Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 389: There is no logic in love (27)

Doudou tilted her head, and her little hand holding the spoon was supporting her cheeks. She was stuck and couldn't think of the word.


"Yes, yes, it's this picture of gratitude. Although Doudou wants to repay his uncle, Doudou wants to eat too!"

You really served both of them!

What kind of look?

She is not blind!

"I'm really hungry!"

"Mummy, hurry up!"

Mu Chuqing couldn't stand the bombardment of the first year and the other, so she surrendered directly.

"Okay, I get it!"

Replied impatiently, Mu Chuqing held up the bowl placed in front of Sheng Yuchen, scooped out a spoonful of porridge with gritted teeth, and stuffed it into Sheng Yuchen's mouth.

Sheng Yuchen opened his mouth and took it happily, and there was a joyful color in his black eyes, looking very satisfied.

The more Sheng Yuchen looked like this, the more angry Mu Chuqing became.

When she turned her head, she noticed Doudou from time to time. Seeing Doudou eating her own rice bowl happily, she curled her lips with satisfaction, and suddenly thought of something, the smile in her eyes became stronger.

"Is it delicious?" She turned her head and smiled at Sheng Yuchen.


"If it tastes delicious, eat more! Come on, ah~~ Open your mouth! Good!"



Sheng Yuchen looked at Mu Chuqing with a black line, Doudou's mouth was bulging, and he forgot to chew.

Mu Chuqing triumphantly looked at Sheng Yuchen's suddenly frozen face, her face was full of triumph.

Anyway, before coaxing Doudou to eat, these words are very common. Although I have changed the object, I am used to it and I don't feel ashamed.

The corners of Sheng Yuchen's mouth began to twitch, why he didn't notice, how could this woman obey him obediently.

"Come on, open your mouth, be good! Ah~~"

The spoon has been handed to Sheng Yuchen's mouth. Sheng Yuchen is not opening his mouth at this moment, nor is it not opening his mouth.

"Puff cough..."

Finally, the rescue came.

Doudou on the side suddenly coughed, and there was a table full of rice in his mouth that had not had time to swallow.

Mu Chuqing quickly put down the bowl in her hand and turned around to stroke Doudou's back.

It took a long time for Doudou to stop coughing, and her small face turned red with coughing, and her large eyes were full of water.

Mu Chuqing wiped the dregs on Doudou's face while glaring at Sheng Yuchen.

"I blame you!"

Sheng Yuchen is full of innocence. Did he do anything wrong?

Isn't it that she deliberately responded to him, even with Doudou?

However, this kind of rogue appearance is precisely Mu Chuqing.

Mu Chuqing wiped Doudou's face, looked at the mess of a table, a little weak, and finally called a servant to put the table away.

In the end, Mu Chuqing didn't embarrass Sheng Yuchen anymore, anyway, he couldn't help Sheng Yuchen's shamelessness. Finally, after feeding Sheng Yuchen two steamed buns and a bowl of rice porridge, breakfast was resolved.

When Mu Chuqing had taken care of everything, Doudou had long since disappeared.

Xu Ye was kidnapped by those young maids again.

Leaning against the wall of the living room porch, Mu Chuqing looked around.

I didn't pay attention to the hurry that came in last night.

From leisure time now, although all the things in the villa are renewed, the style is the same as before, even the placement of the objects is not bad.

She couldn't think that now, stepping into this villa again, her heart could be so peaceful.

Just as Mu Chuqing could see the gods, his forehead suddenly covered with a slightly cold hand.

Shocked, she subconsciously slapped it away, only to find that it was Shang Yunxi who was a little bit mysterious.


Shang Yunxi smiled, "I still have a low fever, so I can sleep well."

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