Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 360: Cheating the little princess (19)

Negating everything seems to have become her instinct, but she did not realize that in the panic, she has already begun to refrain from recruiting.

Chang Chu slowly shook his head, repeatedly denying it.

"It's not me...not me...not me..."

Chang Chu's body was weak, and he leaned weakly against the French window behind him. After the second hit, blood had already leaked from his forehead.

Sheng Yuchen's cold face gradually became helpless and disappointed.

The woman in front of me was kind, gentle, and sensible.

But once, after all, it was once.

He never thought that the kind little girl back then would become so vicious.

"I never believed you from the beginning!"

"..." Chang Chu frowned, looking at Sheng Yuchen suspiciously on his hideous face.

"..." Mu Chuqing, who had been leaning outside the door, was suddenly tight.

Sheng Yuchen looked at Chang Chu, his eyes flashed, and then his eyes sank.

He turned to face Chang Chu, took out an exquisite cigarette case from his pocket, took out a slender cigarette butt, and lit it.

He took a heavy breath and exhaled a small amount of thin smoke.

Looking out the window, Fucheng is still prosperous in the middle of the night.

After a long time, he slowly said: "The first time I saw the photo, I knew that the woman in the photo could not be her!"

Chang Chu was shaking and his body suddenly stiffened, and his already hideous face began to tremble violently.

"It can't be her? This face and body are not like Mu Chuqing anymore!" How many baths she and Mu Chuqing have taken together, except for an unremarkable mole on her waist What's iconic!

Chang Chu picked up the photo on the ground and stuffed it to Sheng Yuchen, "Chen, look at what's not like her anymore, what's not like her?!"

She was a little furious, but Sheng Yuchen didn't even look at it.

"You don't have to look closely, if I look carefully, the evidence will only increase! With just a glance, I can conclude that it is not her!"

Sheng Yuchen said surely, but Chang Chu was stunned. She trembled and asked: "What? What makes you so sure?"

Sheng Yuchen sneered, and directly pressed the still burning cigarette **** onto the glass.

Then, he slowly turned around, staring at Chang Chu with cold eyes, and spit out two words firmly.

"Quit—refer to—"

There was a sudden jump in Mu Chuqing's heart, who was hiding in the doorway. She subconsciously raised her left hand and stroked her ring finger with her right hand.



She remembered that it was the unique ring he made for her.

Mu Chuqing bit her lip, her right hand gripping the ring finger of her left hand tightly.

"You want to wear this ring firmly for a lifetime. Your whole life will always be in my hands. You and your love are all private to me! There is no reason!"

Until now, she still remembered it!

That sentence that should have been in vain a long time ago, she still remembers it clearly until now!

The left wing stood aside, pursing his thin lips, looking at Mu Chuqing without a word.

The slender tall figure shrank slightly, the long hair like seaweed draped over her chest, her head buried deep, and her shoulders trembling faintly.

Sighed heavily in my heart!

"She promised me that she would never take off that ring!"

Sheng Yuchen's deep voice continued to be heard in the lounge, and the voice revealed endless sadness.

"Forever? What about now?"

Chang Chu's desperate and cold voice was full of mockery.

Sheng Yuchen's eyes were so cold!

"You still can't let go of her now? But what should I do, her ring finger has been put on another man's ring long ago, and she even gave birth to other men?! Do you want her like this?"

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