Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2840: Witnessed his stinginess

She suddenly sneered, "A fool believes you."



Everyone was silent for a while, and Wang Min's face was blushing.

"What do you mean?"

Su Nuan gently tapped the file bag pressed under her hand and made a light dull sound.

"Who is your family? If you don't pay others, who cares about your company?"

Su Nuan's ridicule became more and more explicit. This time not only Wang Min, but also the company leaders who had just become rigid because of Wang Min's words blushed.

Yes, they are not fools, and if they don't give them benefits, why are they wasting time here?

It's not wrong at all.

And Wang Min naturally knew this truth.

If they are not given enough benefits, who can stay here?

After all, hard work is just to keep one’s job. If there is a better choice, anyone will choose a better place.

The reason she said this was to play extra emotional cards, at least from the first look, it was still a bit useful.

However, Su Nuan’s few words overturned her little abacus.

This **** little bitch.

"But forget it." Su Nuan leaned back in the chair and suddenly felt that it was indeed the boss's exclusive seat, which was still quite comfortable.

I can’t help but sit and turn it around twice. Well, it’s really good, but compared with Xu Jun and the company’s chair, it’s still a lot worse.

It was obvious that she had a playful mind, but as a result, just after her voice fell, she suddenly turned around twice, which made everyone's hearts nervous.

Suddenly, I felt that this young woman's behavior was so unpredictable that people could not see through.

Su Nuan had enough fun, returned to the upright position, supported the table, and continued half of what he said earlier.

"Since you have called so many people, then I will let them here, it doesn't matter to me."

She said, picked up the file bag, opened it, took out the first file, and pushed it in front of Qian Junfeng.

Wang Min saw the above title for the first time, what was expected, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Qian Junfeng naturally also, this feeling is more uncomfortable than letting Xu Jun and the trustee give it to him.

"Nuan Nuan, are you really trying to drive me to death? You know, this company is my life's painstaking effort!"

"Is this called a dead end? I want to buy the shares in your hand, not unconditionally! I will give you the money. Nearly half of the shares are enough for your "family" to eat and wear for a lifetime. "

When Su Nuan talked about the three words "family", his tone of voice was extraordinarily heavy. People who didn't know didn't understand the deep meaning at all, but Qian Junfeng and Wang Min were very clear.

"Nuan Nuan, it's not a question of money or not..."

"What's the problem? Your life's hard work? What does it have to do with me?"

Qian Junfeng's fists were clenched tightly together, and his heart was already furious, but he looked at Su Nuan with disappointment and helplessness on his face, with a compassionate appearance.

Su Nuan just glanced at it, then retracted her gaze in disgust.

Who do you show as a helpless parent?


But Wang Min couldn't help it. He slapped the table suddenly, stood up, and glared at Su Nuan, "Su Nuan, are you doing this too much?! What does it have to do with you?! He is yours. Your biological father, is that okay?!"

As soon as Wang Min's voice fell, the atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly fell silent, and a few seconds later, it suddenly exploded.

"She... Is she Qian Dong's daughter?"

"I haven't heard of it before..."

"It should be correct, Qian Dong had been divorced before..."

"Since I am a daughter, why do I have to have the shares in my father's hands?"

"It should be because I feel that all the shares will be given to my son by then, and my heart is not balanced..."

"But this is too greedy? You want all the shares in your hand? What about the son?"

"Of course, most of them will be left to the son. Sooner or later, the woman will belong to someone else's family. With so many shares, isn't it cheaper in the end?

Various shocked sounds sounded, and gradually turned to Qian Junfeng’s side.

Said how she is greedy, cruel, and short-sighted...

What Wang Min wanted was this kind of effect. Su Nuan was so invaluable. Since he chose to do so absolutely, he deserved to be crushed by these public opinions!

"Since you are a father, shouldn't you give me half of your shares? Since I was driven out of the house by my biological father ten years ago, what I deserve and what I should have, but I haven't seen anything How come? Although I'm just a daughter, I'm also the so-called biological daughter in your mouth. I don't refuse you to leave more to your son, but I can't have no points? Why don't you let so many people? Be a testimony, eh? My biological father, how many shares are you willing to put out in my name?"

Qian Junfeng’s already ugly face became more gloomy after hearing Su Nuan’s words, he closed his mouth tightly and said nothing.

Wang Min didn't expect Su Nuan to suddenly make such a trick, and his proud face instantly solidified on his face, and it was a bit blinded for a while.

And the expressions of those who just tried to drown Su Nuan with the saliva star were ever-changing, and the corners of their mouths twitched, not knowing what to say,

The daughter is also biological, it makes no sense to have a son, the daughter can’t get anything

Besides, what was expelled back then, did not deserve to have, and did not deserve to have, Qian Dong has done absolutely nothing.

Now people come to collect debts.

But it has nothing to do with them!

Now that they are not humans inside and outside, the words just said are completely self-talking.

"Su Nuan, don't take too much money. You already have more than half of the shares in your hand. Now you are still thinking about the idea of ​​playing your father's shares. Don't be too greedy. You will get retribution sooner or later."

"It doesn't matter whether you are retributed or not. No matter how many shares I have in my hand, it is the lack of my biological father's share, or is it the most meaningful for my father to give it? Isn't it, my father?"

Su Nuan didn't pay attention to Wang Min's current anger at all. On the contrary, the more intense her reaction, the happier she was.

For this kind of person, the weakness is too easy to catch.

Qian Junfeng's tense face shook uncontrollably. The shares in his hands were thin enough. If Su Nuan was given a little bit more, then Xu Junyu would not need to come forward. Any company could take the money in his hands. Shares swallowed,

At the beginning, so many people only thought that they could say a few more words for themselves, and from time to time use public opinion to overwhelm each other, but now, these people have become witnesses, witnessing his stinginess after the divorce,

It is also necessary to prove that he must give an explanation to his "born daughter" today...

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