Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 361: Cheating Little Princess (20)

"You still can't let go of her now? But what should I do, her ring finger has been put on another man's ring long ago, and she even gave birth to other men?! Do you want her like this?"


Sheng Yuchen did not speak, but looked at Chang Chu coldly.

There was a moment of silence in the lounge. Mu Chuqing, who was leaning against the door, slowly raised her eyes and glanced towards the left wing.

"That one……"


Left Wing raised his eyes to look at Mu Chuqing, his handsome eyes were quite expectant.

Back then, his wife directly gave him the ring, but now the boss mentioned the ring suddenly!

Did she want to ask him where did the ring that was handed to him back then?

As a result, Mu Chuqing hesitated for a while, held back for a long time, but did not say a word.

Instead, he straightened up from the door, turned around and walked away... away... away... away... away...

Watching Mu Chuqing walk into the lounge next door, the Left Wing could not wait to rush up to bring her out!

It is rare that she bumped into such a brave and martial side of the boss. Not only did she say that she did not, she babbled for a long time, leaving a sentence "that..."

Angrily, the left wing glanced at the door of the lounge in front of him with some sympathy!

The eyes are full of deep sympathy!

His boss is really pitiful!

I met such a puzzling woman.

Mu Chuqing returned to the lounge and watched Li Yufeng doing his best, but Doudou did not see many smiling faces.

However, her mood is indeed inexplicably happy.

"What's wrong? Doudou?"

Mu Chuqing walked over, held Doudou in her arms, and kissed Doudou's cheek with her head down.

Doudou stretched out his fleshy hands, held Mu Chuqing's face, and put his forehead against Mu Chuqing's forehead.

At this time, someone knocked on the door and opened it with a wry smile on the photographer's face.

Mu Chuqing turned her head and glanced at Li Yufeng, Li Yufeng shrugged helplessly, and felt deeply that today's photographer is indeed a bit sad, and she was in a good mood watching Mu Chuqing go to the bathroom and sighed.

"I'm going to record the show, you have a good rest here, it is estimated that the time will not be very long, wait for me to go back together!"

Mu Chuqing thought for a while and looked at Doudou, "No, go and work, it's too late, Doudou should go to bed! I want to take her back first."

Li Yufeng glanced at Doudou and nodded, "It's up to you, remember, go back and remember to turn on your phone!"

"Got it!"

Mu Chuqing responded with an angry voice, never thinking how Li Yufeng could be sloppy!

Glancing at her, Li Yufeng waved at Doudou.

"Doudou, uncle is leaving, wave to uncle!"

Doudou waved weakly to Li Yufeng, his expression still frowning.

Li Yufeng's expression moved slightly, very worried about Doudou, but he thought of Mu Chuqing by his side, relieved his worries, turned and followed the photographer and left the lounge.

Seeing that Doudou, who is usually lively and naughty, suddenly became so sentimental, Mu Chuqing's mood, no matter how good he was, gradually began to become a little depressed.

Sitting down on the sofa holding Doudou, Mu Chuqing patiently asked, "Doudo, tell mom, what's wrong?"

Doudou looked at Mu Chuqing, and looked at her with watery eyes. After thinking for a long time, she said:

"Mommy, do you hate that uncle?"

After all, he is the big villain who bullied Mommy!

Mu Chuqing wondered, "Which uncle?"

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