Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2841: Are you worthy

It is also necessary to prove that he must give an explanation to his "born daughter" today...

With his head down, the corners of his eyes swept around in a dark circle.

With just a few eyes, he knew that everyone's eyes were staring at him intently, waiting for his decision.

He also knew that they were not waiting for his disagreement. They took it for granted that giving shares to their daughters was the most basic thing. What they expected was how many shares he could give to Su Nuan at this time.

Wang Min on the side was also anxious, and the supposed atmosphere in the entire conference room made her feel uncontrollable.

"Su Nuan, you are enough! You have been indifferent to your father for so many years, and now you still want shares, do you want to be shameless?"

Su Nuan's icy eyes shot at her instantly, Wang Min was really stared at by Su Nuan's eyes, and her neck shrank involuntarily.

How did this little **** become so strong now?

"A junior is here to show me a face, is it worth it?"

"..." Su Nuan's words sounded lightly in the conference room, like a silent lightning, struck everyone's ears, and then suddenly exploded.

No one would have thought that Su Nuan would say such things so bluntly.

Even if Wang Min's identity is well known in everyone's mind, what is in his mind is only an ambiguous thing, and he can't grasp it after thinking about it. In fact, it has nothing to do with them.

But once the ambiguous things are summed up in words, even the simplest words, without any slight modification, the city really tells the facts, and it feels completely different.

A junior, what qualifications do you have to mention face things to others,

When it was decided that Xiaosan climbed onto the bed of a married man, the skinny thing didn't belong to them long ago.

Back then, the original spouse left, and the alimony that the daughter should have received, none of them have realized some of the shares that the daughter should have. Now that the parents have grown up, they have come to ask for it. It was originally something of others, but now it has become shameless. What?

I'm already shameless to this point, and I actually want to point to others and say shameless, which is really shameless.

Wang Min’s complexion changed colorfully, and Su Nuan was put on the hat of Xiao San’er in public, and in front of so many high-level colleagues in the company, regardless of whether Qian Junfeng’s shares would flow out, but she would still Working in the company, I’m afraid that someone will be poked on the backbone again,

Thinking of the hat she had finally thrown off after ten years of hard work was firmly buckled on her head again, Wang Minqi's whole body trembled.

"Su Nuan, don't disgust me with this kind of thing! No matter how I was back then, at least I am sincerely treating your father now..."

"You also know that what you did yourself back then was disgusting!" Su Nuan sneered, and looked at Wang Min with a mocking expression. Seeing her face turned pale because of anger, Su Nuan's heart opened up much more. ,

Well, I couldn’t get used to Chuqing’s style before, and she had to talk about everything. If you want her to be in the past, you can’t count it, just raise your fist!

Thinking about it now, at that time, I was really a foolish man. Now I can see the other person who is about to be angry just by moving my lips. It feels much better than hitting her with a real fist.

At the very least, your fist doesn't hurt, you don't need to work hard, and you can pierce the most vulnerable part of the opponent's heart. This method is simply amazing.

Leaning back, his elbows on both sides were placed on the armrests of the chair, and he shook it from side to side twice. Finally, he twisted his body to one side and placed his chin in the palm of his hand which was instead supported on the right armrest. Staring at Wang Min, he continued:

"Don't say that it doesn't matter how it was back then? Were we all hypocritical to him back then? When he was a poor boy, my mother married him, and it was my mother and I who accompanied him over the poor days. ......" Su Nuan's eyes slid slowly to one side, staring at Qian Junfeng. Although there was a smile on his face, his sight was as if he had been quenched by cold poison and directly pierced Qian Junfeng. "My father, you tell me, back then, we were all pretense to you?"

"..." Qian Junfeng's face was already indescribably ugly. The scandals of the year were brought out again in front of so many people, so he had no right to speak.

Let alone now, even back then, he admitted that it was wrong to find Wang Min from outside. He has always had a humility that he didn’t dare to face the actions of their mother and daughter.

It was something that made people contemptible, he himself was ashamed to admit it, let alone let him admit it in front of so many people now.

At first, I only wanted these people to say a few words to themselves at a critical time, but I didn't expect the current rhythm to be taken away by Su Nuan.

"My father doesn't speak, and I think it's a little frustrating. Wang Finance, look at you, what's wrong with you, you have to talk about this topic so that your father can't get off the stage. Be careful if your father goes home to clean up. Bed... Don't look at my father, although he is a long time old, but I believe that his energy is still very vigorous. Otherwise, where can I find you such a young and beautiful junior? Just thinking that seven and eighty can still taste your ecstasy... Oops, bah bah, look at what I said, it seems to be far away!"

Su Nuan blinked her eyes innocently, stretched out her hand and patted her lips lightly with lipstick.



The faces of Qian Junfeng and Wang Min were red and white, and they couldn't lift their heads in shame.

But some people around were silent after being surprised. In the silence, someone suddenly uttered an untimely low laugh. Someone started, and several others couldn't help but laugh.

I can hardly imagine what kind of scene the Seven Old Eightys are still galloping on a woman.

This woman, really dare to say,

But also, the old cow eats tender grass, which is perfect for Qian Junfeng and Wang Min.

Now I look at Qian Dong with a vicissitudes of life, and then I look at Wang Min. Although he is wounded on his body, he still does not forget to dress himself up, dressed up in a small appearance, walking with fragrance, graceful and charming There are so many people, even some of the men in the room sometimes think about it, let alone Qian Dong, the person who gets along day and night every day.

With such a woman by her side, even Seven Old Eighty is thinking how to toss her, right?

But this kind of obscure thing is really embarrassing to say.

Still a junior, but also his own daughter,

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