Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 365: There is no logic in love (3)

Feeling the astonishing heat of the palm on his wrist getting tighter, Mu Chuqing raised her head, but she saw Sheng Yuchen's head press down!

Covered her lips accurately!

Mu Chuqing was shocked, but her heart was even more angry!

This **** man, with a fever like this, is still thinking of seizing the opportunity to take advantage of her? !

The thin lips were extremely hot, covering her lips tossing and turning, the breath that belonged to him instantly enveloped her, Mu Chuqing was a little flustered, she reached out to push him, but Sheng Yuchen's lips left her lips, burning lips Sliding down the corners of her lips, across her cheeks, across her earlobes, across her neck, and finally stopped between her neck...

The place where Sheng Yuchen had kissed all the way left a string of scorching paths, faintly burning her like a ravine rolled by magma.

Mu Chuqing's body was a little weak, and her head was abloom, feeling Sheng Yuchen's hot side face against her shoulder, and even the breath sprayed in her neck was about to catch fire.

Mu Chuqing reacted and reached out and gave him a push.

However, the head attached to her shoulder suddenly lost its strength. With a heavy weight on her shoulders, Sheng Yuchen's head was already pressed on it, and after that, the slender and tall body also lost its strength and pressed heavily against Mu Chu. Qing's body.


Mu Chuqing let out a low cry, her body became unstable due to the sudden pressing force, she staggered and leaned on the sink on the side.

There was a pain in the waist of the sink behind him, and Mu Chuqing snorted in pain.

Sheng Yuchen, who was lying on her body, remained motionless, and the weight of her entire body trapped Mu Chuqing between the sink and him.

When she finally noticed something was wrong, Mu Chuqing's entire face suddenly became pale, her eyes flustered a little at a loss.

"Sheng Yuchen!" She yelled tentatively, and no one responded to her!

"Sheng Yuchen..." Mu Chuqing shouted again, but Sheng Yuchen still did not respond.

Mu Chuqing's heart suddenly became panicked, and even her voice had an uncontrollable trill.

"Sheng Yuchen! You wake up..."

Mu Chuqing shook Sheng Yuchen's body, but Sheng Yuchen's slender and tall body began to slide down her shoulders!


Mu Chuqing suddenly yelled in panic and stretched out her hand to help Sheng Yuchen's body.

The burning hand on the wrist suddenly tightened a bit when he heard Mu Chuqing's "Achen" sentence, Sheng Yuchen's slid body could stop, and his injured right hand strongly supported Mu Chuqing behind him. The edge of the sink trembling slightly.


Mu Chuqing yelled again with surprise on his face, Sheng Yuchen slowly opened his eyes, his dark eyes were a bit distracted, and he couldn't focus at all.

"Go to the hospital..."

Mu Chuqing looked at him, her eyes red again.

Sheng Yuchen tugged at the corners of his lips with difficulty, and stood up swayingly, still refusing to let go of the hand holding Mu Chuqing's wrist.

"I'll walk you home……"

With that said, he couldn't allow Mu Chuqing to refuse, and took her to the door, staggering.

Mu Chuqing was dragged away by Sheng Yuchen, watching Sheng Yuchen holding her big hand quietly.

The hoarse voice he had just spoken was almost squeezed out of his throat, but it was already like this, and the short five words were still beyond doubt.


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