Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 401: Angry and crowned as a beauty (9)

Chang Chu was guilty of making sao a bad person, while Sheng Yuchen was given a "green hat" by such a **** for three years!

There is also a small group of people who say that the previous scandal of Sheng Yuchen and Chang Chu's marriage contract cancellation is actually true!

Someone used Sheng Yuchen to bring Chang Chufu to the charity dinner yesterday. In fact, it invisibly overturned the rumors that the marriage contract was canceled. Moreover, Sheng Yuchen also spent 100 million to buy a wedding dress at the auction!

For no reason, who would shoot a wedding dress is undoubtedly another strong proof to overturn the rumors of cancellation of the marriage contract.

The left wing is driving the car, the window is wide open!

Glancing at the back seat of the car, the box contained the wedding dress that the boss had photographed yesterday.

The boss specially ordered today to let him remember that he must bring back the wedding dress taken last night to Xishan Villa.

In fact, everyone who knows the boss knows this wedding dress for whom he took it!

The left wing suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and slammed into the steering wheel with an annoyed look.

Where is his brain?

Yesterday, I was happy for a while!

Did not think of the consequences!

And he didn't remind his boss in time. Once Chang Chu's scandalous behavior was exposed, Chang Chu was not the only one who received public opinion!

Just like those people just said, in the past three years, Chang Chu has worked step by step and tried his best to give people an illusion.

She and the boss are one!

As long as she does anything that is implicated, there will always be a boss!

Now that Chang Chu's viciousness has been exposed, what follows is more public opinion on the boss!

However, he did not expect it!

As smart as his boss, didn't you think of this?

How could it be unexpected? !

The boss is undoubtedly doing this for his wife!

He was eager to clarify his wife's innocence, but he did not worry about his situation at all!

The left wing parked the car aside, a big man actually squeezed two tears out of his eyes on the steering wheel.

After three years, the boss still made the exact same decision as three years ago!

He always puts his wife in the first place. In order not to let his wife suffer more harm, he reluctantly gave up his love, and he was willing to embarrass himself for three years!

Now, it is for his wife, and he is willing to plunge himself into public opinion without hesitation.

This matter, if you take some time and calm down, there may be a better solution!

However, his boss is always like this, as soon as he encounters his wife, he becomes irrational!

He once wanted to break his head but couldn't understand it!

Just a woman!

The wife is a good woman, yes!

However, in this world, there are countless women who are better than their wives. Why is the boss so reluctant to hang on to such a woman!

Moreover, he obviously did so much for her, sacrificed so much!

The wife knows nothing!

Every time you face a boss, you are just like facing an enemy!

Although his attitude has changed a bit recently, he still looks tepid!

and also!

What even he couldn't bear was that his wife, she actually gave birth to another child!

And the boss hasn't made a statement yet.

Is he really planning that even if his wife gives birth to other men, he will not care?

The left wing has changed from distressed a moment ago to indignation today.

An anger rose unconsciously, and just about to start the car, the phone rang suddenly when racing to vent my mood!

He looked at the electric display and said with an ugly expression:


"Brother Zuo, it's not good—"

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