Thinking of what she had said in front of Li Yufeng today, she grinned, closed her eyes in annoyance, and slammed her forehead against the table in front of her.

"You're so stupid, so stupid! Wang Xue, you're so stupid, how can you say that kind of thing, ah!"

The quality of the small tables in the small restaurant is not much better. Wang Xue's move caused some of the bottles and cans on the table to "click" with the tabletop.

The lady boss in the shop looked at her table with a worried expression, strode towards Wang Xue with the freshly cooked noodles, and put them in front of Wang Xue with a "boom".

"Miss, your face!"

Wang Xue stopped, looked at the steaming ground in front of him, and drew out his chopsticks from the basket on the table, unpacking, raising his head and smiling like the boss:

"thank you!"

The lady boss had an ugly face, but when she saw Wang Xue's charming and somewhat naive smile, she didn't get angry anymore, and you walked back to the counter brilliantly.

Wang Xue ate the noodles in a big mouth. After being hungry for a day, in the end, even the bowl of noodles became so extravagant. She was so aggrieved that she couldn't help herself. She sucked her nose and drank a big mouthful of soup while holding the bowl.

Somehow she felt full in her belly, and she began to worry about where she would sleep tonight!

When she finished the last sip of the soup in the bowl, she placed the bowl heavily on the table. Two women in professional attire just came in outside the shop.

"Oh, it's so cold, it's getting so fast!"

"Yes, it's still the best for my mother. I sent me my autumn and winter clothes a few days ago!"

"Lady boss, two servings of **** noodles, three portions of beef noodles, take it!"


One of the women took the other woman and sat next to Wang Xue.

Wang Xue stood up, walked to the counter, paid the money, and there was a few dollars in surplus in his pocket, but he couldn't even live in a small hotel.

With a frustrated sigh, Wang Xue walked towards the door with a sullen expression.

"Hey, do you know Li Yufeng? That international actor, returned home today!"

"I know, I'm handsome! It's a pity that the shadow of Baganzi can't cover us!"

As soon as Wang Xue heard Li Yufeng's name, her teeth squeaked, and she wanted to greet his eighteenth generation of ancestors, so a dead-end idiot with different expressions, there are so many fans everywhere.

Posing his lips, Wang Xue continued to walk towards the door.

"Not necessarily. Look, Li Yufeng's studio's official Weibo says that tomorrow will be an event in Guang'an Square. Li Yufeng will personally select a female fan to be a '24-hour lover'. Do you know the most important thing? "

"what? What?!"

"That evening, as Li Yufeng's female companion, join hands in the Bihuang Charity Night!"

"Oh my God! Who is so lucky?! Bihuang Charity Night! Non-gentlemen and celebrities are not allowed to enter, and there are many stars. It is the most luxurious and luxurious charity dinner in Fucheng!"

"Yeah! That's it!"

The two women were a little excited, but Wang Xue's focus was not on the charity dinner, but...

Wang Xue ran to the table of the two women in a few quick steps, and suddenly put his hands on the table, and asked anxiously: "Excuse me, where is Li Yufeng's event tomorrow?!"

The two women looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of them with contempt and weird faces, her body almost as dirty as a beggar.

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