Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 364: There is no logic in love (2)

Maybe his hand was just blocked in the drain, and the water in a pool couldn't circulate. When they gathered together, it was eye-catching red!

Anger instantly filled her chest unscrupulously, burning stubbornly overwhelmingly.

This lunatic!

What a lunatic!

How amazing he thought he was!

Are you not afraid of things like wound infections?

Furious, Mu Chuqing's breathing became heavy, and she strode towards Sheng Yuchen.

She really wanted to slap him twice and awake him.

However, she had just walked up to Sheng Yuchen, and Sheng Yuchen's closed black eyes slowly opened.

Under the tightly twisted eyebrows, those black eyes turned red from the pain.

Mu Chuqing's sudden approach caused Sheng Yuchen's red eyes to become extremely vigilant.

Mu Chuqing was stunned by Sheng Yuchen's eyes suddenly opened, and suddenly stopped, her raised hand froze in place.

Sheng Yuchen's cold and terrifying eyes quickly converged after seeing Mu Chuqing. He straightened up from the wall and suddenly retracted his arms in the pool. The whole person also quickly turned around and turned his back to Mu Chuqing, blocking Mu Chuqing turned to look at his wound!

Then he picked up the suit on the sink and didn't care about the wounds on his abdomen and arms, stretched his body and put the suit on him.

Mu Chuqing looked at his back coldly, hands hanging on both sides, ten fingers moved slightly, and finally clenched into a fist.

She convinced herself that she was not feeling sorry for him!

Really just because--

He was injured to save her...

In order to help her out, the wound opened again...

He also rescued her daughter in restlessness...

He beat Chang Chu angrily for himself...


It's all because of her!

The cold eyes gradually became erratic, and he looked at the pool on the side in a blink of an eye. The degree of that brilliant red was enough to prove how much blood he shed...

Mu Chuqing bit her lip tightly, her body trembling faintly, and the distress in her heart for him became stronger and stronger, and she was about to collapse when she watched!

Turning around suddenly, Mu Chuqing started!

She wanted to escape, and she was far away from Sheng Yuchen...

The wrist was suddenly grasped by a hot hand, followed by a low and hoarse business passing from behind.

"Have you rested? I'll take go home..."

Mu Chuqing bit her lips suddenly, soreness rushed into her throat, her eyes flushed.

She tried to restrain herself, turned to face Sheng Yuchen, her blushing lips trembled.

"You... are you here to take us home?"

Sheng Yuchen's eyes darkened, and a bit of anger appeared unexpectedly.

"No longer in other people's cars!"

With that, Sheng Yuchen's domineering hand gripping her wrist tightened a bit, and pulled her in front of her!

Mu Chuqing was a little bit dumbfounded!

After experiencing so many things tonight, is he still thinking about this?


"No way!"


"No way!"


"No! No! No way! No way!"

Sheng Yuchen negated everything impatiently.

Mu Chuqing laughed, she was only on a whim to tease him!

His little secret--

As long as he has a fever all his life, he will become what he is now, like a domineering child.

Sheng Yuchen hadn't spoken for a long time, and the sudden silence between the two made the atmosphere a little deviated.

Feeling the astonishing heat of the palm on his wrist getting tighter, Mu Chuqing raised her head, but she saw Sheng Yuchen's head press down!

Covered her lips accurately!

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