Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 390: There is no logic in love (28)

Shang Yunxi smiled, "I still have a low fever, so I can sleep well."

Mu Chuqing straightened up from the wall, looked sideways at Shang Yunxi, and suddenly a hint of doubt flashed across her face.

"I think, as a stranger who has only met a few times, you seem to pay more attention to me? With your temperament, shouldn't you get close to people casually?"

Shang Yunxi curled her lips and smiled, her dark blue eyes looked at Mu Chuqing, but she was still puzzled when she saw Mu Chuqing.

Shang Yunxi reached out to hold Mu Chuqing's hand and walked into a multifunctional lounge in the side hall.

Sitting by the window, Mu Chuqing looked at Shang Yunxi who turned around.

"You know how to find a place!"

Her tone was a little sour. This was once the place where she and Sheng Yuchen often had candlelight dinners.

Shang Yunxi smiled noncommittal, walked to the shelf to the side, and took out a half bottle of red wine and two goblets.

"Drink this early in the morning?!"

Mu Chuqing's eyes looked at Shang Yunxi even more weird.

"Drink less, it will help sleep!"


"No, I don't drink well!"

Shang Yunxi sat down, took a long time and pushed it to Mu Chuqing.

Mu Chuqing stretched out a slender index finger and hooked the goblet in front of him.

"Low fever and red wine, Doctor Shang..."

"Really forgot? Sister Qing, my name is Shang Yunxi!"

Mu Chuqing frowned and looked straight at Shang Yunxi's face. She really did not remember that she knew such a person.

Shang Yunxi's face is easy to look good, just one glance will definitely leave a deep impression on people, if she has seen it, it is impossible to remember.

"Shang Yunxi? Shang Yunxi! Shang Yun...xi?"

"Yes! I was called Shangyun before! You gave me the word Xi!"


Mu Chuqing's eyes suddenly widened, and she looked at the woman in front of her in disbelief.

"You... are you?!"

"Yes! I am!"

Covering his mouth, the look on Mu Chuqing's face was extremely shocked.

She remembered, these dark blue eyes.

It's just that she couldn't think that the twelve-year-old beggar would actually appear in front of her again.

"If you die, there will be nothing left. If you live and give yourself a hope, there will be more hopes to achieve! I said, I have no hope. So you added a word of hope to my name, looking forward to it. What will I be like when I meet me again? I am now like this. Did I disappoint you?"

"Not disappointed! I'm really happy!" Mu Chuqing was so excited that she almost wanted to cry. She really didn't expect that a sentence she said when she was a child would actually change a person's life.


Shang Yunxi smiled and raised his glass toward Mu Chuqing!

Mu Chuqing raised his glasses, and the two cups collided in mid-air with a crisp sound, a joy of reunion and a wonderful sound.

Mu Chuqing raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass.

The fine wine, absolutely sweet, tastes even better in the joyful atmosphere at this moment.

This time, without waiting for Shang Yunxi to take the initiative to pour the wine, Mu Chuqing first poured the wine bottles on them.

"I've been waiting for you to discover me, and I've been angry because you forgot our agreement."

"Sorry! I..." Mu Chuqing squeezed the cup in her hand with guilt on her face.

"It's okay, I understand!"

Shang Yunxi raised her head and took a sip of the sweet red wine, turned her head and looked out the window, her expression somewhat inexplicably lonely.

In fact, over the years, her original intention has long changed, and her efforts are not entirely for her.

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