Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 359: Cheating the little princess (18)

Hearing Sheng Yuchen's words, Chang Chu suddenly shook his head, ""

Chang Chu's tears flowed violently, his face turned into a terrible purple-red, and the wound on his left face looked particularly hideous at the moment.

Looking at the dying face, Sheng Yuchen suddenly let go and threw her aside.

"Cough cough cough..."

The oxygen burst into the heart and lungs, choking and coughing constantly.

After a long while, Chang Chu's breathing gradually became less rapid.

He raised his head and looked at Sheng Yuchen crying.

"Chen, why did you do this to me? What did I do wrong?"

Sheng Yuchen frowned fiercely, "Now, are you still acting stupid with me?"

Chang Chu was frightened by Sheng Yuchen's actions today, and he was also heartbroken.

"Why should I play dumb?"

With a "pop", Chang Chu was thrown in front of a thick pile of photos.

"You tell me what happened to these photos?!"

A panic flashed in Chang Chu's eyes, and she naturally knew the content of the photo.

Only at this moment, she picked up the photo and looked at it.

After a long while, Chang Chu raised his head and looked at Sheng Yuchen with disappointment:

"Do you think I arranged for someone to get this photo?"

"if not?"

The tears on Chang Chu's face flowed more fiercely, "Chen, am I such a despicable person in your eyes?"

"Humph!" Sheng Yuchen sneered and snorted, eyes full of sad mockery.

Chen What does this mean?

Chen doesn't believe her?

A panic flashed across her face, and she didn't care about the pain on her face even when she spoke this time, she stood up with the photo.

"Chen, I should have told you that this photo is not only owned by me. How can you conclude that this photo must have been spread by me! Chen, no matter how Chuqing hates me now, no matter how she betrayed you, no matter how How many unbearable things she did, but at least, she used to be my friend, how can I do such things?!"

The more Chang Chu talked, the more aggrieved, his final tone was full of grief and indignation and accusations against Sheng Yuchen.

Sheng Yuchen's anger tonight has been pushed to the highest point by Chang Chu. Hearing Chang Chu's remarks so grandly, Sheng Yuchen's cold face twitched fiercely again.

Raising his hand to Chang Chu is another heavy slap.


Chang Chu staggered, and was hit by Sheng Yuchen's force against the French window next to him, and his forehead hit the glass with a "bang".

"Do you still know she used to be your friend?!"

Sheng Yuchen's furious eyes seemed to burst into flames. He grabbed the photo in Chang Chu's hand and shook in front of Chang Chu. The photo made a burst of "Gragla" sounds.

"This kind of photo, only you have!"

"!" Chang Chu's eyes widened instantly, looking at Sheng Yuchen, a burst of extreme fear suddenly surged in his heart.

She shook her head again and again, raging tears everywhere.

"No, no, Chen, you misunderstood, these photos really are not mine!"

"No! It's yours! Not only these photos are yours, but even the people in the photos..." Sheng Yuchen paused, but finally didn't say anything.


In Sheng Yuchen's deep black eyes, the anger faintly subsided, with deep disappointment and coldness enough to freeze everything, he slowly shifted his eyes from the photo to Chang Chu, who was already stunned by Sheng Yuchen's words.

"No...not...not me..."

Denying everything seems to have become her instinct, but she didn't expect that in the panic, she would no longer confess to herself!

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