Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 406: Angry and crowned as a beauty (14)

However, when Sheng Yuchen was spinning her around, he caught a glimpse of a servant from the door of the villa hurriedly holding a mobile phone and ran towards them...

"Sir, the call from Mr. Zuo looks very urgent..."

A servant ran out holding the phone without paying attention to the occasion.

It's not that the servant didn't notice it, but Mr. Zuo on the phone, his tone was really horrible!

Suddenly interrupted by someone, Yaxing and the atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

Sheng Yuchen looked at the servant who didn't know what is good or bad with a gloomy face, and the coldness that radiated from his whole body was frightening.

But Mu Chuqing withdrew from Sheng Yuchen's arms, "Just answer the phone, if it is not an important matter, the left wing will not bother you easily!"

Sheng Yuchen glanced at Mu Chuqing, his face was a little slow, but the call turned cold.

"If it's not a big deal, you immediately die for me..."

"Boss! It's not good, often..."

A loud voice rang. When Sheng Yuchen heard the word "chang", he immediately turned off the speakerphone of the phone, raised his eyes and subconsciously glanced at Mu Chuqing, seeing that she was not looking at him, his eyes were cold. Gazed sharply at the servant beside him.

The servant hurriedly lowered her head and took a step back, thinking that she was too panic just now and accidentally touched the hands-free button.

Mu Chuqing was thinking about turning around to avoid taboos, but the left-wing voice was urgent and fast, and it was hands-free. She couldn't have heard it.

If it's not a big deal?

Then, Chang Chu's matter is not considered a big deal to him!

"What are you talking about?! Block the news for me right away, I'll go right away!"

Sheng Yuchen's voice suddenly remembered heavily. Mu Chuqing raised his eyes to look at him, and saw that his cold face was violent, his face twitched violently, and his voice was cold and terrifying.

Mu Chuqing faintly evoked a cold smile.

Why did she forget?

The slap he slapped Chang Chu last night doesn't tell everything.

The so-called depth of love, the utmost responsibility.

Isn’t that the case?

Sheng Yuchen hung up the phone, looked up at Mu Chuqing, and said anxiously: "I have an urgent matter to go out. Now the city is chaotic. You will stay here for now--"

Sheng Yuchen paused, then added:

"For Doudou!"

Mu Chuqing was expressionless and nodded.

Seeing Mu Chuqing returning to her previous cold look, Sheng Yuchen exhaled a long breath. He stretched out his hand to hold Mu Chuqing's shoulder, with a forbearing trill in his voice:

"Chuqing, you behave! Stay with me, otherwise, I really don't know what else I will do! Don't force me, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself by then!"

Mu Chuqing twisted her eyebrows and looked at Sheng Yuchen indifferently.

Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes were burning, and there was deep affection in his eyes when he looked at Mu Chuqing.

Mu Chuqing's hand on her side gradually tightened. Perhaps, she could not deny everything arbitrarily.

"It's Chang Chu..."

"No! Not Chang Chu..."

Sheng Yuchen knew what was the biggest obstacle between him and Mu Chuqing?

So when Mu Chuqing asked, he immediately rebutted.

Mu Chuqing looked up at him, her eyes filled with suspicion.

Not Chang Chu?

Then who was the "chang" that the leftist said on the phone just now?

Inquiring into the doubt in Mu Chuqing's eyes, Sheng Yuchen held Mu Chuqing's shoulders tightly, and drew her closer to herself.

"Chuqing, you believe me!"

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