Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 402: Angry and crowned as a beauty (10)

"Brother Zuo, it's not good—"

Suddenly an anxious male voice came from the other end of the phone, and then after he said something, the left wing's already ugly expression suddenly changed!

"You **** tell Lao Tzu again--"


When Mu Chuqing woke up, the evening had passed.

His head was noisy, and the ears were humming. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his head. After adjusting to it for a while, Mu Chuqing slowly opened his eyes.

The misty eyes and ignorant eyes prove that most of Mu Chuqing's consciousness is still floating nine days away.

There was a familiar and unique clear smell around the tip of her nose, and she sniffed unconsciously.

When the eyes have a little focus, a piece of healthy flesh-colored skin is greeted.

Mu Chuqing blinked, and finally when her gaze fell on a small spot, she later realized that it was a man's naked body, and she instantly took a breath of cold air.

Suddenly raised her head, but saw that above her head, Sheng Yuchen was leaning on her side, bending an arm with one arm around her slender waist, Jun Jun’s face was pouting with a deep grin on Nong, watching indulgingly. Holding her.

"Woke up?"

Sheng Yuchen's low voice is magnetic and charming, slightly hoarse, like a mellow and beautiful tune pulled out of a large violin, which makes people intoxicated.

Mu Chuqing looked at Sheng Yuchen's face for two seconds!


Maybe it really reacted right now, Mu Chuqing took a breath, and suddenly retreated, then lifted the quilt and jumped out of the bed.

A chill instantly made her shiver all over her body, and Mu Chuqing couldn't believe it and looked down at her body.


Actually all-naked!

She hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover her body, and after the quilt was snatched by her, Sheng Yuchen's naked body was exposed in front of her without any cover.

A strong chest, a strong chest muscle, glowing with a healthy white halo under the light.

Mu Chuqing's gaze slipped involuntarily, skipping his gauze-wrapped waist, and the corner of the quilt was still on Sheng Yuchen's important part, but it could be faintly noticed that Sheng Yuchen was at least not wearing pants!

Mu Chuqing frowned tightly!

The white face was both annoyed and regretful.

What did she do?

Okay, why did she run into Sheng Yuchen's bed?

Moreover, she looked down at her smooth body that was covered by the quilt again, a little bit eager to cry without tears.

She racked her brains to think about it, but she couldn't remember it, and there was a cloud of mud in her mind.

In the morning, after breakfast...

Finished up...

Then I ran into Yun Xi, who was taken to the multifunctional lounge, drinking and chatting...


drink! !

Mu Chuqing closed her eyes in annoyance. She actually went to drink early in the morning, and she was still drunk and menacing.

and then?

She was drunk, so she climbed onto Sheng Yuchen's bed?

"I... what did we do?"

Mu Chuqing asked Sheng Yuchen with a trembling voice, but Sheng Yuchen raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"What do you mean? Men and women, lying on a bed, covered with a quilt, naked-body-naked-body, you say..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

Mu Chuqing held her forehead with one hand and interrupted Sheng Yuchen.

Annoyed, he picked up the clothes on the corner of the bed, thinking that since he did everything, he wouldn't have to hide it.

But as soon as he saw Sheng Yuchen's open-minded eyes, Mu Chuqing threw the things in his hands towards Sheng Yuchen.

"What to look at?!"

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