Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 298: Polite hypocrite

The two women looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of them with contempt and weird faces, her body almost as dirty as a beggar.

"Please, please, trouble you!"

Knowing that he was too abrupt, with a little pleading on his face, his hands clasped eleven pairs of pleading expressions.

The woman holding the phone glanced at Wang Xue, and a touch of mockery slipped in her eyes.

"At Guang'an Square, nine o'clock tomorrow morning! Do you want to participate too?"

The woman looked at Wang Xue's dress with disgust, and the words "self-control" in her eyes were vivid and delicate.

At this moment, Wang Xue had no intention of observing her, thanked her, and ran out of the restaurant immediately.

Dead end, my old lady, I'm back again!

Looking for a bus stop along the road, she finally found the place "Guang'an Square"!

Wang Xue counted, and he needed to sit more than 20 stops in total.

Twenty-five five is the last bus.

Looking down at his watch, at twenty-two twenty, oh my goodness, I won't miss it.

Leaning sadly on the billboard at the bus stop, crying without tears.

Don't bring such a bully!

Others say that there are too many shady scenes in the entertainment industry, and many stars are in the top position by unspoken rules!

But she thinks that she has to have a moral bottom line in her life!

As a person, even if it is bad, where can it be bad?

Half-footed into the entertainment circle without fear, but did not expect that a Li Yufeng completely overthrew her thoughts.

What moral bottom line, Li Yufeng is simply the moral limit!

There is nothing he can't do!

Doudou, isn't that missing?

Need to kick her out of the car?

Moreover, there is no money!

She raised her feet and wanted to go to the seat in the middle of the billboard and sit down, but as soon as she looked up, she saw the bright white poster on the billboard, which was illuminated by the light. It was Li Yufeng's cold and flat face. .

The fire in my heart blazed all of a sudden, he slammed on the billboard, gritted his teeth and said: "Certainly, pretending to be cold, honest hypocrite!!!"

The more he talked about it, the more he got angry, staring at the handsome face that was magnified by n times, Wang Xue couldn't wait to tear this face apart.

Thinking about it, she also really stretched out her hand and scratched the glass twice, making a harsh "squeaking" sound between her nails and the glass.

Wang Xue shrank her neck uncomfortably and barked her teeth, stretched out a scissor hand, aimed at Li Yufeng's nostrils, and made a "nostril insertion" movement.

"Stabbing you to death, turning you into a man with big nostrils, see who else likes you!"

What she dared not do in front of a real person, at this moment, she vented her emotions to a poster.

All sorts of hatred against the billboard by one person!

In the middle of the night, only cars roared past on the main road from time to time. It was a cold autumn night, and the passing cars made some cold wind from time to time, and Wang Xue trembled with cold.

The lights in the billboard have been on, and Li Yufeng's cool face is still that cool face, without any damage.

At most, it is also a few nail scratches on the glass.

At this moment, Wang Xue had given up this meaningless vent, bent slightly, put her face on the billboard, and placed her hands on both sides.

From a distance, Wang Xue's face was just buried in Li Yufeng's arms, with his hands on his shoulders, the whole look of a bird, but the feeling was a little sad.

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