching this conference room that they dare not easily provoke her was obviously suppressed by her aura.

Sure enough, women still need to use money to smash them. Women without money have only those who will be suppressed and looked down upon.

Putting it to Su Nuan before, who cares who she is?

I've been kicked out a long time ago.

But this time...

Wang Min swept around the people around him, and there was contempt across his face.

Really useless, since Da Su Nuan came in and said no more than three sentences in total, are they fooled now?

Jun Feng is also true, what do you call these rubbish?

It's fine now, and Su Nuan's momentum has completely increased.

Taking a breath, Wang Min looked at Su Nuan and said:

"But you didn't say that you are not allowed to call so many people. They are all people who have worked hard and energy for the company. Why can't they participate in the meeting? Xiao Nuan, since joining the company, be more tolerant. people……"

Su Nuan suddenly sneered, "Wang Finance's problem is really the same. Whoever needs it is your family."

"..." Wang Min's face suddenly sank, and Chi Guoguo's ironic fool could also hear him.

However, don't all people now eat this set?

"Xiao Nuan, you just joined the company and you don’t know about the company. We have always treated all the employees in the company as a family. Without them, the company would not be what it is today! Although it may sound a little false to you , But this is a fact. The company is like a big family. Without family members dedicated to the family, the family will fall apart sooner or later, and the company is the same."

Hearing Wang Min's words, the few people who had been silent stiffened their backs a little and gained more confidence.

Su Nuan curled her lips, ridiculing her unabatedly, and her calm expression made people feel guilty.

Su Nuan chuckled and sat down, resting her elbow on the table and resting her chin, completely disregarded.

That lazy and dismissive attitude was unprovoked a bit of Xu Jun and the shadows of the past. In the end, it was close to Zhu Zhechi, invisibly, Su Nuan was still unconsciously affected by Xu Jun and imperceptibly.

She suddenly sneered, "A fool believes you."

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