Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 407: Angry and crowned as a beauty (15)

Mu Chuqing stared at the man in front of him, those Junjun faces were too sincere, and the dark eyes were filled with anxiety.

Mu Chuqing nodded gently, and she knew that she couldn't let go.

She couldn't overcome the injuries he gave her in the past, but she couldn't let go of the sweetness he gave her in the past, and she still had too much nostalgia for him.

Today she is a completely contradictory body, unable to forgive him, but unable to let him go.

She wavered countless times, lost countless times.

His head became increasingly chaotic, but he instinctively stretched out his hand and hugged Sheng Yuchen tightly.

Forget it!

Love is a complicated thing, too many people can't explain it, so why should she take it seriously.

Where is the logic of love?

She only knew that she wanted to be with this man, nothing more.

"Okay, I believe you!"

I believe you again!

Only believe this once!

Sheng Yuchen clearly noticed Mu Chuqing's softening, and he was too surprised to hold Mu Chuqing tightly in his arms, and gently kissed her lips.

"wait for me!"

"it is good……"

Mu Chuqing nodded docilely!

Sheng Yuchen smiled, took the car key handed over by the servant, and walked towards the garage.

The black Aston Martin slowly drove out of the garage, Sheng Yuchen shook the car horn at Mu Chuqing, and Mu Chuqing stood still and waved at Sheng Yuchen.

Watching the black car gradually disappear and merge into the night, Mu Chuqing slowly put down her hands, and the smile on her face gradually faded as the car drifted away.


Between the two of them, can you really go back in time?

I stood there for a while, and glanced at the dark night in the distance. There were no stars and no moon, so gloomy that made my heart breathless...


At Fucheng Hospital, Sheng Yuchen's car rushed in, and suddenly stopped at the entrance of the hospital.

Sheng Yuchen opened the car door and got out of the driver's seat.

The entrance of the hospital is already heavily guarded. Seeing Sheng Yuchen's figure, he straightened his body rigorously and salute Sheng Yuchen together.

Sheng Yuchen's face was cold, ignoring the salutes of the soldiers, strode up the steps of the hospital, and the left wing immediately greeted him, with a handsome face, and at this moment, it was also a solemn expression.

"Rescue is in progress! But the doctor has already issued a critical illness notice, I guess—"

"How about it?"

Sheng Yuchen's steps kept moving, and his voice was so cold.

The left wing gritted his teeth, bit his scalp, and said the unfinished words.

"It's probably—it won't survive!"

Sheng Yuchen's body shook fiercely, and his eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

I irritably pulled the tie between his neck, made a swallowing motion, and then raised his foot and walked quickly towards the emergency room.

The left wing followed closely, "Chang Yikuan saw the photo last night and was stimulated, causing a heart attack..."

Sheng Yuchen's steps became faster. When he arrived in the emergency room, the light in the emergency room just went out, the door of the emergency room opened, the doctor walked out, and the left wing greeted him.

"how about it?"

The doctor shook his head, "You can last up to an hour!"

The left wing looked at Sheng Yuchen, and the doctor also nodded at Sheng Yuchen and lifted his foot away.

Sheng Yuchen raised his head, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

A nurse pushed Chang Yikuan out of the emergency room.

"The patient is running out of time, go to the ward and listen to it!"


ps: I won't talk a lot about Lori first, and then make so many preparations just to prepare for the charges. [First explain, more than three months, 430,000 words, early tonight, to be on the shelves, that is, charge, five cents per thousand words, high QQ reading account level, there will be discounts, and monthly subscriptions will also be discounted! Then QQ members will also be discounted, in short, each card is up to five cents! Explosive chapter fifty]

Next, what should be said is still to be collected!

It’s an honor to let me meet the babies through this book. To be honest, this book has experienced too many setbacks. Because of the scum of the male protagonist, I have been sprayed by many readers. I won't talk about attacks. I couldn't stand it before, because it was the first time I encountered this kind of thing, I couldn't bear it for a while, the glass heart broke, and unnecessary tears flowed. However, thanks to your support and company, I can continue to persevere.

It’s worth mentioning that for the babies who can persist here, the word "moved" is definitely not just talking, really not talking, I know, because the male protagonist, there must be a lot of abandoned articles, so Said that you who insisted here are absolutely true love!’s babies must have years of reading experience, and so do I, but to be honest, Tencent’s books have their own style, except for Ye Zi’s books. See you!) So many other openings are all, so I won’t be specific. To be honest, for some books, I only took a look at the beginning, but whenever there is a particular place, beginning with the word "wine", and then a specific drug, pressing the back button is already a perfect match.

Therefore, I hope that the babies will also develop this good habit. If you don’t like it, discard the article and don’t read it, don’t leave some hurtful words in the comment area. It is not easy for every author. They are all engaged in writing work. You may not understand how sensitive the meaning of words is. Therefore, I don't like to click the cross silently and find the book I like again. Keep a little quality for yourself and give the author a dignity.

I am unlike others who say that half of the books are published in three months and they are on the shelves! I am not, I am four months! The editor doesn’t hurt, the website doesn’t love, it’s an unnamed author. I don’t know how many chapters were published in the early stage. When I changed the beginning thousands of times, and then stabilized, I had already passed the new book list. In the new book issue, it was removed from the new book list within a few days, and then it was recommended. Thanks to everyone, the popularity is very stable. Although it is not the best, I did not say that I am perfect. I am trying to improve myself. This book is undoubtedly a starting point for me. I have a private chat with a baby and I said that I must make all supporting actors happy, and I will work hard! I have never been a pessimist. In short, thank you all the babies for staying with me. I know that because of the charge, many babies must wave goodbye to Nan Nan. It’s okay. I can’t force this matter. I said you would give me one pack a day at most. Spicy strips, but if I ask for it, you don’t have to give it, right? haha, it's okay! We will make another appointment for free. i is very simple and simple. Those who stick to this are the ones who really love. I also believe that there are many babies who support Nannan. The babies who like Wenwen will always support me. Keep watching. After all, four months, how deep is the relationship? I write articles by myself all day, and I have too many things to say. The more I talk, the more messy I talk, so let’s stop here. I have already opened my hands for spicy noodles to you, let me see you guys...puff! What a fuck!


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