Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 400: Angry and crowned as a beauty (8)

Who is so overcast, come and count her?

What good is there to calculate her?

The more Su Nuan thought about it, the more anxious she became.

Suddenly, she seemed to have put something!

Suddenly cast his gaze to Chang Chu, who had just been put into the cell by the bodyguard, and his eyebrows suddenly frowned.

Chang Chu?

Sheng Yuchen? !

how come? !

Sheng Yuchen knows that she is the one who can't wait for Chang Chu to die!

If she reveals this news to her, she is not afraid that she will not be serious and will torture Chang Chu to death? !

Isn't he the favorite to protect his little bitch?


No, no!

"Xu...Xu Shao, did you tell Sheng Yuchen about your arrest of Chang Chu?!"

Xu Junyu smiled meaningfully and shook his head:


Su Nuan is even more puzzled!

"Then...who do you think told me!"

The whereabouts of Young Master Xu is definitely not something ordinary people can just want to know.

"We thought about being together!"

"Damn, what the **** does that scumbag want to do?!"


Xu Junyu did not speak!

The long and narrow eyes are heavy, and the brown eyes are faintly flowing with a strange luster under the dim light.

Seeing Xu Jun and not talking, Su Nuan waved his hand impatiently and said with a grin:

"Forget it, it's impossible for that scumbag to kill me, even if it is dead, I must kill this **** before I die!"

"It seems that you are quite trustworthy Sheng Yuchen." Xu Junyu looked at Su Nuan steadily, with raised eyebrows, and there seemed to be a light cloud between them.

"Huh? I trust him?! Did you make a mistake! Believing him to be a complete **** is"

"..." Xu Jun and did not speak, just looking at Su Nuan!

Although his eyes were calm, there could be a violent wave at any time.

Su Nuan scratched her hair uncomfortably and coughed dryly:

"After all, that guy used to be Chuqing's husband, at least, he was pretty good at the time! He won't be embarrassed for no reason..."

Xu Junyu laughed coldly and glanced at the cage.

"Do you think it is still called for no reason?"

"..." Su Nuan was speechless!

Indeed... indeed!

It's not unreasonable anymore!

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Su Nuan simply lay down on the sofa, leaning his legs on the wooden box in front of the sofa, looking like a fool.

"One step counts one step, I care about his big conspiracy! I finally seized the opportunity, no one would want to stop my determination to teach a slut! I'm not going! Wait for me to slow down, then continue to fight!"


Xu Jun and Leng Leng said two words, anyway they have brought people over.

Has jumped into the trap he designed, just as the woman said.

Take one step and count one step, the soldiers will come to cover the water!

I have to admire that Sheng Yuchen's trick is really ingenious!

Kill two birds with one stone!

Do not!

Three birds with one stone!


In the evening, Fucheng had been restless for a day, but the atmosphere has not calmed down yet.

Broadcasting and television-a total collapse, all magazines were closed, and the Internet ceased operation in various ways.

The current situation of Fucheng City, separated from all electronic devices and networks, felt like it was back before liberation.

All the attention of everyone is attracted by the photos in hand!


Cover your face ashamed of the woman in the photo!



All kinds of unbearable abuse, all kinds of talks...


Today, everyone's mouth is all the names of Chang Chu and Sheng Yuchen.

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